First kiss

Gilang tried calling several times, but only heard a busy tone.It seems like in this heavy rain many people need towing services, Gilang glanced at the person next to him with a smile, Reva looked impatient and wanted to get out of the car. She looked cold because his hands were folded in front of his chest, Maybe because she was wearing a thin white shirt, In rainy weather like this, they also can’t do anything, Just take shelter in the car until the car towing service arrives.

“Ah! Finally!” Reva’s face looked relieved, Seeing Gilang who is now connected to a towing service operator.

“I ordered a taxi online, Let’s take a taxi home later, okay?” Gilang’s words were answered by Reva’s nod, Suddenly Gilang stroked Reva’s cheek, making Reva immediately turn her face.


Reva was restless... knocked on the door several times and called her mother, But there was no response from inside the house.