The withdrawal

L shook her head.

"No, what I meant is, how can we continue when the lights are still off? Shouldn't we be worried about the darkness? Where are others?" L shifted the focus. It was when Caleb smiled again, petrifyingly. "Don't worry. Whether there is a light or not, we will be together forever"

Caleb ensured. It was when L's breath hitched, her face paling as his words sunk in. The shock was a physical blow, leaving her trembling as she tried to process the twisted logic behind his declaration. Together forever, he kept repeating it, proving Finn was right to worry.

The very essence of their relationship had been corrupted into something unrecognizable and horrifying. "Ha..." Eventually, L ran out of patience. She inhaled deeply and exhaled. Her heart ached with the weight of disappointment. "I don't think I can endure this bullshit"