Tata stood in front of her bedroom window, His eyes were fixed on the house opposite, she hasn’t seen key in half a year, If you remember, it still feels like there is a hole in Tata’s heart, although now since Raka’s arrival, Tata has forgotten the key a little, actually it’s not that easy to forget his love for key. Tomorrow is the day of her engagement with Raka, because the day after tomorrow Raka’s leave will end and Raka has to return to work. It’s possible that with this engagement, Tata can like Raka, because Raka is an amazing person for Tata, it definitely won’t be difficult for her to like Raka again, like when she was little.
As a form of obedience to his parents, Tata will carry out tomorrow’s engagement as well as possible, As Raka said, “Just carry out the engagement, for the future, even if Tata likes someone else and can’t like Raka anymore, then Raka will give up and cancel this engagement.” Well... that’s the best way, too, according to her.