Crazy Idea

Feng Lou rushed out of the school building and wasted no time in getting home. Within just 30 seconds, he found himself halfway there, and within a minute, he had reached his doorstep.

Sitting in his room, Feng Lou thought about what happened today. He learned that Xiao Meiying's life is in danger because of a group called the Maleficae Obscuritas Sect. He doesn't know why but Xiao Meiying's parents well her father definitely knows about it.

Feng Lou realized he needed more details about the Maleficae Obscuritas Sect, but he felt powerless to find them. However, he recalled a potential solution: becoming a Witch Adept. To achieve this, he needed to reach the second level of witch body cultivation.

Once he reaches the second level of witch body cultivation, he'll gain the ability to use spiritual energy. With this energy, he could cast divination spells he discovered in the memories of a skeleton mage. This means he might uncover valuable information about the Maleficae Obscuritas Sect and why they are hunting Xiao Meiying.

Now Feng Lou had a clear goal: to become a Witch Adept as soon as possible. He began searching through the witch body cultivation technique given to him by Zhurong. Soon, he realized that to become a witch adept, he needed to find a place with strong pressure to strengthen his body. This place also needed to be peaceful so he could sense the spiritual energy flowing around the world.

Feng Lou felt puzzled by the idea of finding a place with pressure that could temper his body. But then, he had a realization. Deep underwater, the pressure was incredibly strong, so much that it could bend even steel. Feng Lou saw this as the perfect opportunity. He decided that diving into the depths of the ocean would provide the intense pressure he needed to strengthen his body for witch body cultivation. Moreover, that place is also peaceful enough to help him sense spiritual energy.

Feng Lou had a destination in mind, so he headed to his bed to rest. Even though he didn't require sleep as a witch initiate, he understood the importance of resting to ensure he was at his best.



Sitting on his bed, Feng Lou meditated deeply. His thoughts revolved around Xiao Meiying and how to keep her safe while he goes underwater to become a witch initiate. He wracked his brain but couldn't find a solution that would ensure her protection without his presence.

Feng Lou's eyes widened, a faint trace of death qi swirling in his irises. He muttered to himself, "It's a crazy idea, but maybe it'll work. It's risky, but I don't think anyone can harm me." With a sudden burst of inspiration, Feng Lou conceived a daring plan to keep Xiao Meiying safe.

"I'm going to kidnap Xiao Meiying and take her with me," Feng Lou declared, his eyes gleaming with a hint of madness, not realizing that it might be the death qi making him more reckless.

However, soon Feng Lou's eyes regained their calm, and he murmured to himself, "First, I need a solid plan to kidnap her. It must be so well-thought-out that neither her father nor the MO sect can track me."

"Should I just take her from school pretending like it was the MO sect that took her?" Feng Lou again thought to himself, "I also need to deal with this Lin Xiaohong first, she can become troublesome if I don't deal with her first. Perhaps I can knock her out even before she enters the school,"

Feng Lou was thinking hard, trying to create a foolproof plan. However, he hit a roadblock. While he could make it look like Xiao Meiying's father thought the MO sect took her, he couldn't figure out how to stop the MO sect from searching for her. They'd know they didn't take her, so how could he stop them?

Feng Lou's eyes lit up again, and he said to himself, "Yes, that might do it, but it's going to be tough. Still, I'm sure it'll throw both Xiao Meiying's father and the MO sect off track when they search for her after I kidnap her."

Just as Feng Lou spoke, he vanished from his room. In the blink of an eye, he stood on the roof of his house. "First stop, school," he muttered to himself. "I need to find Lin Xiaohong if I want this plan to succeed."

Within a minute, Feng Lou arrived at his school. Everything seemed normal, as if the events of yesterday were just a distant memory, perhaps even an illusion to some. But Feng Lou knew the truth, a bunch of assassins had come to kill Xiao Meiying yesterday and he killed two of them.

Feng Lou didn't know why but he didn't feel much about killing those assassins, Perhaps it was the influence of the death qi, or maybe his growing strength was making him more detached.

Feng Lou closed his eyes and started to focus on his hearing searching for Lin Xiaohong. Before long, he detected her presence, hidden on the roof.

With a whoosh, Feng Lou vanished, reappearing behind Lin Xiaohong. Placing a hand on her shoulder, he greeted her with a peculiar smile. "Hi, Miss Lin. Good morning," he said softly.

Lin Xiaohong sat on the roof, keeping watch over Xiao Meiying. Suddenly, she felt a touch on her shoulder and heard a greeting. Lin Xiaohong was startled but she was able to recognize who it was just by his voice, it was the Celestial realm strongman that she fought yesterday, Feng Lou.

"Hello, Mr. Feng. Good morning. What brings you here?" Lin Xiaohong asked, still feeling a bit surprised.

"I'm just here because I wanted to ask, Miss Lin, where your and Xiao Meiying's house is," Feng Lou replied, his grip on Lin Xiaohong's shoulder tightening to the point of almost being unbearable for her.

Lin Xiaohong let out a small scream, her voice trembling. "Are you really with the MO sect? Why do you want to know where mine and Xiao Meiying's house is?" she speculated, her mind racing with worry.

"I didn't even know this so-called MO sect existed until yesterday, so no, I'm not a part of it," Feng Lou responded, his grin widening. "And as for your second question, I simply want to know because I want to protect Xiao Meiying better," he explained, his expression sunny despite the tension in the air.