The Illusion Behind The Shadows

A human has five brain waves, and they all have a frequency like a radio, ranging from 0.5Hz to 100Hz.

There are five brain waves in total. Delta waves that occur during deep dreamless sleep. 

Theta waves which happen during deep relaxation. 

Alpha waves that occur when people feel relaxed and their brain is in an idle state.

The ones which have been affected are the Beta waves which happen during muscle activities and waking states. 

The Gamma waves that occur during problem solving and information processing.

There are many ways of inducing someone into an illusion. 

Each of these ways involves one of the five human senses.

However, my current state is one of the most special and complex illusions. 

All my senses were used to pull me into this state.

This all started the moment the cell blocks closed.

A loud white bellbird chirp echoed on the whole wall; it was louder than a jackhammer. 

This sound triggered Encender to fall into an illusion, not hypnosis. 

However, she somehow broke free and fell into a state of self-hypnosis to force herself to go to sleep.

During that moment, her entire body was shrouded in a golden light, causing all the prison officers heading in her direction to pass out.

For four hours, no one could get near Encender's body, as every officer who gazed at her passed out one after the other.

Hein tried to shoot at her, but all twelve bullets he fired from his sniper rifle had no effect on Encender, prompting him to issue an order.

"Let that girl be for now. However, the moment she runs out of strength, make her disappear from this world by any means necessary. 

I now understand why the Warden wanted her dead before she entered this place."

However, a call from the Warden came through his ear-bud before the officers in the X-Block could reply.

"Hello, Sir," Hein answered the phone in a respectful tone.

A hoarse voice echoed through the earbud, "Cain from the Harasat Count Noble family has issued a release order for Tsuyoi Chi with immediate effect. 

He also mentioned that she might refuse to comply and asked me to make her agree using non-physical methods. 

I will assign you to handle this. Oh, I almost forgot, Cain is waiting for you in your office, please be there quickly."


The call ended abruptly, and Hein wasn't given any time to reply. However, it seemed like he already had a plan in mind as he let out a wicked, low-pitched mutter.

"It was a good thing that I posted news of Tsuyoi Chi being in Galactic Prison on the Ablauf World Site...

Now I can take care of everyone in cell room 27F without worrying about the reactions of the Chi and Harasat families."

Soon after, it didn't take a minute for him to start giggling like a maniac, as the prison officers could only stare at him without making a sound. 

After he was done laughing, Hein ordered, "Let the girl be. I have an important guest to meet in my office."

The Vice Warden took an elevator at the end of the X-Block. 

He walked past the huge glass pathway with his formal shoes making a sound that vibrated lightly. 

Passing through thirty-four other offices, Hein took a right turn to enter what seemed to be the thirty-sixth office. 

The moment he stepped into his office, he immediately halted his steps as he bowed to the man looking through the large window of his office. 

"It is such a pleasure for an honorary prince like you to visit this place where the scum of the world is kept."

"Huuu..." The honorary prince kept on staring at the scenery behind the window. 

"If you remove the smell of lemon that covers this whole office like a citrus plantation, this would be the best site to see Letzter City, the city of hills and mountains. I should build my manor somewhere close to this prison."

Hein remains unfazed, as he remarks;


"If you wish for it, I can arrange for you to have your own office built on this prison. After all, all of Letzter belongs to the Harasat family."

"I will think about it," the young man finally turned around his chair to look at the Vice Warden. 

No muscle on his face moved as he maintained a solemn expression, like a thousand-year-old sage.

His fingers interlocked as his chin rested on them, "Enough with the small talk. I am sure Warden Raiden has already informed you about my current situation. 

I need my wife to be released from this prison at all costs."

"I understand, Your Highness," Hein answered as he slowly raised his head to look at the honorary prince.

"Good then. It's a good thing that you understand. 

I don't want to hurt the wife who was given to me since childhood."

Cain took a long sigh and continued, "Raiden told me that you are someone of paramount knowledge, and I am sure you have a plan to make Tsuyoi come with me willingly. If so, I myself will reward you greatly for this favor."

Hein took a minute to answer as he pitched his thighs to suppress the joy he was feeling, "After thinking about it. I have finally come up with the perfect plan to let Tsuyoi Chi be yours."


Cain slammed the desk in front of him, knocking some of the documents to the ground, "Tell me now! I need her to come with me this instant!"

Hein smirked, "Calm down, your highness, and hear me out. I am not sure if my plan will succeed or not, but I am certain any woman in this prison wouldn't refuse the offer to get out alive."

"I see." Cain folded his arms and asked, "Tell me this plan of yours. I will be the judge of that."

The plan was so simple. Cain had to tell Tsuyoi that something would happen to Encender if she didn't cooperate.