The wife

The couple slept in each other's arms.

The warmth after rough sex embraced them still. Adelio had no shirt on. He laid on his stomach while holding down the woman under his arm to assure he woke up next to her. "Ugh…" Pain crawled up as L woke up. Her naked body was covered in love bites. What a tiring night she had.

With the man sleeping soundly by her side, she let out an exhausted sigh. The couple spent the whole night on this bed as she learned several things about sex from Adelio. Lot of positions, unexplainable pleasure and tons of hickeys; he marked her as his possession.

Adelio was gentle, yet impatient in bed. He might try to make it comfortable for her; but at the same time, he attempted to go beyond the imagination to satisfy himself like a wild beast. As the result, L suffered from unbearable pain. The sun was still rising to awaken the world.