Battle For Freedom [1]

"I won't let you leave me without a fight!"

If he had said something different, Aslan would have regretted it. The outcome would have been different if he had chosen his words more carefully.

However, because of his actions, Briller behaved like a true Tohil.

"If you're brave enough, fight me. It would be a shame if you held back like all the idiots from Ablauf."

Stepping back a few inches, Aslan quickly transformed into a fierce white lion and let out a thunderous roar that shook all the apples to the ground.

However, after attacking Briller with his claws, he couldn't remember anything. It was as if his memory had been erased.

He woke up in his dark cell with a note from Sergeant Majar Bazooka, who was both Briller and his boss.

[This mission was originally assigned to Briller Tohil, but after he witnessed your incredible strength in your battle against him, he decided to give it to you.

Your role is simple: Eliminate all the otherworlders in the Galactic Prison before they become adventurers.

You are free to assemble a team of other Ablaufians for this ten-year mission.

At the end, your rank will be promoted to Sergeant Major.]

Aslan had no one to blame but Briller Tohil for ending up in the Galactic Prison.

While he waited ten years to become a Sergeant Major, Aslan received news from the Vice Warden that Briller had become a Major General of the Ground Forces.

And now, at the hands of Briller's sister, he was about to suffer a similar fate.


Receiving a slap like no other from Layla, the white lion finally regained consciousness.

Just like last time, he had no recollection of what happened before he blacked out, but seeing all the inmates from 27F sitting on his men made him guess his current situation.

'In the end, the result was just as I expected.'

When Tito and Encender arrived on their first day, Aslan was confident he could defeat her without a doubt. But with each passing day, he started to doubt himself.

"Little puppy, you need to get up quickly. We don't have time for your sad life story."

Unexpectedly, Aslan found himself taking the words of the man sitting at the Congo lion to heart.

His keen sense of smell picked up various scents at the block entrance, and his instincts told him that something was off.

'Are the prison officers finally taking care of Encender and her team? No...there are too many people mobilized just to deal with four individuals. They plan to destroy this entire block!'

"It seems like Encender and Tito were right after all. We're about to be attacked," Layla confirmed, noticing the startled expression on the white lion's face.

She hopped onto Aslan's back and ordered, "Hurry up and get in line. We're breaking out of this prison today."

Confusion washed over the white lion's face as he looked to the side and saw a group of inmates swarming the entire F-block like ants.

The members of 27F were at the front, riding lions like him.

'How did they manage to deceive my men into helping them?'

Simple. Tito exploited their vulnerability, just like he did with Star's men. In the process, many of them realized they were from other planets pretending to be Ablaufians.

'Whatever, when things start to go south, I'll side with the prison guards.'

As someone who still aspired to be a Sergeant Major, Aslan had no intention of helping the inmates escape, no matter what.

Little did he know that someone wanted him to do exactly that.


Outside the cell, Hein led all the prison officers at the F Block gate, his enhanced vision scanning the movements of the inmates.

A smirk appeared on his lips as he marveled at how Encender's group had detected his presence. But he expected nothing less from Xenogenisis.

"This is the end for all of you," the Vice Warden declared with indifference.

Looking at the fully armed prison guards numbering over five thousand, Hein was confident that no one would escape the prison tonight.

"Everyone, attack now! Chief Jane, you're in charge until the Warden arrives."

As someone who wasn't built for battles, the Vice Warden wasn't among the strongest inmates. Because of this, he had to send someone who was just a few steps away from his boss' level of strength to lead the operation, while he observed from his office.

"Understood, sir." A muscular woman saluted in front of Hein. "I will ensure the success of this operation, sir."

"Good, I'll be cheering for you." Hein saluted the ebony-skinned woman before excusing himself from the group.

All the prison officers saluted As Hein made his way to his special place, Jane, with her dreadlocks tied back, stood firmly in front of everyone. Despite being of the same rank as some of the officers, she commanded a great deal of respect.

"You can stop saluting now," Jane instructed, interlocking her hands behind her hips. Her black eyes carefully observed the actions of her men. "Those with pistols, stay in the back. Your role is to shoot anyone who gets past us close range fighters. I will be leading the way."

"Understood!" the officers responded in unison.

Hein had informed them beforehand about the inmates' behavior, so Jane's plan was the most effective way to handle the current situation. Drawing her heavy, rectangular-shaped sword from her back, the black-haired girl raised it high in the air.

"Yahhh!!!" a loud battle cry filled the air as everyone understood the signal.

The battle between the prison officers and the inmates was about to begin, with Jane at the forefront, determined to bring success to their operation.