The neglect

Adelio's world just stopped.

The moment felt magical. Even his heart could not handle this much. It's becoming unhealthy. It was actually scary how he continued to feel these whenever she did something to him. These feelings were not temporary. That's one thing he knew for certain. And it felt good.

It did not matter if Risa was drunk. All he knew was the fact that she kissed him, out of everyone! Driven by the desire, Adelio pulled the woman in, holding her by waist as L beamed up at him. Looked like he had fallen head over heels upon her kiss. L pressed herself on him.

"Adelio, you know that you are quite handsome?" Her soft breath brushed his lips. The way his name escaped between her lips, aroused him more. She had called his name at last. Who taught this woman to be this irresistible? Without hesitation, Adelio leaned in.