Meron’s Second Death!

The ground was filled with hot dirt that would rise up after every small gust of wind. In that pathway lay a pink-skinned alien who was dead—or perhaps she was just passed out.

Crows danced over her body, trying to confirm the state of her life. Her black tights were covered in blood, and one of the crows took the chance to peck her forehead with its beak.

Seeing that the silver-haired girl didn't even flinch, all the crows flocked over her, attempting to devour her. Nonetheless, some came to her rescue.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

Tito, who had just appeared in this place, clapped his hands together, startling the crows into the air once again.

In that very instant, Tito contorted his face as he read the card pasted on Layla's chest.

[She needs a true love's kiss to wake up.]

"Go to hell. There is nothing but animosity between the two of us," Tito said disdainfully to the Galactic Prison system, which he was sure was listening.

This time, the Galactic Prison ignored his response, but he didn't seem to care at all as he thought, 'This place is an illusion mixed with reality. This also confirms my hunch that the switch to the prison blocks is located in this place.'

Looking beyond the winding dirt pathway, he was greeted by residential buildings lined together, making it difficult to understand which was the first and which was the last house.

On the other side of the pathway where he stood was a foggy forest that released crisp sounds from time to time.

"I will go there first," Tito concluded in his mind as he took slow strides toward the foggy forest.

Trying to stop him, the Galactic Prison system sent a holographic flash alert in front of his eyes, [Aren't you going to save her? You can't be serious about leaving her here in this hot forest.]

Tito's golden eyes ignored the rectangle before him as he walked past. He was not responsible for anyone's safety; if Layla died in the illusion, so be it. All he cared about was freeing the other inmates for reasons he didn't wish to expose.

The sun sank into its mother's embrace, and a ravishing crescent moon shone on the horizon of the world as Tito finally entered the foggy forest.

Thanks to his meticulous calculations, he wasn't tired at all.

In this place, his eyes were nearly useless, and he could only rely on his ears to find a path, as his nose was blocked by a rare flu he seemed to have picked up along the way.

Coughing here and there, he felt water drops falling on his body each time he made contact with the tree leaves that stood in his path.

He didn't have his abilities, but he endured the cold weather well as he walked to the middle of the forest where he encountered a very familiar-looking figure.

Five feet five, with nearly blemish-free dark skin and matching eyes, he sported a short black fade haircut. His face was average and rectangular, with cute dimples on his cheeks. His body frame was somewhere between average and frail, indicating that the boy was in his late teens.

He wore a dark work suit that was covered in grease, with some of it extending to his face. In his hands, he held a wheel spanner that seemed to belong to the red bulldozer in front of him.

Tito recognized this rusty kid and unintentionally smiled. He could tell that the person before him was no illusion; he was someone who had gone missing a few years ago.

"So this is where you were hiding... Hyde."

On the first floor of the prison, Meron was flipping around like a yo-yo, desperately trying to dodge the lightning arrows coming at her. The man she faced had a scarred eye and was nearly invincible.

"His body is made of lightning, just like Tito's body is made of fire. However, that doesn't mean I can't beat him. I will keep running around until he runs out of stamina and then take care of him," Meron thought to herself as she backflipped to dodge another arrow.

It was common for all Zodiac ability users to have less stamina than other ability users.

Smoothly landing on the ground, she felt a lightning knee connect with her gut, sending her flailing through the air like a tennis ball.


She fell to the ground with a loud thud and felt some of her bones break, but she got up with clenched fists.

Making lightning surge from her body, she used it to propel her speed like the Flash as she ran toward the other alien. However, the man in navy vanished the moment she attempted to kick his face.


She sliced through the air, using the momentum to do a backflip. Her senses screamed that the man of lightning had repositioned himself to appear behind her.

However, the moment she stepped onto his head, she was electrified by currents from his body. She released a small shriek of pain as she fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Meron let lightning protrude from her body, trying to maintain distance from the alien, but she found her neck caught in the process.

His dark eyes stared at her, lacking emotion, making her remember the man she dearly loved who had looked at her that way the last time they met.

'Why does he have to carry those kinds of eyes? No, compared to Hein, his eyes seem to have little light. Hein's eyes are those of a beast who has lost everything, similar to Tito,' Meron thought with a wry smile, not opposing the extreme force crushing her neck.

Seeing that clutching her neck would take time to end the yellow-skinned girl, the other Raiden created spears from his palm and stabbed both of her hearts, causing her blood to spill over like tomato juice.

"Now it is time to meet up with the little Tohil," the green-skinned man said with a smile as he tossed Meron's body aside.