“I just found out that there is a view as beautiful as this in the city center." Tata propped his body against the guardrail that was as high as his chest.
“I used to often go to this place with Gilang, When we're both fed up with school work piling up, We will come here to just scream and somersault to calm our minds." Key smiled faintly, his eyes staring straight ahead observing the thousands of twinkling street lights from the rooftop of his family's hotel.
“So, your relationship with Gilang is really that close?"
“We grew up together in the same family environment, He's my younger cousin even though I consider him my own younger brother."
“But Gilang doesn't seem to like you, Moreover, when I first asked about you he said he didn't know you."
“Well, our relationship was strained when Gilang liked a girl and the girl actually liked me.”