Heartbreak's First Whisper

Daksh has been a senior in the Academy of the Mountain Sect and a fellow mayavi of Adara. His family was banished from Nirvanapura; a small northern province of Shrughna for his father, the governor, was loyal to Raja Vikram Vedi. Daskh, being six years older than Adara, was already enrolled in the Adhyanalay (the Shrughnan Consortium). But he was dismissed from the academy due to his father’s loyalty. They met first at the library of the Mountain Sect Academy. She forgot to bring her writing quill, and he was sitting across her in the next row. So, she asked him if he had one. Being an overall gentleman, he immediately lent his quill to her, which she returned after taking a few scribbles of important notes from vitomancy books. Vitomancy being her favorite subject, she took extra lessons to learn the magical art form. However, the meeting was casual and nothing sort of special so they quickly forgot about the encounter until the High Council meeting a week later. The High Council holds meetings with its members to discuss the Community’s running status right from agriculture, business, and security. There are several dark creatures and entities in the mountains, which sometimes create disturbance in the border area surrounding the walls of magical wards. Apart from that, nefaries from all over the three kingdoms create extra trouble trying to find these three units of the Mountain Sect. Most of the people living as Pariahs are from aura families. The High Council holds three meetings a year; that is every four months to discuss community affairs, and once a year the Grand Council Meeting is held where Council Members and a few of the auras from the other kingdom units meet. The venue of the meeting keeps changing on a rotational basis between the kingdoms.

During the High Council meeting, along with the elders, a few best auras of the younger generations were allowed to attend so that they could input their ideas into the decision-making. Both Adara and Daksh being the best of their respective batches, were called to attend the meeting.

"Oh, it’s you, right?? The quill girl back in the library?” Daksh asked surprisingly

"Ahhhh, hahahah, yes, it’s me. I guess we are the lucky ones this time to be allowed in the council meeting,” Adara said in her usual chirpy tone.

The meeting started with a discussion of a new policy agreed on by the kings of the three Kingdoms to lead a search and crackdown on the Mountain Sect. There are reports, according to the spies of the Mountain Sect that there has been a rise in the capture and execution of people suspected of being a Mountain Sect, pariah. This has made it difficult for the pariahs to carry out business in the outside world.

While the discussion was going on, both Adara and Daksh found them, stealing glances at each other, and soon they both felt a connection. After the meeting was over, Adara was about to head to Mongmit’s greenhouse for a chat, but soon Daksh caught up with her on the steps of the Council’s building.

“Hey wait. We never finished our conversation. You didn’t tell me your name," Daksh asked her with a mixed emotion of curiosity, fondness, and shyness.

"Well, you didn’t tell me yours either. So we are even”, Adara replied in her usual witty way.

“Well ladies first”, Daksh replied, smiling.

“I am Adara, nice to meet you”, she said with a smile

“I am Daksh, nice to meet you too.”

"Well, then see you around. "Goodbye," Adara left with a faint smile.

At Mongmit's, she relayed everything point by point, as they have always done with each other. Mongmit became excited and asked, "Yaa, I think, what you know, he likes you. Just give him a chance and see.”

Adara replied, “Well yes, I mean, I kind of like him too. He is a gentleman and probably caring too.”

"Haaaaahhhh," Mongmit chuckled, “You always like the caring ones I know. So just give it a try. No harm in that, I guess.”

The two friends bickered and hung out for a long time before Adara returned to her home, which was located beside the small mountain lake.

“There you are," Councilman Shera spoke from the study room, peeking outside.

“Where have you been after the meeting?”

“I went to Mongmit’s house, Baba. It’s been days since we met.” Adara said entering the study place. It was more like the General’s office, where he carried out his duties both as a council member and the Captain of the security forces of the Pariahs.

"Fine, but next time be there; even after the meeting is over, there are lots of things for you to know as the aura masters share their experiences. You will learn a lot.”

“Baba please I am already learning in the Academy and you know I get super bored in these meetings. Moreover, I can’t practice vitomancy or spells at the Council meetings. So you see, it’s a waste of time”, Adara indifferently said irritating Shera.

“Again with your nonsense? When will you grow up? In a few months, you will be twenty-four, and still, you act like a kid.”

“Now go fresh up, have dinner, and go to sleep. No funny business in practicing spells inside the house, Ada I am warning you. I have some important work to do so you are excused.”

“You are the best, Baba. Even when you scold”, Adara gave a sudden hug, like she always does out of habit, and chuckled.

“You brat!” Shera returned the hug and sent her off.

Back in her room, Adara changed into her sleeping attire and came and sat by the window. A soothing breeze was blowing, making her hair fly like thin strings in the air. The moon was shining brightly in the sky. Her room overlooks the backyard garden onto the lake, which is glistening under the moonlight as the breeze creates ripples in the water reflecting it. Suddenly, a fire butterfly flew in front of her. It wasn’t a real one but a kind of message spell. Adara caught it and threw it lightly in front of her, which then shattered into a fiery writing. The message read,

“What are you doing? I thought if you are not too busy, we can chat a little. We left our conversation incomplete at the Council Building.”

Adara felt a combination of shyness and excitement within her. So, she conjured a message butterfly, put a message spell on it, and blew it away in the wind. The conversation went on for a long time. She and Daksh almost chatted until dawn. The sky slowly lit up by the rising sun and so was Adara's heart.