The Weight Of Desires/ Sacrifice [2]

It is only now that Star realizes that Tito wasn't going to keep his word. He was too lazy to even bring up Star's name when he was with Encender.

Even if he did, the chances of the young girl liking Star were really low.

Tito was using him as a scapegoat. He became the frontman while Tito used him to avoid suspicion from the prison guards, gaining less attention even from the other inmates.

This small realization made Star grind his teeth in frustration, causing his eyes to turn bloodshot. "Damn you, Tito!"

Now he understood why Tito and his father became friends despite their vast age difference.

Birds of a feather flock together.

Tito and Bright were similar in nature.

Star's father had used him as a scapegoat when he left Ablauf, leaving him to be caught by the military. Bright had used Star countless times in the past, but for his own freedom, he sold his son.

"Oh! Look at that, he is so hot when he is angry."

Star finally came back to reality when he heard that sweet voice echo in his ears. The alien who had been glaring daggers at him before was nowhere to be seen, as three dazzling half-alien, half-human girls stood around him.

Their breasts were plump and big enough to burst their oversized prison uniforms; this alone perfected their heavenly, slender bodies with perfectly round butts. Their faces were beyond merely pretty, making them resemble beings from paradise.

Star stayed silent for a few moments, and the instant he tried to move, he realized he was in heavy stone cuffs, which made one of the olive-skinned girls giggle a bit.

"You're only noticing that now? How dense of you, darling."

The one in the middle added, "We put those on you in case you tried to resist us. Now, with only your human male strength, we are sure to have a pleasant time together."

Star tried to stand up but failed. The last of the girls had her hands grabbing onto his shoulders, using her strength to force him to the ground. In the end, she had to sit on his belly with her legs pinning his arms to the ground.

"You're a wild one, aren't you? Lucky for you, I happen to like wild boys. We are going to have a good time together."

Star's face turned pale from this sudden development. A few tears started pouring from his eyes as he cried in his mind, "My chastity! I can't believe I am going to be—!"

However, a dark corner of his heart was happy to offer itself to the three beautiful ladies. Something rising up from within his pants was proof of that.

When the soft red hands touched his bare chest while unzipping his overalls, the young Kazuma shivered in delight. It was as if an electric current had passed through his body.

He gulped down his saliva when the lady touched his waist, and for the first time in nearly thirty years, Star felt a joy he had never felt before that made him willingly surrender to these abusive women.

However, fortune did not favor him, as the cell bars suddenly rose, leaving everyone in the women's block with stunned faces.

"Could it be a mistake?"

"Are the prison guards finally going to show themselves and kill us on the spot?"

"Let's stay calm and wait for the other blocks to move first."

"What if this only happened to our block?"

The girls who had surrounded Star to prevent him from escaping started exchanging words among themselves. However, the man in the group didn't care about all that.

'Stop the chit-chat and just take me already!'

It was a rare sight to see someone begging to be harassed. This indicated how desperate Star Kazuma was, and for a moment, he was already casting aside his feelings for Encender Tohil.

Nevertheless, things don't always go as one wishes.

A holographic blue panel, new to many, appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

[The way to get out of this prison is by reaching the fifth floor. There is a footbridge there that is connected to the outside world. There is an elevator in the X-Block that connects to the second floor. Good luck on your prison escape.]

All the inmates' faces brightened with joy. They might have fooled themselves into thinking they liked the Galactic Prison, but in all honesty, they wanted to escape to the outside.

Those who had cast aside the idea of obtaining the Ultimate Throne felt the small flame embers rise in their hearts as they charged out of their cells, pursuing the road to freedom.

The same was true for the W-Block; the women there had already forgotten about their leader and ran towards the X-Block like a flock of wild bulls.


Star couldn't help but release a pained groan. The women had stepped on his body, and it was a miracle that he still managed to keep his life.

He felt disappointed that he didn't get to enjoy a foursome with those gorgeous, sexy half-alien women. Yet, that didn't mean much compared to his freedom.

As long as he escaped this place, many chances like this would pop up in front of him. If they didn't, he would just go to a thigh vendor (prostitute). It was a common job in Ablauf for both males and females.

After a few moments, Star finally managed to remove his hands from the great stone cuffs and stand up.

He felt pain in his joints, but he trusted the Galactic Prison System; after all, systems in Ablauf would rather stay silent than lie.

He didn't know what he was going to do once he escaped, but he decided to leave tomorrow's problems for his future self to handle.

He jumped into the air and used his world ability to create a blade shaped like a skateboard. He used the blade to propel himself outside the X-Block.

Once out, he would create another blade to ski on whenever he had to make a turn until he reached the X-Block. Luckily, he was the first inmate to get there, having left the others behind.

However, he couldn't keep smiling for long as he saw the man who had stopped him from escaping a long time ago about to launch a sneak attack on his crush.

His heart wouldn't allow it, and he jumped with all his might to shield her unprotected back, only to end up with a hole in his belly.

He coughed up blood as he exchanged smiles with Raiden, who had always wanted to kill him since day one.

"Your reign is over, motherfucker," he muttered with a determined look as Raiden pulled his lightning hand from Star's gut with a slight chuckle.

The girl Star had rushed to protect turned around and looked at him with trembling eyes. "What the hell?!"