Kontrolu [1]

"Now Zombie be Encender's shield. You must protect her like how a prince charming should."

If it were any time, Rajah would have roared at Tito's command. However, as the most handsome man in the whole prison, he had to protect his captain. 

He smiled, "Follow me Lady Encender."


The young girl started running behind him. Her face is staid and her right hand clutches the rapier Tito gave her. It was still hot, but she could handle it. 

Tsuyoi's sky blue eyes locked at the Encender's fading figure. 

Her hand unconsciously went on her chest. She couldn't believe what she was feeling. 

She muttered with an almost teary face, "So this is my friend."

Tito placed his fair hand on her small head. His face was emotionless, "Don't let it get to your head. We are all surrounded, you should focus on them instead."

If it were any other time, she would have busted his head. However, her captain told her to listen to Tito. 

She nods her head in and her feet found themselves walking up front with confidence. 

"Tsuyoi will take care of this. You go find something to do. Tsuyoi doesn't need your help."

Tito's golden eyes scanned the forty-one-man surrounding them. 

He then asked in a worried tone, "Are you sure, you will be okay?"

The youngest daughter of the Chi family nodded, "Yes, Tsuyoi is super strong, she ca—"

Her words came to a sudden halt. The man she was talking to was already gone. Tito was running out of the arena with his tail in between his legs. 

She muttered with a grimace on her face, "Tsk, all man are the same. Useless."

Seeing this, Star laughed with his hands on his stomach. Tears of joy were already coming out. 

"You all see that! Your brother has already abandoned you!"

Tucky joined in the laughing. The slap he got earlier had already healed, "Hahaha! Your brother is afraid of our messiah!"

Kont on the other had look at Star with murderous eyes, 'Just a few more seconds.'

The goblin-like pendent set on his neck wide open its eyes. Its green skin radiated a small light. 

However, his actions were cut by Rajah's loud shout. 

"How dare that peasant?!! How can he run, leaving royalty behind!!" His blooded face was already twisted in both rage and pain. 

'It should be me running out of here!! I would still have my arms intact if I had run away long ago!'

"He will be back." Encender said with a confident smile. 

Her left hand had grabbed on the back of the back of Rajah's achkan. She was using him as a shield to block the attacks coming at her. 

"You just have to believe. There is no way someone with that face would abandon his friends."


Rajah didn't have time to answer to her naive words. 

He was used to block the mental club coming at the young girl's head. His face was smashed and died again for the fifth time today. 

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk." Star shook his head in pity. 

'This sack of idiots. They won't even lay a finger on me. It's best if I don't get myself involved.'

He suddenly raised a brow. His eyes stared at Tsuyoi in curiosity, "She must from the Chi family. "

"Chi family?" Tucky asked in a puzzled voice. 

"It is a renowned fist fighting family from the Blossom Planet in universe 7.7. It is said that at the age of seven, they would take down a rhino in one punch. She is a bad match for our guys." Moshy replied with a stiff look. 

However, he had other things in mind, 'When are those guys coming? I can't wait anymore.'

Oblivious to his partner's thoughts, Tucky moved on to look at the loudest fighter. 

She was so loud that everyone looked at her. 

"Hiha! Haa!" Tsuyoi fiercely punched one of the inmates in the face. 

His skull was left with a fist sized hole in it. The young. The girl pulled back her hand and the inmate lifelessly fell to the ground. 

The inmates surrounding her just looked at her face with fear in their eyes. 

"Why is she smiling like that?"

"She is not even showing her teeth! She is a crazy psycho!"

"She is a demon! No wonder why she didn't cry when her friend died!"

The girl in question ignored them. She steps up front with chameleon speed, "Are you going to fight? If you are not, I will come to you instead."

'Her words are scary, but her face still looks cute.' Some male inmates thought. 

It was true. Tsuyoi is irresistibly cute, even with a menacing smile on her face. Her petite figure was just the cherry on top. 


While daydreaming, Tsuyoi used this chance to punch one alien on the top of his head. His face sunk into his body. Not even a single drop of blood escaped his body and just fell to the ground. 



The inmates turned silent as they hold back their breaths. This little girl was death in itself. 

Tsuyoi slowly walked over to them. However, some showed a little resistance. 

Two of the inmates jumped over. One swung his metal bat to hit her head and the other was aiming for her ankle with a golf stick. 


A loud sound echoed. However, Tsuyoi looked just like what she did a minute ago. 

What broke were the weapons the two men were holding. 

"How is that possible?" Tucky asked in tone full of disbelief. 

The blue haired girl body is frail and should have broken to bits now. 

Star grins and puts his hand on his chin. However, he quickly frowns, as he thought of one of the people who left him together with his father. 

"She has undergone the Wushu. It's a traditional training method used by the children of the Chi family at the age of seven. 

It includes born marrow replacement, torturing and experimenting. Only a rare one percent survive. Even so, the failed products will still have enough strength to knock down an elephant at that age."

Hearing his boss' narration, Tucky turned pale from shook. At that age he was busy playing house. Such a thing would really leave a mental scar on someone. 

"Don't worry much about her." Kont calmed downed his friend with a scowl on his face. 

'Why do I have to educate this fool?'

"She is a failed product. The real deal doesn't have the ability to have emotions. There are walking disasters who would erase this arena with just a punch."

"I see." Tucky said with a little relief in his voice. 

'I hope my ability can work on them.'

Star quickly smiles and say mockingly, "Well done for making it here. Having a zombie meat shied really is nice."

"Who are you calling Zombie?!" Rajah roared with a furious face. 

He seemed to have forgotten that his body is bent in half. 

Star just shrugged him off and looked to his right, "Tucky take care of her. I don't want an idiot's blood on my hands."

"Sure thing messiah!" The red haired man nodded and walked up front. 

"You have done well coming here with only a few injuries. You are perfect for an idiot."

"Tsk, get out of the way!" Encender demanded with a fierce face. 

"No can do, baby doll." Tucky smiled, "Why would I listen to you?"

Encender threw Rajah on the ground and rushed over to the pretty looking man. She had nothing to do with him, so her attack wasn't aiming for the kill. 


It felt more like she hit metal. Her new rapier got stuck at Tucky's shoulder. No matter what she tried to do the sword wouldn't move. 

Seeing Encender's grounding her teeth, Tucky chuckled. 

"Your attacks won't work on me baby doll. I was bite by a Scorpio sticky beetle. My whole body is made out of glue."

"Damn it!"Encender was already fuming with rage. She threw a punch at his chest with her free right hand. 


"Hahaha! You are an idiot baby doll!" Tucky laughed as the girl's head got stuck on her chest. 

"Even if it is someone who underwent the Wushu, they will never get away from my binding."


Encender could give up on the rapier and punch him. However, that would also make her stick on his body. 

Glue was bad for her fighting style. 

'I can't even use my legs either. Using Rajah as a shield would not work.'

"Ahhhh!" She screamed. 

Encender was having a headache just from thinking too much. In the end she decided to use her strength instead. 

She tries to pull away the rapier. Tucky just grinned as she increased the glue substance to bind the sword. 

"First flaming kick: Mawashi Geri!"


A flaming kick to the chest, melted some of Tucky's glue. Encender took her sword and rapier back. 

She looks at the person who threw that kick. However, her eyes turned into stars when she noticed something in his hands. 

"Tito is that food!?"

"Not even close." He answers, "You go fight Star. I will take care of Ms. Glue here."

Star's eyes were slightly open. He couldn't believe that Black and White had run away to get some food. 

His eyes quickly turned to face his distress underling, "Moshy, you go st—"

His words came to a halt. Tito had just thrown the lunch box he was holding at his underlings. 

Out of curiosity Moshy had to check what's inside. 

"...no way..." He muttered in disbelief. His breathing become unstable. 

Inside the lunch box; there is a half head, which is perfectly cut by a bladed weapon. 

"Corrections sergeant...Igor." Star muttered in disbelief. 

Black and White had just taken out a third rank prison officer without staying in the prison for a weak. 

However, Moshy's reaction made him almost drop his jaw. 

He had a river of tears that hit over the half head in the lunch box. 

He shouts with a voice filled with anguish, "Brother!!!"