Go home, return!

After staying at Red Whale Gang for two days, Lu Changsheng set off back to his hometown.

Li Feiyu brought two people with him.

Because Lu Changsheng planned to settle down his family, he went directly to Ruyi County and then returned to Qingzhu Mountain.

Li Feiyu naturally went back with him.

Bringing two people will make it easier for Lu Changsheng's family to settle down when the time comes.

"I wonder how my parents are doing since I've been away from home for three years."

After embarking on the journey home, Lu Changsheng couldn't help but feel a bit sentimental and shy about being close to home.

After all, this is his home where he has lived for eighteen years.

Even if he awakens the memory of his past life, the past eighteen years are still part of his life.

Six days later.

A carriage traveling on a bumpy, loess road arrived at a small mountain village.

There is a stone pier at the entrance of the village with the words "Woniu Village" written on it.

Lu Changsheng looked at the familiar scene in his memory, stopped the carriage outside the village, and walked quickly into the village alone.

No one was seen at the entrance of the village, but there was the sound of joyful musical instruments in the distance. Lu Changsheng guessed that a certain family was doing something festive, and everyone in the village was joining in the fun and having a banquet.

He walked towards his home.

Listening to the increasingly clear sounds of musical instruments, he paused in his heart and quickened his pace.

Immediately I saw a tile-roofed house with two courtyards surrounded by a fence in front of me.

The houses are surrounded by large letters with the character '囍', and tables are placed inside and outside the courtyard. Many villagers are standing, squatting, or sitting here chatting.

Some people were beating gongs and trumpets, and many children were playing and having fun.

"Is this, my little brother getting married?"

Lu Changsheng looked at the courtyard in front of him, looking at this extremely familiar place where he had lived for eighteen years, and felt slightly in a trance.

He is the third child in the family, with an older sister and a brother, and a younger sister and a younger brother.

His younger brother is five years younger than him and is now sixteen years old, almost old enough to get married.

"Master, who are you here for?"

At this time, a woman with rough and dark skin saw Lu Changsheng coming, looked here, and came over to ask with her child in her arms.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Lu Changsheng felt a surge of emotion in his heart.

After a moment of silence, he said in a hoarse voice: "Sister, I am Changsheng."

The woman in front of him was Lu Changsheng's eldest sister.


When the woman heard this, she looked at the young man in front of her who looked like a noble prince in disbelief.

Then he looked at this picture carefully. His face was similar to that of his younger brother who had been away from home for three years and had no news at all. His eyes were a little moist, and his voice suddenly choked with sobs: "Changsheng, you are Changsheng!"

"Where have you been, Changsheng? You haven't come back for the past three years. Do you know how worried your parents are about you?"

"It's good to come back, it's good to come back, Lunzi, this is your uncle, your second uncle."

The woman wiped her wet eyes with her cuffed hands, muttered, and said happily to the two or three-year-old child in her arms.

Then he wanted to reach out to Lu Changsheng to enter the house, but he seemed to be afraid that he would stain Lu Changsheng's clothes, so he took back the hand he just extended.

Xiang Lu Changsheng said, "Today happens to be Changqing's happy day. I'll go tell my father and mother."

With that said, he hugged the child, walked quickly into the yard, and shouted loudly: "Dad, mother, Changsheng is back."

"Immortality? Who is this?"

"It's Old Man Lu's third son, the one who suddenly disappeared three years ago."

"I've always thought that kid was weird since he was a child. How come he's back after not seeing him for three years?"

"It looks nothing like before."

"Yes, he has tender skin and tender flesh. He looks more noble than the young master in the city."

When other villagers heard this movement, they also looked at Lu Changsheng at the door and started talking about it.

After a while, the woman walked out of the house with two old men with gray hair, weathered faces and neatly dressed clothes, and looked at Lu Changsheng in the courtyard.

Lu Changsheng also looked at the two old men.

In three years, his parents had aged far beyond his imagination.

He opened his mouth slightly and shouted with trembling lips: "Father, mother!"

On this day, something happened in Woniu Village that shocked everyone.

At Old Man Lu's house, the third child who had disappeared for three years returned home.

Originally, this kind of thing naturally had nothing to do with the other villagers. They could only chat for a while after dinner.

But after the third son of the Lu family returned home, he set up hundreds of tables for his brother's wedding.

It took more than half a month to give it back to Old Man Lu's family, and all his brothers and sisters built big houses and purchased fields.

Let the original old man Lu directly become a member of the Communist Party of China.

Even the villagers in Wolong Village received a lot of happy money.

This incident is enough to make Woniu Village talk about it for decades.

Lu Changsheng, who was talked about by everyone, left Woniu Village with Li Feiyu after staying in his hometown for a day and returned to Ruyi County.

"Why are you leaving so quickly? Why don't you stay for a while?"

On the official road, Li Feiyu looked at Lu Changsheng aside and asked.

"There is nothing left to live in. They are fine and have a worry-free future, so I feel relieved."

Lu Changsheng shook his head, looked at the blue sky, and said calmly.

After three years of separation, I embarked on a completely different path from ordinary people.

Now when I return home, my parents and family look at me with a bit of strangeness and awe.

Therefore, after settling his parents and family, he chose to leave directly without much concern in his heart.

Nine days later.

Ruyi County City.

Outside the city gate.

"Brother Hong, there's no need to send me away anymore. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. See you soon!"

"See you later!"

Lu Changsheng and Li Feiyu held the spirit pony and said goodbye to Hong Yi.

"See you soon. I wish you two fellow Taoists a lasting immortality!"

Hong Yi clasped his fists and saluted.

He looked a little more energetic than before.

A few days ago, he showed the thirteen talismans given to him by Lu Changsheng to his father, Marquis Ruyi.

It means that one of his friends has become a Talisman Master and can stably trade Talismans with the Hou Mansion in the future.

When his father heard this, he saw that Hong Yi had obtained the talisman without paying the spirit stone, and believed Hong Yi's words.

He praised him vigorously, asked him to have a good relationship with Lu Changsheng, and entrusted him with some affairs in the Hou Mansion.

This made Hong Yi extremely happy, and he felt a little more energetic.

Lu Changsheng and Li Feiyu also bowed in return, then mounted their spiritual horses and set off on their journey.

After walking for a while, Li Feiyu said, "I think Hong Yi seems to be more enthusiastic about you."

"Although Hong Yi was born in the Hou family, he is just a concubine and his life is not that good."

"If he befriends me as a Talisman Master, it should help to improve his status in the mansion."

Lu Changsheng naturally knew the reason.

When he came back to retrieve the spirit horse this time, Hong Yi sent fifteen spirit stones and the talisman money from before.

He also said that because of this incident, he was praised by his father Ruyihou.

I hope that if Lu Changsheng wants to sell talismans to others in the future, he can be given priority.

Lu Changsheng naturally nodded in response to these words.

I also felt that I could consider selling some of the talismans through Hong Yi.

Otherwise, with so many talismans on his body, it would be troublesome to take action if he didn't have the strength.

"Yes, it's too difficult to make money and cultivate immortality in the secular world."

Li Feiyu also sighed with emotion.

After the two chatted for a while, they walked onto the official road and hurried on as hard as they could.