"Sir, please have mercy on us and our organization. I know Shirley made a huge mistake by using cheap products on the madam's face," Nara pleaded as she dropped to her knees, clinging to Shane's legs. Sophie looked at her with disgust, growing increasingly irritated by the performance.

"I think Shirley should speak for herself—whether she did it or not," Sophie said, rising from her seat, anger simmering in her voice. She couldn't believe they had played her like this, and now her face was swollen, all because of their petty animosity.

"What could she possibly say?" Nara sneered, her eyes cold as she glanced at Sophie, trying to gauge what she was up to.

"Let her speak," Shane said firmly, his voice cold as ice. He stepped away from Nara, leaving her on her knees as he moved to stand beside Sophie. The shift made Nara tremble, her bravado beginning to crumble.

Sophie turned to Shane, surprised by his actions. *What has gotten into him today?* she wondered. His strange behavior was starting to unsettle her.

"Shirley," Sophie called out to the young stylist standing on the sidelines, her eyes red and swollen from crying.

Shirley took a deep breath before speaking. "Madam, I'm truly sorry for what happened to your face, but I promise you, I didn't use fake products. I never have. We're given specific products at the company, and last week, when my supplies ran out, I was tasked by the manager to reorder them. I can assure you, everything I ordered was genuine." Shirley's voice wavered with emotion, but there was determination in her eyes as she glanced at Nara, Julie, and Rose, trying to hold back her frustration.

"I don't know how the products got mixed up today, and I'm deeply sorry for not checking properly before applying them to your face," she continued, her voice faltering. "I usually double-check everything, but today, before I could—"

"What are you trying to imply, Shirley? That someone deliberately swapped your products to frame you?" Nara interrupted, her voice dripping with mockery. "Please, just apologize. We'll speak up for you—me, Julie, and Rose." Nara's sneer deepened, and Shirley felt the weight of her words sink like stones in her chest.

"Shirley, stop lying. We all know you bought fake products," Julie chimed in, putting on a facade of sympathy. "You've been caught. Just apologize, and maybe you'll get a lighter punishment."

Rose nodded in agreement, her tone cold. "There's no need for excuses anymore, Shirley. You've done enough damage. Just admit it."

"Let her finish!" Sophie snapped, her patience worn thin by their constant interruptions.

Shirley took a moment to steady herself. "Thank you, madam," she said quietly, then turned to glare at Nara and the others.

"Before I could check everything, Nara came up to me, telling me that Madam Brittany had been trying to reach me. My phone wasn't working—I lost it on the way here—so I quickly verified that I had all my supplies and stepped out to use Nara's phone. But I suspect the products were swapped when I left," Shirley explained, her voice filled with quiet fury.

Nara's eyes narrowed. "How could the products have possibly been swapped, Shirley? Who would do that? You know Madam Brittany instructed us to take special care of the madam. She's an important guest. Shirley, please, just tell the truth."

Shirley's eyes burned with anger as she finally snapped. "I am telling the truth!" Her voice rang out, sharp and defiant. Nara recoiled, not expecting Shirley to stand up to her so boldly.

Sophie stepped forward, her expression serious. "Shirley, do you have any proof to back up what you're saying? Or proof that you bought the products from the company, as you claim?"

Shirley's face fell slightly. "Madam, I lost the receipt, but you can contact the company and confirm the order," she said, her voice filled with conviction.

"Alright," Sophie replied, turning to Shane.

"There's no need for that," Shane interrupted, as the door opened and Treyond stepped in. No one had noticed him leave, and now all eyes turned toward him, surprised by his sudden reappearance. He was holding a file, flanked by two guards.

"This is the record of goods ordered from Wu's Cosmetics on the 23rd of March," Treyond announced, handing the file to Shane. Nara's face paled as Sophie watched her reaction with a knowing smile.

Shane opened the file, his expression hardening as he read. His eyes darkened with fury, and Sophie, sensing something was wrong, moved to stand by his side. He handed her the file without a word.

"Shirley, according to this record, you didn't purchase any products from Wu's Cosmetics on the 23rd of March," Sophie said, her voice calm but firm. Shirley's eyes widened in shock, her heart sinking as Sophie's words hit her like a punch to the gut.