Evil God

For three days now, she's been stuck in this lighthouse. Every time she tries to leave, she blacks out as if she's been hit on the head, and when she wakes up, she's back in the lighthouse. She's sure it's Feng Lou behind this, but no matter how hard she pleads, he won't answer her.

"Let me go, you jerk!" Xiao Meiying yelled, tears streaming down her face. "Please, just let me out of here! There isn't even a toilet in this place!" She gestured to the foul-smelling mess on the floor. "I'm begging you, Feng Lou, what did I do to deserve this?"

As Xiao Meiying poured out her desperate plea, deep beneath the ocean's surface, Feng Lou continued his attempts to absorb spiritual energy. Yet, each time he reached out for it, it slipped from his grasp,it was frustrating him to no end. This mysterious resistance made him quite confused.

Feng Lou asked Chaos Bell in his mind, his voice tinged with frustration and confusion. "Do you have any idea why I can't absorb the spiritual energy of this world?"

Chaos Bell didn't answer his question directly instead it said, "Do you remember whose bloodline you have in your body,"

"Zhurong blood, why do you ask," Feng Lou asked, puzzled. Chaos Bell replied, "Remember what his main element is?"

Feng Lou responded, a hint of confusion in his voice. "His main element... fire,"

The realization hit Feng Lou like a lightning bolt. "I am so dumb," he muttered to himself. He understood now; he'd been trying to absorb water element energy when he needed fire element energy to become a witch adept.

Feng Lou quickly said thank you to Chaos Bell before leaving the ocean's depths. In mere moments, he stood before Xiao Meiying.

Xiao Meiying, still in the midst of her plea, was taken aback to find Feng Lou standing before her. "Feng Lou, please, I'm begging you, let me go," she implored once more, her voice trembling with a mixture of fear and hope.

"Please, you've got to understand," Xiao Meiying pleaded, her voice choked with emotion. "This is unbearable. Let me leave. I'll do anything. Just please, have mercy." She looked at Feng Lou, desperation written all over her face, hoping beyond hope for some sign of compassion.

"Xiao Meiying, I am doing this for your own good, this is the best way to protect you," Feng Lou insisted, death qi again emerging in his eyes right as he said that.

"Protect me from who?" Xiao Meiying screamed back. "The only thing I need protection from is you!"

"I knew you wouldn't understand," Feng Lou sighed. After a moment, he added, "Just come with me for a maximum of five months. After that, you're free to go wherever you want. I won't stop you."

"Five months? Are you serious?" Xiao Meiying questioned, her voice wavering with uncertainty. After a brief pause, she asked, "Will you truly let me go after five months?"

"Yes," Feng Lou said with honesty in his eyes.

"Okay, I'll go with you," Xiao Meiying reluctantly agreed, feeling as though she had no other option.

Upon hearing her agreement, Feng Lou quickly lifted Xiao Meiying onto his shoulder and began searching for a location rich in fire spiritual energy, a place where his body could be pushed to its limits.


Capital City

a hotel stood tall in an anonymous location, its exterior adorned with sleek glass windows reflecting the city lights. Inside, the lobby exuded an air of modern elegance, with marble floors and plush seating welcoming guests as they entered.

Down a discreet hallway, a staircase led to the basement level. Here, amidst the hum of ventilation systems, lay a spacious conference room. The room was furnished with polished wooden tables and cushioned chairs, arranged in a semi-circle formation.

Within the conference room, Xiao Lei and Lin Xiao sat patiently, they were waiting for the arrival of the leaders of the MO sect. 

As the minutes ticked by, Xiao Lei and Lin Xiao exchanged glances, their patience beginning to wear thin.

"They're late," Xiao Lei remarked, frustration evident in his voice.

"Spies did mention that they have a habit of arriving late to assert dominance," Lin Xiao added, a hint of annoyance coloring his tone.

Right as Lin Xiao finished his statement, the sound of numerous footsteps echoed through the hallway outside the conference room.

The heavy footsteps grew louder, heralding the arrival of the leaders of the Mo sect. As the door swung open, three imposing figures strode into the conference room with an aura of authority that seemed to fill the space.

Each leader was a towering presence, their features covered with weird demon-like masks. With every step, the floor beneath them seemed to tremble, as if acknowledging their immense strength. They were all celestial realm beings, exuding an overwhelming sense of strength and authority.

Dressed in robes of deep crimson, they exuded an air of regal confidence as they took their seats with deliberate grace. The chairs, though sturdy, seemed almost insignificant beneath their weighty presence. As they settled in, the atmosphere in the room changed.

Xiao Lei started the talk, with the main question, "Did you kidnap my daughter?" 

The atmosphere in the room shifted abruptly as one of the leaders spoke up. "Why would we kidnap our sect's holy daughter?" he questioned. "The prophecy states that she will come to us of her own accord."

"Why do you keep referring to my daughter as your sect's holy daughter?" Xiao Lei demanded, his tone firm. "I've conducted a DNA test, and I'm absolutely certain she's my daughter."

"We understand she's your daughter, but she's also our sect's holy daughter," another leader chimed in, their voice carrying an air of unwavering conviction.

Xiao Lei's frustration continued to mount as he pleaded, "Please, just tell me why you're after my daughter."

"It's because of a prophecy," one of the leaders reiterated. Xiao Lei's curiosity piqued, prompting him to inquire, "What prophecy?"

"Long ago, our ancestors received a prophecy," they began, their words carrying the weight of centuries past. "It foretold of a holy daughter, born in a rich martial arts family on the fifth month of the year, and how she will summon our sect's holy god. This god would purify the world, inside and out, bringing balance and harmony to all."

Before Xiao Lei could utter another word, one of the leaders interjected, "The prophecy states that a holy daughter, bearing the mark of injury, will come to our sect one day. Through her, the holy god shall be summoned, and he will cleanse the world. Those who aided in his summoning shall be granted passage to a holy paradise."

"You can't possibly believe that," Xiao Lei said, his suspicion evident. In response, all the leaders rose to their feet in a collective display of anger.

"How dare you tarnish our sacred prophecy!" they thundered in unison. "It is because of the holy god, Santuro, that we are in the celestial realm!"

"Calm down, calm down," Xiao Lei urged, attempting to diffuse the tension. Internally, he was shocked by the implications of the leader's words. If their god, Santuro, truly existed and had aided them in achieving their status as legendary celestial realm masters, then it meant this god possessed power beyond even that of the celestial realm.