The three team watch and rotation

It attracted the attention of all the villagers, and the blacksmiths and miners were the most fervent.

They had rushed to the cave to explore for themselves, and they had all come to the same conclusion: the cave was a small iron mine with hundreds of tons of iron ores. 

Gresvin was startled but gleeful at the same time. It seemed they were fortunate; the mine had been found precisely when they needed one. This event was quickly kept under wraps as best as they could. There was no need to attract more filthy eyes to this village than there already was.

When it happened, the people who were with Daffyd in the beginning were all too eager to begin mining. But knowing that there was a possibility of danger, Gresvin had sent three warriors to scout it out first, just in case.

To his surprise, the warriors had returned with almost nothing. They had reported a few small animals running around, ranging from insects, rats, and mice to even salamanders.