Despair [2]

I never went to a school or a hospital in my life. When I got sick, I just had to bear with it. The only public places I entered were libraries, science labs, police stations and the courthouses.

At science labs, I would offer myself as a lab rat to different scientist to gather money. When they refused to pay me, because the experiment was a failure, I would send them to court.

That's how I spent most of my childhood days.

And something that matches those days is happening now.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!..."

I am performing CPR on three different people, whom I don't even know! It feels like the gods are hitting me with a whip of fire for all the times I let people die on Earth.

My sweaty hands are now like a vibrator, trying to force fifty compressions on three people in a minute. I don't know how that's possible, but I feel an electric current moving up in my veins.

'Please just buy time and make your deaths long. I can't die with you people...'

I wanted to voice out that thought out loud, but my mouth is very busy with panting. All I can depend on is my ears to pick on the sounds being made by the other teams.

However, with the way things are going, it won't be long until only two teams remain.


My ears picked on the sound of the low bronchial and vesicular (1) sounds from the light brown haired girl in front of me.


Her eyelids finally closed.


I felt like a football player who scored his debut goal. Even so, I couldn't make a CR7 celebration. It was still 3:1 after all.

The most injured has regained back her life!

It was like the God of luck was finally smiling on me. The second girl soon regained her breathing. It was unstable, but that's totally cool.

However, this idiot of a man is not waking up!!

His condition is getting worse by each compression!!

My snot, tears and sweat are falling over to his handsome face. His hazel black eyes are just reflecting back my pitiful expression.

"That was very touching."

Ignoring that ridiculously sweet voice and I kept on pumping the man's chest.

The voice continued, "If you had changed your hair black or white, whole. Maybe, you might have been really good-looking."


A whip cracks through the air and hits my back.

I didn't have time to complain about the pain. In a matter of fact, I didn't even feel it.

The voice says menacingly, "You took that head on. How impressive, but can you withstand ten more! Fefefefefe!"

Crack, crack, crack...!

I kept on playing dense to the pain, even though I was bleeding heavily. Ten whips teared down my skin, until a part of my backbone was visible.

I muttered, "I only have one option left."

"Did you say you give up? You might want to repeat that again, I didn't quite hear you. Fefefefefe..."

I ignored the crazy laughter. Pulling up my blooded body, I raised my left leg into the air, until I made a 180-degree angle.

A manlier gating voice states, "What are you doing? Stretching wasn't made for man."

"Huuu..." I took the deepest breath of my life.

The stakes of my life are laying on a broken thread. Whether, I live or die depends on my next move.


The whip acted as my signal. The moment it hit my back, I swiftly brought back my left leg and hit the man underneath me on his chest.


1, 2, 3, 4 seconds.



The whip came at me again. However, this time I managed to catch it with my left hand.

My bloodshot eyes locked on the owner. She was far behold average compared to the other female in their group.

I let go of the whip, since it bruised my hand and wiped the staff on my face. Touching my stomach a bit I managed to take out the only thing left on my upper body.

...a packet of two kilograms of sugar.

Ignoring the eight curious eyes looking at me, I poured it into my mouth without any hesitation.

"I'm going to kill him!!" The average Blondie roars at my nonchalant act.

The beautiful black girl haired taped on Average's shoulder, "He seems to be looking for a fight. We just have to give him one."

I finished pouring down the sugar and said, "Forget it. Somebody is going to die."

She smirked with her light brown eyes filled with confidence, "Who might that be?"

I licked my lips that still had some sugar left, "Me. I am out numbered!"

An ugly super muscular man walks up front, "Calm down girls, don't let him get to you."

He smiles at me, "You got spank kid. You lived up until this point with a team like that. I honestly thought you would die first. What's your name?"

I quickly recognized his voice, and frowned, "Shouldn't you introduce yourself first, before asking questions? You are all humans, isn't that proper formalities?"

The man looked a little embarrassed at the end of my words, "Oh, sorry about that. I am—."

I cut him off, "I am Tito Roux Z. I am a Gemini born on the 1st and my blood type is AB. It might have changed to Sweet-AB, thanks to my sweet tooth."

"I am going to kill you!!"

Veins grew over his rectangular shaped face. The handsome boss stopped him, as he stepped forward.

He says with a dead voice, "Keep calm you three. He is only trying to figure us out."

"How lame, wearing a cloak in this hot place." I commented on his assassin-like-dressing.

His abyss black intensely glared at me, "Do you have any last words?!"

"Unfortunately, I do."

"Shut up!!!" Average roars.


She quickly binds me with her whip and raised me above ground, as she pulls me towards her direction.

As this happened, I smiled.

Back on Earth I never met any ability user. I kept myself hidden to avoid trouble. Thanks to today's events, I figured there are four types of ability users.

Those who can turn their body into a something.

Those who can make anything come from their bodies.

The ones who make elements from their surroundings.

Lastly, the ones like this blond girl. They need a catalyst to bring out their abilities.

Average's whip is made from none great stone material. Which makes it better for her to use her abilities.


Her crazy laughter paused, the moment I took out a name tag I stole earlier written, '10F'.

I flashed it at the group, and they all turned pale from shock. It didn't end there, as I immediately crushed it with my fingers.

Despair washed over their every existence. It was over the moment one of their name tag got stolen by me.

They were confident in their skills, that they didn't collect other spare name tags. Such a foolish thing to do. I have a bunch of them hidden in many places.

"I will kill you!" Both Average and Beautiful roared.

When I was just a few inches away from the Blondie. I turned my whole body into flames. I propelled myself to roast her face to ashes.

The first loophole. I thought everyone would notice it. We can't use our abilities when touching the walls or the ground.

This means that. As long as I am airborne, I can use my abilities. For someone like me who can fly, it's a huge advantage.


Average's headless body fell to the ground. All the blood in her had evaporated.

My legs touched the ground and my body became normal. The other three looked at me with furious eyes.

I smirked, "You are going to die anyway. Why don't you do yourself a favor and give up?"

"Shut up!!"

Beautiful roared and sent her spear at my direction.


Feeling the great wind pressure coming from the great stone spear. I jumped and turned my legs into spiral flames to keep myself afloat.

She roared like tiger, "Get back here!!"

I folded my arms, and twinkled my brows, "I don't wanna. Came here and make me."

"I will kill you!!!"

She is so loud...

My legs instantly turned into a giant bird with a big beak.

"I am coming now! First burning kick: Phoenix!!"

I was planning to only kill Beautiful only. However, I ended up killing two people. Ugly decided to die with her instead. He went on to shield her from the attack. Leading to both ending with a foot sized hole in their chest.

What a touching relationship.

I stepped on the ground, "Now, only the boss remains. Ready to surrender?"


I turned over to the direction of that loud shout. Handsome had clutched the hair of the light browned haired girl from my team. She had a falls coming out from her golden eyes.

He took out a dagger from his pockets and shouts, "Hahaha!! She is your sister right?!! Don't lie to me, I can see the resemblance!!"

I also thought so too, but my clone killed all my relatives.

"Do you think this is the time to be playing cool!?"

It isn't for him. That little girl has been muttering, "brother, brother, brother..." for a long time now. Her tone is low even for someone with super hearing like me.


In an instant she broke handsome's skull with the back of her fist. His blood spattered around like sauce.

"Phew... That was clo—."


Before my victory speech ended, I suddenly found myself flying towards the walls. Blood poured out of my mouth, as I tried to make sense of what was happening.

My eyes quickly looked at the person who did this to me.

'I didn't even hear the sound of her movements! She is a monster... I will really die for sure...'

It takes up a lot of skill to do something like that. Originally Tawanda from before was the strongest person here. Now it seems I got it all wrong. This girl is leagues above him.

I might get killed by someone I was protecting this whole time.


[A. N]

bronchial and vesicular — low-pitched breathing sounds.