Promises [2]

"Khuaak!" Meron coughed up a mouthful of blood as the spear in her left heart was painfully removed.

She had no time to defend against Joshua's relentless headbutts until she fell to the ground.


As an alien, Meron knew that she could live without her left heart since she could just depended on her right heart, but she needed to stop the bleeding first.


Narrowly dodging Caleb's spear aimed at her forehead by rolling to the ground, Meron touched the bleeding hole in her chest before electrifying herself.

"Argh!" She shrieked in pain as she finally experienced her own medicine.

The twins would have used this opportunity to attack Meron, but they knew it would be suicidal at this point.

After watching the black-haired woman roast herself for a minute and listening to the sounds of battle happening all around, the opponent of the corrections officers finally managed to stand up.

With a surge of confidence, Meron glared at the twin bastards who attacked her from behind.

"You men always resort to cheap tricks when things become difficult for you to handle. That's why my darling is different from all of you. He would never do something like that."

Luckily, Joshua and Caleb didn't know who this so-called darling was, or they would have laughed at the foolish girl.

Ignoring her words, they stood behind each other with their spears in hand.

They looked stupid, but Meron knew better than to underestimate someone who climbed up to the rank of Chief among the prison guards.

They approached the alien with uncoordinated steps, resembling a snake. They were alluring to the eye, but Meron still found them unattractive.

With calculated calmness, Joshua and Caleb launched their attack. The air crackled with anticipation as they lunged forward, their spears aimed at Meron from different angles. Meron's instincts kicked in, and she swiftly dashed backwards.



However, Meron's actions were rendered useless as the twin spears cracked the air before her, lunging towards her heart.

As the tips of the spears touched the base of her chest, Meron's hands swiftly reached out to touch the weapons, using all her strength to try to force the attack.

Tap... Tap... Tap...

Blood dripped onto the small layer of red liquid on the ground as Meron's palm ended up wounded from the grip she was exerting.

However, that wasn't the end of her tricks. She quickly activated her resonate ability on the twins.

The electric current passed through the metal parts of the spears, affecting the twin corrections Chief Officers.

Their skins darkened, and they lost consciousness, but Meron continued to use her ability despite the dizziness she felt.


The green-eyed woman fell to the ground as her legs started feeling heavy, and she finally let go of the two spears.

"Huff... huff... huff... Why do I have to follow a plan that man Tito came up with?" Meron complained as she slowly recovered her breath.

It is common knowledge that corrections Chief Officers rank higher than Captains, but Black and White had instructed everyone to take care of the stronger ones rather than the bulk ones.

Now, Meron had to deal with Corrections Officers along with the low-ranking prison officers that were coming at her.

Pew—! Pew—! Pew—!

Several great stone-coated bullets came rushing towards where she was lying, and to avoid them, she rolled to the side before standing up again.

Looking in all directions, her green pupils widened for a few seconds as she discovered that she was now in front of a crowd fighting with bladed weapons and fists.

She now stood before the last group of prison officers who were holding guns, and Tito's words echoed in her mind like a song.

"I have to be the one to get out of this block first. You all got that. I'm talking to you, Rajah. I'm sure you'll find a way to escape from the fight."

Meron found herself smirking at that thought. She was neither Encender nor Layla, who would listen to Tito's words despite their dissatisfaction. She only listened to one man, and that man was her charming boyfriend, whom she hadn't seen since her body transformation.

"I have to make my darling come with us. I'm positive Encender wouldn't mind having someone like him on the team."

She took a deep breath and steeled herself for the upcoming battle. Meron began formulating a plan in her mind. She knew she had to take out the prison officer holding a black shotgun, unlike the rest who were holding AK47 guns.

"He must be a captain," she concluded in her mind as she rushed towards the group of sixteen officers, hoping to see Hein again in her heart.

Pew—! Pew—! Pew—!

With swift movements, she dodged another round of bullets and closed the distance between herself and the group of officers. Using her electrifying touch, she hit the ground with her palm, incapacitating two of the officers in front.


Arnold fired his shotgun at the annoying girl who could damage someone wearing a great stone tight battle suit.

Unlike other types of guns, Arnold Muchena's shotgun didn't need bullets to attack. It was made with a powerful turban that needed to be changed to be used. It was shorter than a harpoon and colored blue, but it was also faster than the extension bullet at its top speed.

With the immediate threat neutralized, Meron tried to dodge the incoming bullet, but she didn't know that it contained a GPS chip inside it.


The bullet pierced through Meron's left collarbone, melting into a poisonous liquid that instantly froze her arm.