Three wives!

Qingzhu Mountain is not a mountain, but a mountain range covered with crystal clear green bamboos.

After entering the mountain, Lu Changsheng could clearly feel that the air was much fresher and more moist.

There are mountain streams and kingfishers singing, and you can see terraced fields cultivated on some hillsides, where cereals and vegetables are grown, making it like a paradise.

The Lu family built villages and manors all over the mountains.

Lu Changsheng and other immortal seedlings were settled in the surrounding Qingzhu Villa.

"There is a first-order spiritual vein under this Qingzhu Villa. From now on, you will live here and practice with peace of mind."

"You can rest assured. As long as you fulfill the conditions you agreed upon before, you can leave the Lu family or stay in the Lu family if you want."

"Uncle Fu, please settle them down."

Lu Yuanding left after briefly explaining a few words.

"I am the manager of Qingzhu Villa. You can also call me Uncle Fu. Follow me now."

Uncle Fu is an old man with gray hair and a slightly stooped body.

After introducing himself, he took everyone to go through the formalities and introduced some situations of Qingzhu Villa.

Qingzhu Villa is very big. Apart from them, the Lu family's own immortal seedlings live and practice here.

But they are basically collateral children with average talents.

If you are talented, you will basically live in the core area of Qingzhu Mountain, where there is a second-level spiritual vein and the spiritual energy is more intense.

Along the way, everyone saw many children of the Lu family.

These people also looked at Lu Changsheng and others curiously, as if looking at monkeys, with a bit of contempt and arrogance in their eyes.

Regarding this, Lu Changsheng was quite calm.

To put it nicely, they are children of foreign races who have married into the family.

To put it bluntly, they are here to breed.

However, through observation, he could see that the Lu family's children, both male and female, were pretty good-looking.

This also gave him some peace of mind about the subsequent 'breeding'.

You're already here to be a bride-to-law and have a baby, why don't you want the woman to look better?

Lu Changsheng admitted that he was a pretty guy.

An hour later.

Under the arrangement of Uncle Fu, Lu Changsheng and others signed a marriage contract, obtained identity plates, received immortality cultivation techniques, and allocated a place to live.

The residence is a private courtyard, covering an area of almost 200 square meters. It has a pavilion and a loft, and everything is complete.

Lu Changsheng sat on the big bed in his room and took out the immortal cultivation technique.

"Return to Yuan Gong"

As soon as I opened the Dharma book, an old man in gray robe suddenly appeared, struck a pose, and began to explain how to practice in great detail.

"As expected of a method of cultivating immortals, it actually has the function of imaging."

Lu Changsheng couldn't help but look at the booklet in his hand, but he didn't see the reason why the book showed human figures and made sounds. It felt very magical.

Later, he began to try to practice according to the instructions of the figure on the book of law.

After trying for a long time, Lu Changsheng finally entered the state. His mind was clear and he could feel the colorful aura around him.

Knowing that you have completed the first step, sensing the aura, and then trying to introduce the aura into your body.

Under his control, the spiritual energy slowly gathered towards him and entered his body through the pores all over his body.

This process is very slow, and after the spiritual energy is inhaled into the body, it needs to travel for a week before leaving a ray of spiritual energy in the Dantian air sea.

As the spiritual energy circulates, it also nourishes the flesh, blood, meridians, and bones of the human body, slowly expelling impurities from the body, thereby cleansing the marrow and cutting bones.

The night passed.

"Is this the ninth grade spiritual root?"

"At this rate, if I want to break through to the first level of Qi refining, it will take me years of the monkey, horses and months."

Lu Changsheng smiled bitterly when he saw the cool breath in his Dantian Qihai.

This is still practicing in a place with spiritual veins.

If there is no spiritual vein, the speed will be even slower.

At this moment, Lu Changsheng also had a profound understanding of the difficulty of cultivating immortality.

"Phew! It seems we can only rely on the system."

Lu Changchang took a breath.

I know that it is simply unrealistic to practice hard on your own, so you can only rely on the system.

"I wonder when the Lu family will arrange for a wife?"

Lu Changsheng thought.

"Ding ding ding!"

Just then, the bell rang in the yard.

Someone is coming.

Lu Changsheng walked out of the room and opened the courtyard door.

"Lu Changsheng, our Lu family has arranged a dust-washing banquet to receive the wind and wash away the dust for you. You come with me."

At the door, Fu Bo said aloud.

Behind him, there were already other immortal seedlings.

"Catch the wind and wash away the dust?"

Hearing this Jie Feng Washing Chen, Lu Changsheng had a vague guess in his mind, nodded and said: "Okay."

Afterwards, Uncle Fu called all the twelve immortal seedlings and brought them to a spacious and elegant hall in Qingzhu Villa.

There was no one else inside, only twelve seats were arranged, and wine and food were arranged on them.

After everyone took their seats, not long after, a young woman named Yan, who was thin and fat, came in and entered the hall.


Seeing these women, Lu Changsheng immediately knew that he had guessed correctly.

This dust-washing banquet is to arrange the 'breeding'.

There were fifty or sixty women entering the hall, all of them good-looking.

Although there are no women as stunning as Lu Miaoge, there are still many beauties who are no worse than some internet celebrities in previous lives.

These women were obviously well prepared and dressed up, with different facial expressions.

Some are petite and cute in appearance;

Some have no make-up and are gentle and elegant;

Some have eyebrows like Qingfeng, are dressed in powerful clothes, and have a heroic appearance;

Some palace costumes are decorated with flowers, and the black hair is coiled up, which is dignified and generous;

There are also some whose faces are as cold as icebergs; their figures are graceful and charming; they are dressed in hazy gauze, long legs and high heels, charming and seductive, etc.

It can be said that with so many models, there is always one that will make your heart beat.

"There's something in this handwriting!"

Lu Changsheng looked at the boundlessly beautiful Yingying Yanyan in front of him and admired in his heart.

I think the Lu family is really kind in this regard, so I can't say anything.

It is indeed a serious cultivating family!

"These are all outstanding women from our Qingzhu Lu family. They are not only knowledgeable and courteous, dignified and virtuous, but also proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. They are all innocent."

"Today, they will take care of you all."

"You can choose the person you like, and I will arrange the wedding for you."

Fu Bo said.

After saying that, he left the main hall, leaving only the twelve Lu Changsheng people and a group of Lu family women.

There was no need for Lu Changsheng and others to take the initiative, these women came to each seat on their own initiative.

Although they are secular women of the Lu family, most of them are also descendants of immortal cultivators.

There is no compulsion when coming here, everyone comes voluntarily.

Thinking of choosing a favorite fairy seedling and giving birth to a child with spiritual roots, the mother will be more valuable than the child in the future.

Therefore, the initiative in this reception and cleansing feast lies more in their hands.

Lu Changsheng was born in a farmer's family, and his appearance was ordinary.

Including the ninth-grade spiritual roots, only three women came to him.

He didn't care about this and just hugged them all.

People must know how to be content.

Three is almost enough.

And these three girls are pretty good.

One looks innocent and cute, with a playful personality.

One looks pure and cute with a bit of charm, giving people a pure and lustful feeling.

There is also a person with a gentle face, a gentle personality, and the scholarly aroma of a lady.

The faces and looks of the two girls in front are still similar, so they should be sisters.

That's it!

If I could find three wives like this in my previous life, my ancestors' graves would be filled with smoke.

Compared to Lu Changsheng's initiative, the other eleven people were relatively repulsive.

Like Li Feiyu, because of his heroic appearance and seventh-grade spiritual roots, seven girls took the initiative to approach him.

But he only chose one woman from Xiaojiabiyu and waved away the others.

An hour later.

The feast of welcoming the wind and washing the dust is over.

Everyone has chosen their 'sweetheart'.

Except for Lu Changsheng who chose three, the others only chose one or two.

They still have thoughts about cultivating immortals.

Just because I signed a contract with the Lu family, I chose one person temporarily.

Thinking that if you succeed in cultivation in the future, you will be able to change your identity.

Later, under the arrangement of Fu Bo, twelve people held a banquet wedding on the same day.

Everything about the wedding is simple, and after finishing the process, you enter the bridal chamber.


"Husband x3!"

In the bridal chamber, Lu Changsheng looked at the three charming ladies with different styles in front of him and closed the bed curtain.

This year, Lu Changsheng was eighteen years old and married three wives.

The most beautiful lady is called Lu Lanshu.

The pure and charming one is called Lu Zier.

The innocent and cute one is called Lu Qinger.

They are a pair of sisters.