Hail of blades (1)

"A...5? They really did it... there's no denying it anymore."

Jin couldn't find the words to say. It felt as if someone were gripping his heart and squeezing every last drop until nothing remained. His body lightly trembled, mirroring the tremors in his emerald eyes, as he stared at the blue-haired Cypher.

Standing straight, the water continued rising by the second, yet Jin ignored it all even then.

His gaze was locked on the blue-haired Cypher, their eyes meeting with the same gaze, one of understanding that there the situation can only be one way.

With one of them dead.

'Sure as hell that I'm not going to die here, not after all that happened.' 

Gritting his teeth, his expression twisted into one of even deeper anger, his eyes radiating the same electricity he could summon around his body, yet the lightning did not appear.