“I brought mixed rice, let’s eat!” Tata entered Reva’s room, passing Gilang who was frozen with a disappointed face.
“I thought you came with Reva’s mother, If I knew you came alone I wouldn’t have opened the door!” Gilang sat back in the chair he had been sitting on, Gilang’s words were greeted by Tata’s dry laughter and a punch on Gilang’s shoulder.
“Where is my mother?”
“Auntie is meeting the doctor to discuss your blood test results.” Tata opened a box of rice for Gilang.
“Where’s the rice for me?” Reva put on a pitiful face.
“Where is there mixed rice for patients! Here’s porridge!” Tata handed Reva a box of porridge.
“Why porridge?” Reva pouted.
“Don’t be fussy and just eat, The porridge I bought tastes better than the porridge given by the hospital.”
“Okay... give me a spoon.”
“I’m going out for a moment to buy a drink.”
“Oh my... Yes, I forgot to buy drinks, have you finished eating?” Tata laughed lightly.