Holy Daughter?

The ghostly figures guided Feng Lou and Xiao Meiying back through the labyrinthine halls of the underworld, their ethereal forms gliding silently ahead. The oppressive atmosphere seemed to lift slightly as they approached the chamber where Han Mei awaited.

Han Mei's face lit up with a mixture of relief and curiosity as they entered. "You're back! What happened? Did you pass the trials?" she asked, her voice filled with concern and hope.

Xiao Meiying stepped forward, her expression was neutral. "We both passed. Feng Lou is now the King of the Underworld, and I have been made the Queen." She paused in between, choosing her words carefully to mask the anger she felt.

Han Mei's eyes widened with astonishment. "The King and Queen of the Underworld? That's incredible! But... are you both alright? The trials must have been intense."

Xiao Meiying nodded, her mind flashing with images of her killing Li Hua. For some reason, whenever those images surfaced, she felt an uncontrollable joy that conflicted with her rational mind after seeing her mother. "Yes, both of us are alright,"

Han Mei, sensing there was more to the story, asked, "Meiying, what does the role of the Queen of the Underworld entail? I know the King wields immense power, but what about the Queen?"

Xiao Meiying hesitated, the weight of her new role pressing heavily upon her. She glanced at Feng Lou, who was looking at the floor in daze for some reason, before turning back to Han Mei. "As the Queen of the Underworld, I have similar powers to the King. I can influence the underworld and the souls within it. However, my primary duty is to serve the King and maintain balance. The Queen's role is to support the King's decisions and ensure his commands are carried out."

Han Mei frowned slightly, sensing the underlying tension. "Serve the King? That sounds... restrictive..... Are you truly okay with that?"

Xiao Meiying took a deep breath, trying to quell the weird anger that kept coming within her. "It's a complex role, Mother. There are aspects I am still coming to terms with, but I intend to use this position to help us achieve our goals. The unity between the King and Queen is crucial for maintaining the balance of the underworld."

Han Mei looked at her daughter with concern. "Meiying, if there's anything you need to talk about or if you're feeling overwhelmed, you know I'm here for you."

Xiao Meiying faked a small smile, feeling the frustration bubbling beneath the surface. "Thank you, Mother, but I can handle myself. You don't need to worry."

Han Mei, sensing the weirdness in her daughter's voice, reached out and gently squeezed her hand. "Just remember, Meiying, you're not alone in this. We're all here to support each other."

For some reason, during the conversation, Xiao Meiying's mind was going crazy. She was imagining killing her mother over and over again. Xiao Meiying was trying to suppress these images, but they kept coming up, gnawing at her sanity.

Feng Lou, observing the exchange, stepped in to lighten the mood. "Let's do what we came here to do. Finding Xiao Meiying's father is our priority."

Han Mei turned her attention to Feng Lou, her eyes filled with hope and desperation. "Please, Feng Lou, help us find my husband. Use your power as the King of the Underworld to locate his soul."

Feng Lou nodded solemnly. "I will do everything in my power to help."

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the vast network of souls within the underworld. The crown on his head glowed faintly, its ancient power connecting him to the essence of the underworld itself. He reached out with his mind, searching for any trace of Xiao Meiying's father.

Minutes passed, and Feng Lou's brow furrowed in concentration. He extended his search, scanning every corner of the underworld for the familiar presence. But despite his efforts, he found nothing.

Opening his eyes, Feng Lou looked at Han Mei and Xiao Meiying, his expression troubled. "I couldn't find his soul. This means... he isn't dead."

Han Mei's eyes widened in shock, a mixture of hope and confusion spreading across her face. "If he isn't dead, then where is he? Why hasn't he returned to us?"

Xiao Meiying felt a surge of emotions—relief that her father might still be alive, but also a dark, insidious thought crept into her mind: "Thank God, now I can kill him with my own hands." Xiao Meiying was shocked by her own thoughts, struggling to maintain her composure as her rational mind waged war against the growing madness within her.

Feng Lou, noticing the flicker of turmoil in Xiao Meiying's eyes, placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We will find him. Let's take this one step at a time."

Xiao Meiying nodded, forcing herself to focus. "Yes, we need to find out where he is and what happened to him. If he's not in the underworld, there must be another explanation."

"No, he must still be in the underworld because the divination spell pointed us towards here," Feng Lou interjected. He paused, considering their next steps before addressing Xiao Meiying. "Try to imagine your father or anyone you think might know where he could be. Use that image to search the underworld with your power."

Xiao Meiying closed her eyes, struggling to conjure a clear image of her father amidst the chaos in her mind. Her thoughts were fragmented, the dark impulses fighting for dominance, but she forced them back, focusing on the task at hand. She pictured her father's face, trying to recall every detail she could remember.

She extended her senses, channeling the power of her new role as the Queen of the Underworld. She reached out, searching the vast expanse of souls and spirits that resided there, hoping to find a trace, a clue, anything that could lead them to him.

Minutes felt like hours as she concentrated, sifting through the myriad of souls. Finally, she felt a faint connection, a whisper of familiarity. It wasn't her father, but it was someone she recognized—her uncle who had served her father faithfully.

"I found someone," Xiao Meiying said, her voice tinged with a mix of relief and determination. "A friend of my father's and my uncle. He might know what happened or where he is."

Feng Lou nodded, his expression resolute. "Let's summon him and get some answers."

Together, they channeled their combined powers, honing in on the spirit of the old retainer. The ghostly figure of a middle-aged man with a scar on his face appeared before them, his eyes widening in recognition as he saw Xiao Meiying.

"My lady," he said, bowing deeply. "I never thought I would see you again."

"Uncle Lin, you... are dead," Xiao Meiying said emotionally, her voice trembling. She was feeling like that because Uncle Lin had always treated her like a regular person, not like her mother, who treated her like a doll, or her father, who treated her like she didn't exist. The sight of him stirred a flood of memories and feelings within her.

Uncle Lin nodded, his eyes softening. "Yes, my lady, I have passed on,"

Xiao Meiying was sad, despite her sanity almost being gone, she said to Uncle Lin, "What happened, why did you die, where did you and my father disappear months ago, where is her now?"

Uncle Lin's features darkened with sorrow as he recounted the events of that fateful day. His eyes, usually warm and full of life, now held a deep sadness.

"Few months ago," he began, his voice heavy with emotion, "one of the leaders of the Mo Sect contacted us and informed us that they had found their holy daughter. Your father and I rushed to the Mo Sect base, believing that they had finally located you, my lady. However, when we arrived, we discovered that the holy daughter they had found was not you, but my daughter and your protector, Lin Xiaohong."