Dirty Job Done Dirt Cheap (3)

"Well then, pleasure doing business with you," said Jin as he picked up the freshly delivered hunting rifle. It had a leather strap that he easily wrapped around his torso. He carried the weapon like that, paired with an empty holster for his handgun.

'Okay, this is going to be enough, just let's get this over with.' Thought Jin as he wanted nothing more than to collect the money and go to sleep.

Jin began to leave the store while waving to the clerk with his back facing the clerk.

"Come back again, dear customer!" Said the gun store clerk, his expression was one of greed.

Jin said nothing to the store clerk, he only left the story while opening the holographic map on his watch, it was now marked with two red dots, clearly showing him the location of the jobs.

The closest to him was the Cerberus gang, on the description of the job, he saw the things they had committed.

The distribution of narcotics, illegal weapon trade, murder, and organ harvesting.

He was walking to the bounty while looking at his holographic watch.

'I'm going to reach it in seven minutes, I need to find a good sniping spot.' Thought Jin as he began to speed up.

After a while, he reached the site that the agency had identified as their base. From afar, he observed the broken-down, abandoned construction site. Jin was sure this was the place, as he could see some armed guards patrolling the area.

"I think I can pick most of them off before they even find me," Jin thought as he opened his watch once again. This time, he searched for the tallest buildings, studying his holographic map.

He reviewed the aerial view of the map once more, clear markers indicating the tallest buildings with meter measurements.

The largest building on the construction site stood around 40 meters tall, much like every other run-down building in the area.

The west side of the tenth district had once been a target for Solstice Corporation's redevelopment efforts, aimed at controlling the Tenth District. However, those plans had been abandoned, leaving the area to decay.

The other Organization hired bounty hunters just like Jin to kill those who tried to work on the site, no corporation was able to take control of the Tent District for a while now as spreading was a clear indication of war against the others.

Now, Jin began to climb up on the building, reaching forward of the highest sight.

As he climbed up, he was looking down at the sight, he saw that most of them were present.

'There are only around 20 of them there… quite a lot.' Thought Jin as he pressed another button on his watch that began to scan the surrounding area for life signals.

As the signals began to appear on his watch, he found around 22 life signals, most of which were probably inside the site.

'Okay… now this is a problem, where are the other five, or were the reports about them faulty…?' Jin was unsure, but he picked out his hunting rifle and began to watch the site before loading his hunting rifle.

Through the scope, he surveyed the area with his own eyes.

'Okay… 2 of them are always strolling around, they are going to be my first targets, almost a dozen of them are sleeping even now, so I have time to pick out the others.' Thought Jin as he formulated his plan to pick out most of the band members.

'Another five of them are currently drinking and talking to each other… well, enjoy it until I start shooting.' Chuckled Jin darkly.

'Okay, let's start.' 


After the first shot, a lifeless body fell to the ground, its head cleanly blown off, only leaving bloody chunks of flesh and bone behind, making the face of the guard unrecognizable. 


Another shot, achieving the same effect, claimed the life of one of the Cerberus Gang, both of their heads were blown clean off while their blood stained the cement of the deserted construction site.

After the two shots echoed across the empty part of the Tenth District, only one thing could be heard, the screams of the gang members as they tried to collect themselves after the sudden ambush, but they never even had a choice.

"We are under attack!" Shouted one of the waking band members, his voice was a mixture of anger and fear as he tried to warn and wake up the others of the threat that was Jin.

While chaos unfolded, Jin stared at them through the scope of his rifle with emotionless eyes. Of all he had killed, he felt the least remorse for scum like this.

The loud chaotic voice of the Cerberus gang on the ground was left in chaos as they searched for their attackers while trying to wake up the others.

"They haven't all woken up yet," Jin noted to himself.

Taking a deep breath, he held it back, focusing his vision on the camp below. His gun poised, ready to shoot.

Three more of them were armed, positioned in different directions, but Jin paid them no mind. With precision, he leaped from rooftop to rooftop, swiftly changing his position while keeping watch over the site below.

"This is going to be easier than I thought," Jin thought, a soft smile gracing his face.

Taking up position on another rooftop, those below still couldn't pinpoint his location.

Bang Bang Bang

Jin fired three more shots, each bullet finding its mark with deadly accuracy, leaving them lifeless with blown-off heads and blood gushing.

"What the fuck is going on?" screamed one of the Cerberus gang members, panic and fear evident in his eyes as he scanned frantically for their unseen attacker.

"Five down... fifteen to go," Jin counted silently as he stealthily jumped to another rooftop, constantly changing positions to evade detection. Even if they had watches with scanning functions, it was unlikely they could pinpoint him.

With only seven rounds in his rifle's magazine, Jin loaded more bullets behind cover, ensuring he remained concealed.

Fully armed, he rose and aimed his hunting rifle at the scattered gang members below. They were not in a cohesive formation, making them easier targets as they jumped between structures.

"Well, this is easier than I thought," Jin mused, slinging his hunting rifle back and drawing his simple pistol, electric charges already primed.

Leaping down from the building, Jin faced the fifteen members, aiming his pistol at them with a wide, sadistic smile on his face.

"Good morning... and good night!"


Jin pulled the trigger, and the lightning round shot from his gun, his other hand mimicking a finger gun, focused intently on the electric bullet.

Before anyone could react, they watched in disbelief as the bullet sped towards them with staggering speed, glowing brighter and brighter with a blueish-white light that could blind them, surrounded by intense heat.

The bullet exploded in a burst of electric energy before anyone could respond. Charges leaped from it, striking the gang members and instantly shutting down their nervous systems with a searing heat.

They dropped to the ground instantly, the air filled with the smell of their burning flesh.

'Always hate this part… but at least I'm done… now I only need the remaining five.' Thought Jin as he reached for his watch, scanning the area once again.

And just as luck would have it, life signals were rapidly approaching him.

"Here they are."