The cellmate got closer and started to aggressively wear Jeremiah his own uniform shirt.

Even though Jeremiah tried to fight back, the man's chaotic strength was just too much.

Within seconds, he was able to wear Jeremiah the uniform shirt.

Jeremiah was very confused. Why did his cellmate just switch their uniform shirts? He wondered, but wasn't given the time to think more about it because the man hurriedly grabbed his hands and started chanting something.

"Hey, let go!" Jeremiah yelled as he tried pulling his hands free, but was shocked to realize that his hands wouldn't budge.

He tried pulling his hands even harder, but still, the result was the same. Something that was beyond the cellmate's grip strength was keeping both of their hands together and Jeremiah had no idea what that was.

Panicking, Jeremiah looked at the cell door where he could still hear the strange type of knocking. He grimaced after realizing that it wasn't just regular knocking but rather sounded like a form of code.

However, he didn't care. To him, it meant that someone was there who could help him.

"Officer! Whoever is there, please come help me! This guy has gone crazy—!" Jeremiah yelled, but wasn't able to finish his sentence when his new cellmate's body started to convulse.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you—?" He asked, but started to feel the room shake like an earthquake was happening around him.

Next, the room started to spin and contort, causing Jeremiah to get dizzy and nauseous and a second later, he too started to convulse.

Both Jeremiah and his cellmate fell to the ground, hands still holding each other as their seizure continued until, finally, Jeremiah blacked out.

A couple of seconds later, the officers who were knocking on the door unlocked it and pulled it open.

They rushed into the cell only to find both cellmates passed out on separate parts of the floor.

"What happened here? Did they get into a fight and end up knocking each other out?" Asked one of the officers while his partner carefully and quietly assessed the situation.

"I heard a new inmate was assigned to this cell, and it's not uncommon for conflict to arise from both wanting to assert dominance—" he added, but was interrupted when the other officer finally spoke.

"I don't know if that's what happened and, honestly, I don't care. All I want to know is which one of these two is the guy we're looking for?" Said the other officer with an annoyed look on his face.

The first officer shrugged. "Your guess is as good as mine."

"We were told that the guy would come to the door after giving the signal but after doing it multiple times, he still didn't give his signal for us to open the door. Only for us to open the door anyway and find out that he is passed out here" the second officer complained, then smacked his tongue in annoyance.

The second officer placed his hands on his waist and huffed.

"We're running out of time. We're supposed to get him out of here before anyone notices, but how are we going to do that now that he's unconscious and getting him out of here will be a hassle?"

The first officer groaned, his demeanor expressing the same concerns as his partner.

The second officer looked at the two unconscious inmates on the floor again and an idea came to mind.

"You remember the uniform number they told us he would be wearing, right?" He asked.

The first officer's eyes widened as he snapped his fingers and nodded his head.

"That's right. I think it was number zero-one-one-one or one hundred and eleven" he replied.

"Alright. Let's check both of them and see which one is wearing that number. I'll go for the one who actually has his shirt on while you check the shirtless guy and the shirt on the floor next to him" said the second officer, and both of them separated to check both inmates.

"Found him!" the second officer said, then his partner came to him and the inmate he was crouching next to.

"Hmm, he's a lot younger than I thought" the first officer commented.

The second officer rolled his eyes. "You're not being paid to think but to get the job done. Come on, grab that arm, and let's take him out of here."

"Alright," the first officer replied, then grabbed the other arm and both of them raised the inmate.

"Give me the stuff we were told to use," the second officer said, stretching his hand out to his partner.

The first officer reached into his pocket and took out a brown sack.

"Here you go", he passed the sack to the second officer, and it was put over the inmate's head.

They covered the inmate's head because, even when he regained consciousness, he wouldn't and shouldn't be able to see anything.

"What about this other guy?" The first officer asked.

The second officer looked at the inmate, who was still unconscious on the floor, then he looked at his partner and frowned.

"What about him?"

"Shouldn't we help him out or something? What if he's seriously injured?"

The second officer grumbled.

"Look, we're on a tight schedule, so we don't have time to worry about a nobody, who isn't important to the mission. Also, didn't I already tell you that we have to get this done before anyone notices what's going on?" He asked, and the first officer remained quiet.

"Good. Now, focus on getting out of here with this log and leave that one to whoever comes to find him. You know what? He might even wake up a couple of minutes after we leave, so no need to worry and let's go."

They took the inmate out of the cell, closed the door, locked it and left like they were never there.

The moment the cell door was locked, the inmate left inside began to smile.

He took a deep breath and sighed.

"Finally, I can be at peace. Sorry, my friend, but the power is yours now. I hope you can forgive me for the curse that comes with such a blessing and I pray for the souls of your enemies because the voices will lead you to seek the unrighteousness path" he said then slowly turned to dust and vanished.