Dying Necromancer

The Ice Palace, North Pole

As Feng Lou went inside the frigid halls of the ice palace, his eyes fell upon the sinister spectacle that adorned its icy walls. Spiky icicles hung ominously from the ceiling, casting eerie shadows in the dim light. Going closer, Feng Lou's shock quickly turned to anger as he realized the true nature of these icy formations. Each icicle contained a huge secret—the frozen bodies of humans, suspended in a grotesque display of cruelty and malice. The sight stirred a mixture of disbelief and fury within Feng Lou.

Feng Lou's anger surged within him like a raging inferno, yet he remained vigilant, his senses attuned to every sound and movement. With measured steps, he advanced toward the source of the death qi

As Feng Lou entered another hall, he realized it resembled a throne room. At the end of the hall sat a figure on a throne, whom he recognized as the culprit behind the world's destruction. Whether intentional or not, the figure's actions had caused the deaths of millions. Despite the palpable death qi emanating from the figure, Feng Lou remained composed. Though negative thoughts surged within him, his mastery over death qi allowed him to suppress them as he approached the figure.

As Feng Lou advanced, the figure on the throne sat up and demanded, "Who dares to disturb my slumber?" Instantly, icicles filled with human bodies from around the hall surged toward him, propelled by an unseen force.

Feng Lou refrained from destroying the icicles, fearing that the people trapped within might still be alive. Instead, he focused on evading them as they hurtled toward him. Amidst this chaos, he caught a glimpse of the figure on the throne—a skeletal guy with glowing eyes

The skeletal figure's voice echoed through the hall, sending a chill down Feng Lou's spine. "Who are you? With that kind of power, you should not be human," it intoned, its tone laced with an unsettling mix of curiosity and menace.

"Who I am doesn't matter. All you need to know is I'm here to kill you for what you've done," Feng Lou declared, his voice firm and resolute, cutting through the tension in the air.

"What I have done?" bellowed the skeleton figure. "You should be angry at them, for what they have done," it retorted, its voice echoing ominously in the throne room.

"What have they done to you that you were driven to such extremes, to resort to the DESTRUCTION OF MILLIONS?" Feng Lou inquired with anger

"Done to me?!" bellowed the skeleton figure with anger, still shooting icicles at Feng Lou. "You mean done to this planet," it corrected, its voice reverberating with fury.

"I was given a duty by my creator to protect this planet thousands of years ago," the skeleton figure yelled, its voice resonating with anger. "And when I woke up three years ago, I saw pollution, violence, and just pure filth ruining this planet! I gave them chances upon chances, and they still chose to ignore me. So I did what I had to do—I PROTECTED THIS PLANET!"

"What do you mean by your creator?" Feng Lou questioned, his curiosity piqued as he deftly dodged the onslaught of icicles. "And what chances did you give them?"

The skeleton figure chose to ignore Feng Lou's first question and instead replied with fury, "I went undercover as a human in their world, urging them to stop polluting and killing. But you know what they did? They ignored me, mocked me, called me crazy!" Anger seethed in its words. "I even changed my gender and identity, and still they chose to ignore me. THESE FILTHY BASTARDS!"

Feng Lou fell silent at the skeleton figure's response. He understood all too well the indifference of the modern world. In a society where people often ignored warnings and pleas unless forced to confront them, the skeleton's frustration resonated deeply with him.

"I know how you feel, but that doesn't justify killing innocent people," Feng Lou replied, his voice a mix of anger and understanding. "And trapping those people in icicles—what's your justification for that? Your reasons might make sense to you, but they're just excuses for violence. They won't work on me."

Feng Lou abandoned his restraint, letting his powers surge forth as he charged towards the skeleton figure. As he closed in, he noticed a wand in the skeleton's hand, poised to strike.

The skeleton figure's voice echoed through the chamber, its tone resolute. "You may judge me as you wish, but in my eyes, I fulfilled my duty," it declared, brandishing the wand. With a flourish, it summoned a series of intricate magic circles into existence. "Before the might of the 9th circle Demi-God, you are nothing," it sneered, exuding confidence.

As the strange black flames surged forth from the arcane circles, their eerie glow casting an ominous light across the chamber, Feng Lou instinctively leaped and dodged, evading their deadly touch. His heart raced as he realized the peril he faced, uncertain of the true extent of the flames' lethality

Suddenly Skeleton figure waved his wand and Feng Lou's heart skipped a beat as he saw Jack and Jiang Xiaoyan next to the skeleton figure, held captive by his magic. A surge of panic threatened to overwhelm him

Feng Lou was shocked, but soon Chaos bell in his rung, and Jack and Jiang Xiaoyan disappeared, Relief flooded through Feng Lou as he realized it was merely an illusion. His heart pounded with a mix of gratitude and determination.

"Huh?" exclaimed the skeleton figure, his surprise evident. "How did you break that illusion magic? But that doesn't matter now because you are going to die in a few seconds. Look at your arm," he taunted. Feng Lou glanced down at his arm and saw that while he had been momentarily distracted, he had been struck by an attack.

As seconds ticked by without any effect, both Feng Lou and the skeleton figure were both shocked. Suddenly, a message from Chaos Bell flashed into Feng Lou's mind, revealing the ineffectiveness of the skeleton mage's death qi magic against someone with an immortal aperture filled with death qi. With this newfound understanding, Feng Lou's fear dissipated, replaced by a surge of courage. No longer dodging the fires, he charged forward, aiming to kill the skeleton figure with a single punch.

The skeleton figure watched in disbelief as Feng Lou closed the distance between them rapidly. With one swift motion, Feng Lou unleashed a powerful punch aimed directly at the skeleton's chest.

As Feng Lou's punch connected with the skeleton figure, the figure's demeanor shifted abruptly. "Please, I can't die yet," it pleaded, desperation seeping into its voice. "I'll do anything, just spare me. I can offer you riches, women—anything you desire. Please don't kill me" 

The skeleton figure's desperate pleas fell on deaf ears as another Feng Lou's punch connected with unyielding force. Despite the figure's attempts to bargain for mercy, Feng Lou remained resolute. With a single strike, the confrontation reached its climax, and the skeleton figure crumbled under the force of Feng Lou's attack, its form dissipating into nothingness.

As the skeleton figure teetered on the brink of oblivion, a message resonated within Feng Lou's mind from the Chaos Bell: "Would you like to absorb the soul of the skeleton mage?"