Chapter 1 Carry You in the Future

"Brother, this farewell, I don't know when to meet, as the so-called meeting hate, you and I have been working together for three months, but the love between you and me is that... That. "



"Hey, I don't understand anything else. "



Lin Fan looked at the buddy in front of him, and sighed helplessly, this is the third time he had said goodbye to himself, every time he just came over, he was full of pride, but after a few blows, he was completely depressed, and he didn't even have the desire to fight.



"Brother Lin, my brother is leaving, I am chased by the city management every day, I really can't stand it, this is all my belongings, and it can be regarded as a part of my brother's heart. "



The guy stuffed a burden into Lin Fan's hand, and then hugged his fists, "Brother, the green mountains don't change, the green water flows forever, and the younger brother is gone." "





After the young man said this, he opened the door with a resolute look and walked away.



"Xiaofeng, where are you going?" Lin Fan stood at the door, looking at the back.



"Dongguan. "



"What do you think you're doing there? The economy is sluggish. "Due to the crackdown, there is a serious loss of personnel, and many industries are depressed.



"Sell yourself. "Xiao Fengtou didn't look back, his mind was decided.



"You're a man. Lin Fan shouted, this Xiaofeng won't be sick in his brain, a man sells a hairy body.



"Just because I'm a man, and it's the Great Depression there, there are business opportunities, so don't let my brother say goodbye, and when I get rich, I'll come back and take you to fly. "



Gradually..., The figure disappeared from Lin Fan's eyes.



"Hey, this Nima has to be alone again, but it's not right, Xiaofeng, you didn't even leave a number, you got rich, why did you come back and take me to fly." Lin Fan hurriedly chased out, but where was Xiaofeng's figure, and in the end he could only shake his head and return to the house with a monthly rent of four hundred.



Looking at the room of only a few square meters, Lin Fan felt uncomfortable, he knew that he shouldn't have gone to that pheasant university, and it was more profitable to learn technology from high school than to sell finger cakes now.



"Forget it, but Xiaofeng still has a little conscience, and knows to keep some thoughts and see if there are any good things. "





"I'm your second uncle. "



Suddenly, there was a shocking sound of angry scolding from the small rental house.



More than a dozen magazines were placed in front of Lin Fan, and there were a few white paper IOUs, next to this white paper IOU, there was a letter, and the cover of this letter looked like it had passed through several hands.



Brother Lin, pro-Qi.



"Brother Lin, when you see this letter, the little brother is probably just leaving, but you don't have to persuade me to go back, I have made up my mind to go to Dongguan, the devil has abused me for three months, I don't remember the devil, quietly I left, just as I came quietly, I waved my sleeves, don't take away a cloud, these IOUs will be given to you, but rest assured, Benfeng is not a person who does not repay the debt, and when I become a Dongguan tycoon, I will be a thousand times, ten thousand times repaid. "



"These magazines are my favorites, and I'll give them to my brother today, so I'll see you later. "





Lin Fan looked at this pile of lace magazines and was dumbfounded for a while.



"This kid eats me, borrows me, and finally leaves a bunch of magazines, this dog's Xiaofeng, don't be caught by me in the future, forget it, some are better than nothing, just see what is good. "




Page by page.



"Yes, this leg is good-looking. "



"Oh, this woman is too beautiful, but it's too unclean to shoot these magazines if she is so beautiful. "



Time passed minute by minute, and one impurity after another was thrown aside by Lin Fan after reading it, until the last one.



"What's the situation? The cover is so tempting, there is not even a ghost in it, and the print is so thick, this is a trick. All the first dozen magazines were praised, but this last magazine made Lin Fan unhappy.



Why do you choose such an attractive beauty for the cover?



Is this to dig a hole to lure people in, and finally make people crazy?





Lin Fan lay on the bed, grabbed the magazine in his hand, and looked at the girl on the cover, not to mention anything else, this girl was really beautiful.



Gradually, Lin Fan's eyelids moved, hung down, and fell asleep.



Jingle bells!



Suddenly, the old Apple 4 burst out, and Lin Fan, who was frightened, shuddered and opened his eyes directly.



"It's time to get out of the stall, it's already half past four, the primary school students are going to get out of school, and there is no place if they go late. "



After graduating from the pheasant university, Lin Fan came to the magic capital, originally ambitious and ambitious, to break out of the world, but the cruel reality hit Lin Fan unwanted.



In the two years since graduation, Lin Fan has also been to many companies and done many jobs, but as if he was unlucky, each job did not last long.



In the first company, the boss ran away with the second wife, and the boss sold the company in a fit of anger, and the two months of wages owed also flew.



In the second job, Lin Fan was very happy, and the boss and his wife were very good, but one day, the boss and his wife called Lin Fan into the office and secretly told Lin Fan about a big business.



Invest 3,000, and return 500 a month, the more you invest, the more you return.



When Lin Fan heard it at first, he was immediately happy, there was such a good doorway, seeing that the boss and his wife had voted, Lin Fan was naturally happy to vote, and waited for the money to fly automatically.



But after two months, Lin Fan found that something was wrong, and he was especially Amway.



When Lin Fan wanted to tell the boss to quit and return the money, he found that the boss had invested his entire belongings and had no money.



At that moment, Lin Fan understood the first truth of life.



High education does not mean a high IQ, these two months' salary is gone, and we don't want to continue to be pitted.



Later, Lin Fan used the only money he had saved to start a small stall business and sell finger cakes.



But don't say it, it's quite profitable, For six yuan a finger cake, you can earn several yuan, sometimes customers are extravagant, then you can earn more.



The only trouble is that he is always chased by the city management, and sometimes he is confiscated, and he has to spend hundreds of dollars to redeem it, but he feels sorry for Lin Fan.



Now that Xiaofeng is gone, he will have to rely on himself in the future.



"Hey, why is this magazine still stuck in my hand? When Lin Fan got up and was about to put on his shoes, he found that the magazine in his hand was stuck in his hand like this, and he couldn't shake it off.



"Xiaofeng won't be glued on this dog day. "



When Lin Fan just wanted to tear open the magazine with force, a cold metallic sound sounded in Lin Fan's ears, and the magazine stuck to his hand suddenly disappeared.



"Ding: Complete the binding requirements, and don't let go of the blank magazine for six hours. "



"Activate the strongest encyclopedia in history. "



"Since the host is the first user, the content related to the host's current occupation is hereby unsealed. "



"Page 1: God-level finger cakes. "



"God-level finger cake. "



"Grade: God level. "



"Delicious evaluation: the world's food, lingering. "



"Trigger Quest: Famous, no time limit. "



"Task Complete: Randomly open the second page of encyclopedic knowledge. Reward: 10 encyclopedia points. "



At this time, Lin Fan was stunned, standing motionless for ten minutes, and still hadn't reacted to what was going on.



Lin Fan pinched his face and pinched his thighs again, feeling that all this was so real.






Lin Fan recalled it in his heart, and suddenly, Lin Fan was stunned and found that there was a magazine as thick as a mountain in his mind.



The cover is no longer the beauty, but a few golden big characters "Encyclopedia".




When the cover is lifted, the first page is no longer blank, but illustrated and lifelike, with golden words densely written on it.



"Is this a dream or what? Forget it, even if it's a dream, you have to sell finger cakes. "



In a daze, Lin Fan pushed the cart out of the compound.



"Xiaofan, it's so late today. "



When they left the compound, a group of aunts were preparing to go out to pick up their grandson back.



"Yes. "



Lin Fan nodded and continued to push the cart into the distance.



"Hey, Xiao Fan is not willing to give up today, it won't be a broken love, right?"



"It's okay to fall out of love, didn't you hear that your daughter is thirty? "



"What nonsense? Although my daughter is thirty, she can't look down on this poor white boy, go and pick up your grandson, my daughter has more people chasing her. "



"Haha.... "



The laughter of a group of aunts and demons spread around.