The Decision

Chapter Eighty-Six:


Cullen Village Ruin


"We don't know anything now so we had better do a diligent investigation on our own." Brennan suddenly decided and I couldn't stop them anymore so I just let them go.


"I promise to find the Azaba Jar." I spoke.


"Do whatever you can just to find that jar. Because it was our only thing that can save us all," Harkan answered before they all left my palace.


"Princess Navin." But one person left behind.


"Why are you still not leaving Galdur?"


"Because I wanted to talk to you privately." He sounds so serious that took my attention.


"You sound so serious what do you want to talk about?"


"About the daughter of the chosen," he answered. "Because I know you know who she is."


"Yes, I know." Because the only one who knows about the reincarnation of the sibling of the destruction is only me and including the brother of the chosen one that will give birth to the reincarnation of our only hope. "Why do you want to know who she is? What are you—no! Don't tell me you want to…" I pauses my words since he knows what I'm saying.


"Indeed. I want to kill her before 'The Joker' strikes. That way we can save everyone and this world too."


"No, you cannot."


"Yes, I can." He exclaimed. "Just tell me who she is and besides she's also known as the 'Maiden's Grail' and they all believe that her blood gives more strength and power if they let her blood flow at the center of the Manu Kingdom and doing that it can kill her right away. It will also end of 'The Curse' one before his consciousness comes back."


"Gingna talbru an nga yongi sipii-pag Galdur. Ta dihin koa yagpagkakama as sipinii om."


"Sam longla dihin koa yagpagkakama an yam mga tengsennoi haybu nga lawama." He seriously replied. "And I will do anything just to get to know who that woman was."




"Duratus." He casted a spell that made me freezes.


"No! Don't do this." I spoke.


"I will." He answered and was about to approached me when suddenly Atlas came in and saved me.




"No!" Galdur screamed.


"Abite." And Galdur was sent out of the palace. "Princess…"


"I'm fine." I answered.


Reinhardt's Residence


"Because I know who was 'The Joker' and I'll tell you about him."


Suddenly Brennan came in and we really don't expect him to straightly come right here. But it would have been better so that Kieran would not have insisted on going to the Edelweiss Kingdom just to find the book that Medea said.


"Elder Brennan." Kieran said. "What do you know about 'The Joker'?"


"He is a destroyer." Brennan answered but it doesn't make sense.


If what Medea told me earlier is the truth then I think I am sure Brennan knows that but the question now is why does he want to hide the truth? Well, I couldn't blame him I also hiding the other information that was Medea given to me. I really don't know why I choose not to tell to my brother about the 'Maiden's Grail' and yet I could not deny the fact that I wish he would not know about that.


"A destroyer?" Kieran asked.


"Yes, indeed."


"If so, what does he want to my brother? Why did he have to take Kanik to somewhere, what was his intention to do?"


"I don't know and the only person who can answer that question is… you Kanik." Brennan looks at me. "What did he say to you when you met him?"


I don't know if I'll tell them what 'The Joker' told me or I'll just choose not to say it because if I'm the one to be asked, he didn't really say anything important. Well, I think I should just disregard the latter and just told them what 'The Joker' told me.


"He just told me that he wanted to tell me a story." I finally said what 'The Joker' told to me. "And he also said that if I want to know that story then I spare some time to talk to him. If he shows up again," I answered. Because knowing that he was the reason why the explosion happened then maybe right at this moment he won't let me meet him.


"It would be better not--"


"I want to know what story he is telling." Suddenly Kieran answered that cuts off Brennan. "So you better ask to meet him again. Just do that." He added.


"No!" Brennan exclaimed that surprised us both.


"Why?" Kieran asked irritably.


"Because he is the destruction and the only thing he wants to happen, is destruction. And if Kanik talks to him again, I'm sure something bad will happen by the time they face each other."


"What are you talking about?! If we don't let Kanik talk to him then we won't know what he wants to say. So, just let them talk and--"


"No!" Brennan firmly answered. "And what I said is final."


Is it really just that I'm not in front of them? Why don't they just ask me rather than to fight each other about that? I can decide on my own, right? Oh, well I can speak up whenever I want to.


"I'll go and talk to him." I decided that the both of them look at me surprisingly.






They both answered in unison that I just take a deep breath. "Alright, Elder Brennan I decided not just because Kieran ask me to but because this is what I really want. I want to know what he wants to say. And that is my final answer." I am determined to answer.


Brennan takes a very deep breath before he answered. "Do you know what you are saying?"


"Yes, indeed. And I will do everything just to face him especially he was the one who caused the explosion here in the mansion. I won't let him go just like that." I firmly stated.


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