The demand

"Oh, that's..."

Breathing softly to describe how shocked she was, L lowered her head to avoid the eye contact. His response was the only acceptable answer to be honest. But she had to pretend to refuse him at the moment due to the circumstances. On the other side, Adelio frowned.

His ears flushed. He did it again without realizing himself! How could he speak such things?! Was he out of his mind?! Why couldn't he act normal just like every other day?! The man questioned himself in denial to see himself behaving like this. "I am sorry" He apologized.

Capturing the woman's attention. "I did not mean to make things complicated. What I meant is that I don't hesitate to spend money when I should" Adelio attempted to save himself out of embarrassment. Hushing down L. He was quick with dodging the bullet.

"It's okay, Sir. I don't have such misunderstandings even. We are just an employee and a boss. There is no need for you to explain" L played innocent. She tried to look clueless what he was talking about even. Somehow, Adelio found it upsetting. How come she did not even think of it?

Was it one-sided?

Was he the only one who kept having strange thoughts about their relationship? Alone by himself, Adelio swam in his own ocean of thoughts. "Shall we talk about the list of attendees to the welcome party?" Promptly, L changed the topic. Bringing his interest again.

He nodded. "I am certain the opportunity to cooperate with other company is to choose the right target, Sir" L indicated. "Which company do you think is the right target?" Adelio tilted his head; maintaining his tranquility. "It has to be 'F' company, Sir" L beamed.

Hushing down the man.

F company was famous indeed but with news of the CEO being sweet and handsome. The 'F' company's CEO offered chances to meet with clients even so that the sales would go up hills. If so, why did Risa choose such company out of every company? "Their sales are high"

L reasoned; "Not to mention how fast their products can run out because of the good reviews" She added. "Is that the only reason?" Howbeit, Adelio replied with an unexpected query which paused the woman. She smiled. Was he aware of her motives? "Why?" She blinked.

"No, I don't think they will be a good partner. The CEO of 'F' is known as women pleaser. His reputation is not on good term" Adelio pointed out without hesitation. Causing the woman to feel satisfied. Exactly why she was doing this. Teaming up with flirty man was her goal.

Adelio surely would deny his feelings till the end. If so, what did she need? Some fuel to add, obviously. In that case, Adelio would not have any other choices but to stand up and confess before it was too late for him. "It is only a rumor, Sir" L defended the stranger quickly.

Causing Adelio to grit his teeth.

How could she shield a stranger she had never met while sitting in front of him? Wasn't this being disrespectful? "Risa..." The man called out. Making the woman straighten her back immediately. "I am aware that you want the best for the company only" Adelio claimed.

"But this is not the correct decision. If you wish to team up with another company, pick others except 'F'. I can arrange a meeting with any company you want but not that one" Firmly and calmly, Adelio declared at the spot. Showing his dominant aura. Now, L quieted down.

What a man; the only thought she had. "I am sorry if I made you angry, Sir. I only meant good intention" Retreating, L returned to her character. Hitting the man with guilt. Adelio gulped. Did he do it wrong? Did he phrase the words wrong so that she looked terrified now?

"Risa, I did not mean to scare you or underestimate your decision. It is just I believe 'F' is not a good choice" He tried to solve the misunderstanding if he made one. However, L did not express any reaction. She only nodded. Resting her gaze on the plate down on table.


Adjusting his posture, Adelio cursed under his breath; thinking he had made the woman scared of him. He did not want her to be terrified of him for certain. It was pretty much annoying. Rather, he preferred to have daily conversation with her. "Your meal is ready" Prefect timing.

The waiters placed the course on the table, then left the two with a new topic to speak again. "The red prawn pasta here tastes really good. Most people cannot leave the restaurant without having it" To lift the atmosphere, Adelio spoke up. Tickling the woman.

Look at him, trying his best to make it lively. L appreciated the man's efforts while knowing how bad he was in communication. "Maybe this will be my next favorite dish" L flashed a smile at the man. Relieving Adelio entirely. He had never been this relaxed to see a smile.

So, she was not mad at him. Great news. He should not say things to make the situation awkward again. "We can have it every day if it becomes one" Adelio grabbed the fork. Causing the woman to smile in satisfaction over his reply. Eight hundred dollars every day? Damn.

All she could hear was cash.

Cash clicking sound permeated into her ears every time he flexed his wealth unintentionally. L took a full bite and felt like she was in heaven. No wonder it costed this much. The taste was just unforgettable. "You were right. I will never forget this taste for sure" L concurred.

"Have the wine as well" Adelio added. Earning a nod back from the woman. Words could not describe how happy the man was currently. The fact that they were alone in this restaurant and the fact that he got to see her expressions alone, delighted him wholly. He felt special.

Nothing much happened. They enjoyed the meal in tranquility without a word. After that, they returned to the car where Luke was waiting. "Did you love the meal?" Luke queried Risa. "Could never be better" The woman approved the restaurant. Earning a chuckle from Luke.

"I had to make quick research when Adelio asked me about Italian restaurant nearby. Thankfully, you enjoyed it" Luke started the car engine. His admission caused Adelio's face to redden. Why did his friend have to expose almost everything when she never questioned?!

"Thank you"

With her eyes gleaming, L turned to look at the man. Catching him off guard. Adelio's heart began to pound in excitement. How could someone smile this sweetly? It was like honey, dripping on his heart. He could not help but admired the beauty of this woman.

"She will melt if you stare too hard. At least, say something in return" Viewing through rear mirror, Luke teased his friend. "Focus on the road, Luke" Adelio's cold voice echoed. Sealing Luke's lips instantly. L only chuckled. "Ignore him. He is just playful" Adelio asserted. "It's fine"

L shook her head. "I don't mind him. In fact, I think his playful personality is a catch" As L complimented upon the other man's lively personality, Adelio's heart dropped. His eyes swayed. "I see" Was he boring for her who found the playful character attractive? Was he odd?

Was he not sufficient for her to keep entertained? The whole day, L toyed with the man's head so that Adelio experienced at least four different kinds of emotions strongly. On the other side, Luke felt bad to see his friend's mood dropping in a second. He frowned. Maybe...

Maybe, this was too far.

He should be careful from now on to make sure his friend was not harmed in any way and at the same time realized the feelings for Risa. "Thank you for the ride and dress" When they reached to parking lot of company, L bid farewell. Holding the bag of dress. "Wait, Miss Risa"

All of the sudden, Adelio prevented the woman from walking away, by addressing her formally. L turned. Meeting him handing another bag beneath a slight frown. Luke, from behind, waited while observing them with a big smile. "What is it, Sir?" She looked up at the man.

Curiosity glowing in the gaze. "A purse" Adelio notified. Stunning the woman. Did he really buy one for her?! Did her plan work?! She was purposely walking around in shop this noon to get his reaction out of it. Now, it seemed to have worked successfully. "For me?"

L furrowed her brows. "Yes. I happened to get discount on that and they forced me to get one" Swallowing the truth, Adelio lied through his teeth to avoid misunderstanding. It dissatisfied L somehow. Why couldn't he just spit the truth? "How much do I owe you now then?"

She stood on her independent side.

Causing the man to scowl. "No, don't repay. Instead, just remember that you promised me to do a favor in the future" Adelio reminded the woman. For a moment, L remained silent. This man knew his priority and stayed determined to fulfill it. "Don't worry. I noted it down"

L beamed while Adelio gulped over her smile. "Thanks for the purse, Sir" The woman bowed her head; accepting the bag. "You are welcome" The man acted cool. "Then, if you excuse me" "Wait" Once again, Adelio ceased L. "Is it okay if we go out to have meal together again?"

And he demanded.

Making L grin. "Of course"