The Strongest Woman


The whistle was blown indicating that it was time for the big match. 

The rookies versus the the first team. 

It may not look like it to other people, but this match carried great meaning to both the rookies and the Captain of the first team. 

Meron the giant. She is a professional rugby player from planet Ryan. 

Well, that is what people know her as. 

All her childhood, she lived with her parents who kept her indoors to avoid people's eyes. However, one day, Meron managed to sneak out. 

"What are you guys playing? Can I join you?"

Those were her first words to a group of children who were gathered near her house. Nonetheless, the responses she got weren't the ones she hoped for. 

"Look at that girl! She is so huge like humungousaur. I can't even see her head."

"Hahaha! Let's get away from that ugly girl before she stomps on us!"

"You are right! Let's not get affected by her ugly face!"

The children might have said it in jest. However, to Meron, who had just met other people for the first time, it meant something. 

She just stared in the playground, staring at an empty space, until her parents came to find her. 

"Meron, is everything okay? What happened to you?"

"Come on, darling, let's go home. I have made your favorite meal." 

Meron wanted to go home, but she had to know one thing: "Mama, papa, am I ugly? Am I ugly to the point you don't want to see me? Is that why you kept me in the house all this time?" 

Observing their daughter's tear-streaked face, the parents experienced deep emotional distress. Despite her being the primary reason for their inability to have another child, they made the decision not to disclose this to her.

"Sweetheart, why are you saying such things? You know our Meron is the prettiest." 

"Yes, your mother is right. Don't listen to them, after all, you have us." "Shut up!! It's true, isn't it? I am ugly, right?!!" 

After her loud shout, Meron blacked out. However, when she opened then, her hands were covered in blood. 

Her eyes danced around, as they couldn't believe what was in front of her, "Mama...Papa...What have I done? I am really ugly—"" 

Her shaky voice stopped when she noticed a video on one of the flying billboards. It was a group of women who had the same build as her. 

They were passing around an egg-shaped ball. Sometimes, they would be shown engaging into physical contact. 

At that moment, Meron finally found her calling in life. Something that made her heart race and made her forget about her deceased parents.

She was going to be just like those women. No, she was going to be better.

With the internet as her guide and companion, Meron immersed herself in the world of rugby, studying techniques, strategies, and match footage to enhance her skills and understanding of the game.

Despite facing initial reluctance from some academies hesitant to embrace a newcomer from a non-traditional background, Meron's talent and determination quickly won over skeptics. 

She encountered formidable opponents, grueling training sessions, and moments of self-doubt along the way. However, her resilience and unwavering belief in her own capabilities propelled her forward, enabling her to overcome obstacles and achieve remarkable success in the fiercely competitive world of professional rugby.

Meron' journey in rugby, could be used as the true definition of the saying; From rags to riches. 

At the age of twenty-five, she departed from planet Ryan to Ablauf, where rumors suggested that rugby was a non-existent sport. 

Unexpectedly, her single person spacecraft deviated from its intended route and landed in front of a majestic waterfall instead of heading towards Galactic Prison. 

Maneuvering through the adjacent forest in front of her, Meron encountered and was fortunately stung by a rare Zeus lightning butterfly. 

Despite gaining a new-found resonate ability, she was unable to overcome a formidable blind monster she encountered mere mile away. 

Consequently, Meron found herself incarcerated in Galactic Prison, a fate she had been hoping for, and thus accepted without objection. 

Six years later, she successfully established the inaugural rugby team in Ablauf. 

Currently facing opponents who have only received two days of training, Meron remains unfazed. 

In a state of exuberance, she anticipates encountering a challenge for the inaugural time in her thirty-five years of life. 


Subsequently, she forcefully launched the rugby ball towards the confident newcomers. 

Despite its aerial trajectory being hard to follow, Tsuyoi was able to effortlessly snatch it using a singular hand.

Tsuyoi promptly delivers the ball to her companion, Encender, who securely catches it with both hands and swiftly propels it towards the first team with light speed. 

Meron assumes the task of intercepting the golden-eyed girl, as she possesses the requisite physical strength for the task. 


Nevertheless, Encender promptly distributes the ball back to Tsuyoi, who adeptly incapacitates several members of the opposing team. 

This display of seamless collaboration between the two individuals serves as a poignant indication to Meron of the accelerated growth and development exhibited by the duo within a mere span of two days.

Before Meron could shout anything, Encender grabbed her waist from behind as she bent over to shank the alien's head to the concrete floor.


Blood covered her face, and for a second she couldn't see a thing. Using this chance, Tsuyoi kicked the ball forward.

"Ayaaa!!" The youngest screamed as she started running around the field.


She was like a jet, knocking out her opponents with wind pressure alone.

Not only that, but her hair color changed to silver the moment she reached the 10-meter line.

Tsuyoi resembled a large Chinese dragon, hovering just above the ground, its eye catching sky-blue eyes shining as brightly as diamonds.

In the absence of interruptions, Tsuyoi successfully advanced to the ten-meter line and proceeded to sprint in order to score the initial try of the match. 


The sound of a whistle interrupted Meron's reverie, prompting her to awaken and disengage herself from Encender's grasp, as Tsuyoi was now about to attempt her first conversion. 

Nevertheless, this was no ordinary game of rugby, as Meron unexpectedly launched a forceful blow towards Encender. 


A resounding clash ensued as Meron's punch was intercepted by two metal bars, leaving her eyes shaking in incredulity. 

"You took the great stone bars from your cell to fight me. That's impressive little one." Meron compliments with a smile, "However, can you defeat me with only that?"

Encender maintains a serious face, "Only time would tell, but you seem to have forgotten something."

The first team captain raised a brow, "What could that—"


Meron's words suddenly came to a halt, as she received a deadly punch from behind her back. 

"Dragon fist!"

Hearing Tsuyoi's loud yell, the black haired female felt some of her bones break, as she got send a few feet away. 

Encender smirks, as she watches Meron get up, "I got my best friend with me, and together,"

Tsuyoi joins, "We are going to defeat you."


The first team captain raised a brow, "What could that—"


Meron's words suddenly came to a halt, as she received a deadly punch from behind her back. 

"Dragon fist!"

Hearing Tsuyoi's loud yell, the black haired female felt some of her bones creak, as she got send a few feet away. 

Encender smirks, as she watches Meron get up, "I got my best friend with me, and together,"

Tsuyoi joins, "We are going to defeat you."

Meron got all serious and wiped the blood off her mouth and asked, "Think adding another sword and changing your hair color will help you beat me?" 

Tsuyoi wasn't worried about the team, and just went straight for the monster of a woman. 

Meron tried to block the attack with her palm, but Encender was too quick to act; she thrust both of her bars into the monstrous woman's eyes. 



Meron had no choice but to get hit in the gut. Her eyes were too precious for her to lose. 

Meron vowed not to make the same mistake again, but Encender was already behind her in a flash.

'Storm chaser!!'

Nonetheless, the giant woman didn't have time to scream. Tsuyoi punched her in the face, sending her flying to the edge of the field. 


With her face dripping blood, Meron quickly got up from the ground and began to raise some facts about the two indifferent-looking girls.

'The Encender I am familiar with, employs technique and agility as her primary combat strategy, while Tsuyoi relies on strength and stamina to confront her adversaries. 

Through mutual exchange, both have incorporated aspects of each other's fighting styles and have elevated their combat abilities to a higher level, to the point of abandoning all thoughts during battle. 

Their dedication to the battleground is unwavering, yet they have not yet attained the level of mastery that I possess.'

Meron's hands suddenly make contact with the ground, she vociferates, "Lightning burst!"