Liberation Front (3)

"First, Genesis." Said Thirteen, the screens crackling for a single bit but they stabilized in a single moment, allowing Thirteen to continue.

"Genesis controls the whole of the Ninth District and they are considered to be the weakest, yet they want to be the new ark, the corporation that wants to control all of the Cypher production, and if they reach their goal in the tenth district that very well could happen that they will." Explained thirteen.

"We hear that they are searching for S-tier Cyphers from a trustworthy informant in the District, but that's impossible, no one knows if S-tiers are even a real thing in the first place." Said Natalie in disbelief.

And she was right, S tiers were mostly a myth in Dust City, no one believed in their existence.

"Let's just say that they are right, S tiers are hiding here, we have to take care of Genesis before they find the S tier or tiers." Said Jin from the side, electricity crackling in his eyes from the anger he was feeling, it was seething deep-rooted rage.

"They are the weakest of them all for a reason, only one district and no real weapon to defend that one as well, I know that the ninth is in constant war against the other corporations that are trying to take down Genesis and take their district." Said Thirteen from the side.

"YOu two know a lot about the corporation, are you guys informants?" Asked Anna Armstrong the hacker of the Liberation Front From the side, still sitting in her chair.

"Something like that." Answered Thirteen, not wanting to tell them any further information.

"What about the others, what do you know of them?" Asked Anna once again, leaving Jin and Thirteen unsure of how much should they tell them.

'I swear to god… a bunch of toddlers with assault riffles.' Thought Jin, the only thought in his mind as he looked at the Liberation Front as a bunch of amateurs that only end up killing themselves in the process.

'Well… their leader fights well, that is for sure.' Jin was at least interested in one of them, their leader, Natalie Dawn.

In his eyes, she was strong, and had a smart head on her shoulders, making her into a perfect leader, but she was inexperienced, that was her only fault.

"We know a lot about all four of them, but we don't want to tell too much, we are still unsure of the strength of the Liberation Front." Said Jin from the side once again while leaning against the wall.

He was still just hugging his blade.

"We ask our new partners to help in a smaller gig, Twelve already found a good informant, so giving is a great gig, with the help of the Liberation Front, we can acquire plenty of weapons, ammunition, and the best thing, credits." Informed them Jin through his mask, making his voice sound demonic once again.

Before Natalie or Anna could say anything, Jin began to walk out of the closed-off room, opening it with a single touch, while it was still locked, these electric locks could never stop Jin.

The metal door opened itself before Jin who simply walked out of it, leaving the two staring at him while Thirteen gazed at their backs from the myriad of monitors that he was plastered all over.

"We hope that our partnership will help us both take down Gensesis… from there, only time will tell." Said Thirteen for the final time before his demonic face disappeared from the monitors as well, leaving the two alone in the war room.


"What do you think about them?" Asked Jin through the communication from the earpiece from Thirteen.

As he was walking trought the tunnels, a small chunk of dirt fell at his shoulders from the roof, making him instantly brush it off of his brown coat.

"They are young, these are not someones that could take down Genesis, at least not without help." 

"Well, we can offer our help to them, but is it worth it for us in the long run?" Asked back Jin while continuing to walk the seemingly endless tunnel.

"I think it's going to be beneficial for us even in the long run, you are way too impatient Jin." Chuckled Thirteen in his ears.

"Because we don't have nearly enough time for me to be patient… I have two years left at most… and I know that you only have less than me." Said Jin, his voice was somber just like his expression that hid behind his stag like bone mask.

"I know." Answered Thirteen, it was a short answer, his voice was completely normal, like eh two of them weren't even talking about their early death.

'I'm dirty again…' 

Jin looked down at his coat, it was brown so dirt wouldn't normally show up on it, but Jin's eyes easily picked up on such things.

The irritation that he felt every time he was dirty was mind numbing, like an each that would make him go absolutely crazy, something that no matter how much he scratched, never really went away.

"Never mind, I go home then let's get this over with as soon as we can."

With that, Jin continued to walk trought the tunnels, the dirt, and the filth irritating him even further.

He was biting his lips and clenched his fists to such a degree that his lips got opened op from his teeth, giving a strangely sweet sensation in his mouth.

The taste of blood, his own, his hand was the same, the power of his clenched fist pushed his nails deep into his palms, drawing a small amount of blood from them.

'Let me just get out of this fucking place already.' 

Jin wanted nothing more than to leave, it was all getting overwhelming, and everything was too much.

"Is everything alright, Jin?" Asked Thirteen, sensing that something wasn't right.

"Your heart rate that is followed by your watch is going crazy once again, take a deep breath." Tried to pressure him into thirteen, but the two of them had known each other for way too long to not know how the other was feeling.

Without giving him an answer, jin pressed his watch twice, bringing up a menu where he saw the text: In Call with Thirteen.

"Jin wai—" 

Pressing the red holographic image, the call was shut down.

Just like that, he continued to go through the tunnel, finally reaching the end of it after a while, finally being able to breathe.