
As Shane immediately gripped her hand in a tight hold, halting her from moving any closer, Sophie's heart skipped a beat. His touch was rough, unyielding, and his eyes—sharp, heated, burning with intensity—bored into her like fire. For a moment, it felt as if his gaze could incinerate her on the spot, leaving nothing but ashes in its wake.

Treyond stood frozen in the corner, his eyes wide and his mouth agape. He had always known his young mistress was bold, but this... this was beyond anything he could have imagined. She had just crossed a line that no one dared approach, and worse, she had succeeded in provoking the young master.

Treyond felt a stared at her with both fear and awe for her actions.

"What do you think you're doing?" Shane growled, his voice low and menacing, every word laced with fury. Sophie inwardly shivered, feeling the weight of her impulsive actions. Regret tugged at the edges of her heart, but she could not afford to crumble now. She would not allow herself to be humiliated by him, not like this.

"I'm greeting you, honey. Or is there something wrong with that?" she retorted, her voice strong and defiant, though her heart raced beneath the surface. "After all, I am your *wife*, aren't I?" She emphasized the word *wife*, her eyes locking onto his with stubborn defiance. She made sure to keep her gaze steady, even though his grip on her hand was becoming increasingly painful.

Shane's hold tightened even further, causing her to wince, though she did everything in her power not to let him see the pain on her face. His lips curled upward into a cruel smirk. "Indeed you are," he replied, his voice dripping with dark amusement. The way he said it, that mocking tone, sent a wave of unease down Sophie's spine. There was something ominous about his reaction. Whatever game she thought she was playing, she had a sinking feeling that Shane was several steps ahead, orchestrating something she hadn't yet grasped.

Finally, he released her hand, and Sophie immediately pulled back, rubbing her wrist where his iron-like grip had left marks. She glanced around the room, suddenly aware of the eyes on her. A few people stood silently, having witnessed the entire encounter. Their expressions remained unreadable, but their presence made her flush with embarrassment and anger.

Shane gave a subtle nod to a man standing nearby. Sophie's eyes widened in recognition as the figure stepped forward. It was the lawyer—the very same one who had brought her the marriage contract papers a few days earlier. 'What is he doing here?'she wondered, her confusion mounting.

"What's this?" Sophie demanded, her voice strained as the lawyer handed her a thick file. She shot a quick glance at Shane, who stood off to the side, watching her every move with cold detachment.

"That," Shane began, his voice calm and measured, "contains the rules for this marriage. They are to be followed accordingly."

Sophie's fingers trembled slightly as she opened the file, her eyes scanning the document. Each line she read seemed more absurd than the last, her blood boiling with every word.

**Rules to be Followed (Marriage Contract)**

**Valid for One (1) Year**

**Parties Involved:**

First Party: *Shane Collens*

Second Party: *Sophie Adams*

1. The second party shall not, under any circumstances, engage in any external relationships outside of the marriage.

2. The second party must attend all public events with the first party when requested.

3. The second party shall not, under any condition, disrespect the senior master.

4. The second party must always maintain the appearance of a happy relationship with the first party.


This contract is valid for one year. The first party may choose to extend or terminate the contract at the end of the year. Any violations of the rules will result in consequences as determined by the first party.

Sophie's eyes flared in outrage, her entire body trembling with fury as she read through the absurd, one-sided conditions. 'What the hell is this?'her mind screamed, spinning with disbelief and anger. It was as if every word was designed to trap her, to bind her to him in the most suffocating way possible.

"What the hell is this?" she finally said aloud, her voice rising with indignation, her green eyes flashing as she met Shane's cold, unreadable gaze. Her heart raced as she struggled to keep her composure. She was seething, and it took everything in her not to scream or tear the document to shreds.

Shane remained calm, his face a mask of indifference. Yet, for a brief moment, something else flickered in his eyes—amusement, perhaps? "Those are the rules to be followed," he said, his tone flat and dismissive, offering no room for negotiation.

"This is absurd! These rules are so one-sided!" Sophie stammered, her anger spilling into every word. Her hand tightened around the file, her nails digging into the cover as if it could somehow lessen the growing rage in her chest.

"You're welcome to suggest amendments," Shane said with a half-smile, almost mocking in its delivery. He motioned to the lawyer again. "If you have any rules of your own for me, feel free to communicate them to my lawyer. I'll decide if they're reasonable." His nonchalance was infuriating, as though none of this mattered to him in the least.

Sophie stared at the document, her fingers shaking slightly as she processed the gravity of the situation. Her jaw clenched tightly, her mind racing with a mix of anger and defiance. "And what if I don't sign it?" she asked, lifting her head to meet Shane's gaze, daring him to push her further.

Shane's expression darkened, his eyes narrowing as his voice turned icy and serious. "You owe me your life—and your sister's." His words were sharp, cutting through the air like a knife. Sophie's eyes widened in shock, the blood draining from her face as her heart plummeted.

"What... what do you mean?" Sophie stammered, her voice barely a whisper as her mind reeled from the mention of her sister. 'How does he know about Stacy?'she thought, her disbelief turning into fear.

Shane leaned in slightly, his next words sending chills through her entire body. "Stacy Adams, the hidden and illegitimate daughter of Robert Adams. Are you shocked?" Shane's tone was filled with mocking disdain as he continued, a cruel smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Your father's secret isn't much of a secret anymore."

Sophie's legs felt weak beneath her, and she took an involuntary step back as Shane let out a low, mocking laugh. The sound was cold and filled with anger, with a darkness that made Sophie's blood run cold. This wasn't just a man toying with her—this was a man who could destroy everything she held dear.

He stopped laughing abruptly, his eyes scanning her face, engrossed in fear that flickered in her wide, shocked eyes. His lips curled upward in a way that sent another shiver down her spine.

"Are you scared?" he asked, his voice low, his eyes gleaming with an unreadable emotion. He seemed to relish the power he held over her, the way he could turn her entire world upside down with just a few words.

Sophie straightened herself, forcing the fear back down. She wouldn't let him have the satisfaction of seeing her break. "No," she answered, her voice firm, her green eyes blazing as she stared him .