Sophie looked at Shane not knowing whether to feel grateful or angry at the fact that he manages to manipulate the whole situation and managed to benefit from it , no wonder the COLLENS always managed to stay at the top , it is because of the fact that they grab at any opportunity given and makes sure to benefit from it .

She excused her self feeling suffocated in the environment , going towards the wash room .

"make sure no one else drinks this except him , if anything goes wrong you should be ready to take all the blame , after the job is done I would send you the other half " the person on the other side abstructly stopped as she heard something fall from outside ,

"Shitt " Sophie cursed in her mind looking at the glass vase on the floor knowing she had been caught by now.

The person speaking from inside the washroom had stopped , when she heard the noise .

Sophie heard footsteps coming towards the door , and she braced her self and walked to the door to enter , only for the door to be swinged open on her face , and the culprit snarled at her .

"I should not have expected less , where you evesdropping on my conversation " Olivia said in anger and surprise not expecting in her wildest dreams to see Sophie here .

'at least it was not an important guest who overhead me ' she said in her mind as she calmed her nervousness down .

Sophie walked in the restroom , and she saw a small figure pass her in blur , wearing a waitress uniform with her mass of blonde hair , but she could not catch a glimpse of her face .

'what is Olivia doing here speaking to a waitress ' she wondered her eyes going to Olivia who stood there struggling to keep her nervousness abay , although she hid it well , with suspicious eyes .

"What are you doing here 'huh' , were you spying on me , how much did you hear .

I am asking you a question answer me " Olivia said .

She clenched her fist in anger , shouting at Sophie's face , who shifted back on seeing Olivia's outburst .

"Why do you look so nervous and guilty , and why do I need to spy on you , I came to use to rest room , or is there a problem with that , it is not like you where having a secret discussion or making plans here right , after all this is an open space " Sophie said .

Olivia's nose flared , and she clenched her jaw tightly , gritting her teeth .

"By the way what are you doing here , are you here to beg for money , did you sneak in here without the guards knowing , for the fact that I have known you for a long time , I will give you a chance to leave now before I call the security but you can beg me and I will be nice and pretend to have not seen you here " Olivia said eyeing Sophie's clothing .

'where did she get this dress from , this is the custom made dress 'Shengs ' the biggest fashion designer in the world , designed recently.

She saw this dress on her Instagram page only two days ago , the dress was just released two days ago , with only one in the world , so how can she possibly be wearing it , wait what am I thinking about this must be a fake , there is no way she can possibly have the real one ' Olivia concluded in her mind , as she walked up to Sophie , and held eye contact with her .

" security security " Olivia shouted loudly and two bulky men , rushed to the door of the rest room .

They looked in taking in the scene infront of them .

"How can you alyow strangers walk in the ball without checking properly , what if they cause harm to the guest , I found this woman roaming around the hall , and she was not invited , so drag her out " she said to the men who looked at Olivia wondering what was happening.

"What are you saying , and who says I was not invited " Sophie said as she romoved her hands forcefully from Olivia's grip.

Olivia eyed Sophie , then she scoffed in her mind 'invited ' how can she possibly be invited to a COLLENS party .

"Ma'am, please can we see your invitation code " one of the men said to Sophie smiled , then her smiled drastically changed to a frown when she realized , she was not sent an code nor was she invited.

The ball was held for her and Shane so she definetly did not need an invitation code to enter since she came here with the young master .

On seeing Sophie's pause Olivia smiled broadly

" did I not say she was not invited , since you claim to be show your invitation code "

she said with a smirk on her face , and Sophie could not feel more embarrassed.

"Please take her away " , Olivia said arrogantly , and Sophie's eyes shone widely.

"No wait , let me call Shane , he would fire you all if he finds out of this " Sophie said , making the guards abstructly stopped on hearing the young masters name .

'it seems she knows the young master , we better not harm her not to get on the young master bad side , he is can be very brutal ' , they both thought in their mind.

"What are you doing " Olivia's nose flared when she saw the guards abstructly stopped.

She looked at Sophie who struggled to fish her phone out from her bag

' what drama is she putting on here, or does she really know the young master , no no , she can't possibly know him , nobody does, so what is she trying to do calling the young masters name fondly like they have a close relationship ' .

' oh no no , I don't have his number ' Sophie remembered .

'She had never gotten Shane's contact because she had no use for it ' she thought in her mind, holding her phone tightly trying to hide her nervousness.

'what can I do now ' , she thought in her mind.

"What happened Sophie , cat cut your tongue or are you tired of lying " Olivia smirked on seeing Sophie's distruct face.

"Drag her out or I will make sure to get you both fired .

I am the young lady of this family , your young masters wife , the woman he held this ball for as you must have heard .

I am the new Mrs COLLENS , and not only have this woman sneaked in the ball , she had also used my husband's name to lie , so drag her out of this ball " Olivia said angrily, then turned to Sophie with an evil smile .

Sophie felt like laughing and crying at the same time .

Laughing for the fact that Olivia claimed to be Shane's wife when his real wife is standing there , and crying for the fact that she is about to be dragged out of her own ball disgracefully and could not do anything about it .


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