The Essence

Xiao Meiying saw Feng Lou was already there, so she went up to him and stood beside him, but she didn't tell him about the things that happened inside the Hall of Souls.

The two ghostly figures reappeared, their ethereal forms hovering in the air. The white figure spoke first, its voice echoing through the hall. "Both of you have successfully completed the strength and soul trials. The final trial awaits: the trial of will."

The black figure continued, "The trial of will is the most difficult. It will test your deepest convictions and your commitment to your goals. Be prepared, for this trial can break even the strongest of souls."

Feng Lou turned to Xiao Meiying. "Are you ready for this? Are you sure you wanna do this?"

Xiao Meiying took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead. "Yes, I'm ready. Let's finish this."

The ghostly figures nodded in approval. "Very well. The trial of the will begins now."

In an instant, the scene around them shifted. Both of them found themselves in a different desolate landscape, the air thick with an oppressive sense of dread. The ground was cracked and barren, and a heavy fog obscured the horizon.

Feng Lou blinked, disoriented as he found himself on a school rooftop. He looked down at his hands, his breath catching in his throat. They were not his hands—they were delicate, feminine, and unfamiliar. He had become Lin Xiaohong, the very person he had tortured for information. The realization hit him like a punch to the gut, and the oppressive dread of the trial deepened.

He was reliving her torment from her perspective. Right as he thought that, he found out he couldn't move his hands or rather her hands, suddenly he found somebody, touched his shoulder and said hi, and it was Feng Lou, his body. he knew he was going to relive her torture memories.

All the events that had transpired began to unfold around him. Feng Lou could see the death qi swirling in his other self's eyes, a sinister glint that he had never truly noticed before. The realization of his cruelty hit him hard, and he felt a deep, gnawing fear.

The torture began in earnest. Each cut, each blow, each cruel word was a sharp reminder of his past actions. Feng Lou couldn't believe the extent of the suffering he had inflicted on Lin Xiaohong. The pain was unbearable, both physically and emotionally, and his will began to crumble under the weight of his own brutality.

"How could I have done this?" he thought, the horror of his actions seeping into every fiber of his being. The agony was relentless, and he felt his resolve weakening. The fear of his own capacity for cruelty was overwhelming.

In the midst of this torment, a voice rang out within him, clear and strong. "Do not let fear define you, Feng Lou. Face your darkness. Only then can you truly overcome it." It was the Chaos Bell.

Drawing on every ounce of his inner strength, Feng Lou forced himself to focus. He knew he had to endure this trial, to confront and accept the darkest parts of himself. The pain continued, but he began to see beyond it, to understand the reasons behind his actions. The fear, the anger, the desperation, the need to become stronger, and the influence of the death qi—all of it had driven him to these heinous acts.

The torture was endless, and he felt as though he couldn't endure it much longer. Each moment seemed to stretch into eternity, the agony consuming him. But the Chaos Bell's words echoed in his mind. He had to hold on, and push through the pain, and find the strength within himself.

Feng Lou wanted to speak, to confront the deepest corners of his psyche and understand the true reasons behind his actions. The scene around him remained silent, an oppressive void that seemed to press down on his thoughts.

"Why?" he whispered, his voice echoing in the emptiness. "Why did I continue to torture her even after I got the information? What drove me to such cruelty?"

As if responding to his plea, the figure that was torturing him spoke, this time with an expression of sadness and understanding.

"You wanted power," he began, his voice soft but clear. "But it wasn't just about protecting Xiao Meiying or saving humanity. You were consumed by the death qi, yes, but also by something deeper within you. A rage, a need to dominate, to prove your strength to yourself and others. You have always feared being weak, being powerless, and that fear drove you to cruelty."

Feng Lou's heart tightened at these words. He had always believed his actions were justified by a higher purpose, but now he had to face the uncomfortable truth. The desire for power had been tainted by his own darkness.

The figure continued, "When you tortured Lin Xiaohong, it wasn't just about the information. It was about asserting control, about venting your own frustrations and rage, and death qi gave you an excuse that what you were doing wasn't you, but it was you, it was the real you, not the person, brainwashed by modern morals, but the actual real you who is filled with cruelty and anger. You wanted to feel strong, and invincible, and at that moment, hurting her gave you that feeling. You let your anger and fear twist your actions, and in doing so, you lost sight of who you truly are."

Feng Lou felt a shudder run through him. The words struck a chord deep within his soul. He had always justified his actions as necessary for the greater good, but now he saw the darker truth. The rage and cruelty he had shown were not just side effects of the death qi—they were a part of him he had suppressed, a part he had to confront.

"I understand now," Feng Lou said, his voice heavy with realization. "The death qi didn't create the darkness within me; it simply brought it to the surface,"

Feng Lou's realization weighed heavily on him. He had always believed that his anger and darkness were a necessary part of his strength, a tool to protect humanity from the dangers that threatened it. But now, faced with the truth that his anger could lead him down a path of cruelty and destruction, he was filled with doubt.

"I wanted to protect humanity," he muttered to himself, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "But how can I protect them if I can't even control my own darkness? How can I be sure that my anger won't consume me, won't lead me to become the very thing I've sworn to fight against?"

He felt a sense of despair creeping in, a fear that he was doomed to repeat the mistakes of humanity sages, they were too kind and due to that they were easily manipulated into making humanity slaves for the saint. he was afraid that his efforts to protect humanity would only bring about more pain and suffering.

"Why me?" he murmured, the words heavy with doubt and self-reflection. "Why did Chaos Bell choose me, with all my flaws and darkness? Am I truly fit to be the forefront of humanity, to wield such power and responsibility?"

But then, amidst his turmoil, Chaos Bell's voice cut through the haze of uncertainty, offering a glimmer of clarity. "You wanted to know the real reason why I chose you, didn't you?" it said, its tone solemn yet reassuring. "The truth is, I chose you because you embody the essence of humanity—the kindness and the anger, the light and the darkness. It is this balance of virtues and flaws that makes you uniquely qualified to lead."

Feng Lou's heart skipped a beat as the realization washed over him. In that moment, he understood that his flaws were not weaknesses to be overcome, but integral parts of his identity. It was his capacity for kindness that gave him empathy and compassion, and his anger that will help him fight against the cruel creatures of the prehistoric world. Together, they formed the foundation of his strength, the essence of his humanity.

And with a ding from the Chaos Bell, the illusion around him collapsed, and he completed his will trial.