Immortal posture technique!

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill "Xianzi Jue"! ]

[The reward has been distributed to the system space, and the host can view it at any time]

The pattern of a crystal jade book appeared, along with the system prompt sound.

"Xianzi Jue?"

Lu Changsheng looked at the reward and frowned slightly.

Why does this name sound weird?

His mind moved slightly, and he checked the "Xianzi Jue" in the system space.

Immediately a stream of information emerged.

"Everything in the world has beauty and ugliness. Human appearance, appearance, voice, and color are all inherent in beauty and ugliness, but everyone has the right to pursue beauty."

"The name of this method is 'The Art of Immortal Posture', and it aims to allow everyone in the world to pursue the peerless immortal posture!"

[Kung Fu: Immortal Posture Technique]

[Grade: side door level]

[Explanation: In ancient times, there was a stunningly talented and beautiful man, known as the "Old Man Crying from the Heavens". Because he was born ugly and disgusting, he suffered a lot of blindness during his spiritual practice. Therefore, he worked hard and with great wisdom and perseverance, created the "immortal posture" Jue'. Practicing this method can improve the beauty and ugliness of the face, white bones under the skin, appearance and appearance, enhance charm, and maintain youth forever. ]


Lu Changsheng was speechless after seeing the information introduction about this technique.

I didn't expect that in my second lottery draw, I would get such a useless skill.

After practicing the Xianzi Jue, it has no other effect except making people look better, sound better, enhance their temperament and charm, and stay youthful forever.

Lu Changsheng really didn't know what to say.

No matter what kind of skill you give me, would it be better than this one?

"What kind of boring person would it take to create such a useless skill?"

"It's really a waste of a side-level skill."

Lu Changsheng shook his head and sighed, feeling very sorry.

According to his understanding, in the world of cultivating immortals, skills are divided into: elementary, advanced, exquisite, side sect, and authentic level.

The Hui Yuan Gong he practiced was a low-level immortal cultivation technique.

The Lu family's core technique is said to be an advanced technique.

Now I have obtained a side-level skill book.

A technique that was two levels higher than the Lu family's core technique turned out to be an auxiliary technique that was not helpful in cultivation or combat.

This made Lu Changsheng very uncomfortable and felt like vomiting.

"Well, although it's useless, it can't be said to be completely useless."

"At least it has the effect of lasting youth, and the person is handsome and charming. It is easy to make her feel good. There are many advantages."

"I remember a game about cultivating immortals that I played in my previous life. There was a gameplay in it called 'Renfanliu', where you were good-looking and then became a rich boss."

"If I can find a fairy who is thousands of years older than me in the future, the road to immortality will be smooth in the future."

Lu Changsheng took a deep breath and began to comfort himself.

Then, with a slight movement of mind, he used the technique directly and passed it on.

Immediately, detailed information about the Immortal Posture Jue and its cultivation methods poured into Lu Changsheng's mind.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it turns out that it's so difficult to be ugly. No wonder the old man who is crying today wants to create such a skill."

After thoroughly comprehending the technique and understanding it, Lu Changsheng sighed.

According to the records in this book, people's appearance is divided into seven levels: disgusting, ugly, weird, ordinary, outstanding, extraordinary, and fairy.

And the appearance of the founder, 'Old Man Crying from Heaven', is ugly and disgusting.

This also caused him to suffer a lot from the supercilious look on his way to cultivation and growth.

After all, this kind of appearance makes people think that he doesn't look like a good person at first glance.

Not only are people usually reluctant to interact with him, but if something bad happens, they will easily become suspicious of him.

There were even some Yangou who thought he was too ugly and were offended, so they directly killed him.

It is simply a big tragic word.

In Lu Changsheng's last life and this life, not to mention how outstanding he was in appearance, but he was not ugly either.

Therefore, it is difficult to understand the determination of 'Old Man Crying in Heaven' to create this technique.

But after studying the exercises and knowing the creator's psychological experience, I can understand a little bit.

"Fortunately, you don't have to put much thought into practicing this technique, and it won't delay your practice."

"Otherwise, given my current situation, it would be unwise to spend time and energy practicing such a technique."

Lu Changsheng took a breath and prepared to practice this Immortal Posture Technique.

Although he has no obsession with his appearance, if he can be more handsome and remain youthful forever, why not do it.

After someone becomes handsome, there might be some 'fairy' who will take the initiative to back him up in the future.

What's more, there is an old saying in the past life, what comes comes comes.

Now that the skills have been drawn, wouldn't it seem like a loss if you don't practice?

The main reason is that this technique is very simple to practice, and there are two ways to practice it.

One is to absorb spiritual energy through meditation, allowing the spiritual energy to circulate in the body, slowly modifying and improving the defects and flaws in the body's appearance.

Another cultivation method is to build the foundation with the essence of five elements materials such as spiritual gold, spiritual wood, spiritual water, spiritual fire, and spiritual earth.

In this way, you don't have to practice by yourself. The essence of the Five Elements in the body will make the exercises run automatically, baptize the body, and improve one's own condition.

To put it bluntly, as time goes by, people will continue to become more handsome.

Moreover, there are no requirements for the essence of the Five Elements Materials. Ordinary first- and second-level spiritual materials are sufficient. No heavenly materials, earthly treasures, or rare spiritual objects are required.

Only the higher the quality of the material, the better the effect.

However, Lu Changsheng could only use the first method for the time being.

Because he couldn't afford first-level spiritual materials.

Immediately, Lu Changsheng began to practice the Immortal Posture Technique.

One night passed, and the next day, Lu Changsheng looked at himself in the mirror.

Although he looked exactly the same as before, he always felt that he had become a lot more handsome.

After looking at it for half a quarter of an hour, Lu Changsheng stopped looking.

He is self-aware and knows that this is an illusion.

Just like every time I finish running, I feel like I have lost weight.

Moreover, although this Immortal Posture Technique is a side-level skill, it is not that magical.

It's not like you can transform from being ugly and disgusting to being immortal after practicing cultivation.

Just by practicing this technique, a person's appearance, bones, skin, etc. will all be improved silently and for the better.

When the modification reaches a certain level and reaches its own limit, it will no longer be effective.

It doesn't mean that there are many levels. If you cultivate to a certain level, you will become an immortal.

If there is a standard for the peerless immortal appearance, and all the cultivation techniques are developed in this direction, wouldn't it be made from the same template?

That group of people who practice Kung Fu all look the same and look so embarrassed.

That's not worthy of being called a fairy.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, more than a month has passed.

Since his talent for making talismans was revealed, his life has become much more comfortable, and Lu Changsheng's overall physical and mental condition is also good.

So in this month, with a little effort, one of the two maids who had not yet been taken as a concubine was successfully pregnant.

Thinking that when both of them were pregnant, Uncle Fu would send a girl over again, Lu Changsheng didn't wait for Uncle Fu to take the initiative to send someone over, so he took the initiative to go to Uncle Fu to explain the matter of taking a concubine.

After all, making talismans or something like that is almost enough.

Marrying a wife, keeping concubines and making children is the way to go.

Through two system draws, Lu Changsheng also tasted the benefits.

Uncle Fu learned about Lu Changsheng's purpose and fell silent after hearing Lu Changsheng's words.

Even after a year and a half, other immortal seedlings are still a little repelled by such things as marrying a wife and having children.

But Lu Changsheng not only did not reject her, he also took the initiative to take a concubine, which made him unable to deal with it.

But after a moment of silence, he agreed.

After asking Lu Changsheng what type he liked, he said that he would send two to him later.

But he said that including these two, he has already married nine people, so there will be no more in the future and he cannot marry again.

And because of Lu Changsheng's talent in making talismans, Uncle Fu also gave some words of advice.

Ask Lu Changsheng not to be too obsessed with women, but to focus more on Fu Dao.

Because of Lu Changsheng's talent for making talismans and his background as a farmer, he has performed very well in the past year and a half. The Lu family has already intended to recruit Lu Changsheng as one of their own.

Whether you have fifty children or not is not that important.

If at this time, Lu Changsheng ruins himself because he is addicted to women and delays his official career, it will be difficult for him as a manager to account for it.

Lu Changsheng naturally agreed to this.

I think nine is about the same.

If one is born a year, nine can be born in a year.

Ten days later, Uncle Fu sent Lu Changsheng two young women from the Lu family, who were the concubines he had promised to him.

At the same time, four old ladies were also sent to serve Lu Changsheng and his family, wash, cook and take care of the children.

Lu Changsheng sighed deeply when he saw four old ladies in their forties or fifties.

I feel like I've been offended.

The maids and maids who used to be sent to serve people were all young girls, but now they are old women.

It seems that they are really the last two.