What the…

The morning sun peeked through the ornately embroidered curtains, casting dappled light across the luxurious bedchamber. Alex, still groggy from sleep, sat upright, his heart hammering against his ribs. Memories of the previous night flooded back, vivid and disorienting.

He wasn't in a simple house. He was in a mansion. sprawling estate with high ceilings, polished marble floors, and walls adorned with intricate tapestries. He remembered following Captain Amelia, her steps were surprisingly light despite the previous day's events. He remembered… her.

He glanced towards the other side of the bed. Amelia lay sprawled, her usually composed features softened in sleep. The sheets tangled around her revealed a glimpse of bare skin.

Panic clawed at his throat. Had something happened? Did he…? He couldn't remember. The last clear image was of them walking down the street going to her mansion, Amelia's eyes holding a warmth that sent a shiver down his spine.

He scrambled off the bed, his bare feet sinking into the plush carpet. The silence of the room was deafening, broken only by the faint sound of his own ragged breathing. He needed answers, but how could he ask a woman he barely knew—a woman who was now fast asleep—about a night he couldn't fully recall?

His gaze fell on a silver locket nestled on the bedside table. It was intricately engraved with a swirling pattern, morning light glinting off its polished surface. Curiosity tugging at him, he picked it up, the cool metal sending a jolt through his fingers. As he held it closer, a hidden compartment clicked open, revealing a faded photograph tucked inside.

The image that greeted him was a shock. It was a younger Amelia, her face beaming with joy, standing next to a man and woman with warm smiles. His heart pounded against his ribs. These were her parents, the ones she spoke of with such raw pain.

"Wait…" Alex breathed, his voice barely a whisper. He stared at the photo, the image of Amelia's parents burning into his mind. A wave of memories, vivid and unexpected, washed over him. Memories of scorching sun, relentless sandstorms, and a quest deep within the Great Desert in his own world.

"They are… NPC quest that lost in great desert, for years…" He remembered the Great Desert Quest, a notoriously difficult challenge that took countless hours of his playtime. He remembered the oasis where he'd encountered a kind couple, weary travelers seeking refuge from the harsh environment.

Their faces, etched with the lines of hardship and resilience, were the same faces staring back at him from the photo. Amelia's parents.

A cold dread settled in his stomach. The implications were staggering. If his memories were true, then Amelia's parents weren't dead. They were alive, somewhere in the vast expanse of the Great Desert within this world.

The revelation sent a jolt through him. It was a truth he couldn't share, not yet. The consequences of revealing his connection to this world, a world he only knew through a game, were too unpredictable.

"I see now… Amelia doesn't know that they're still alive, somehow…" he murmured, the realization settling in like a lead weight. "I didn't know she was their daughter, or maybe… I just didn't realize it."

He carefully closed the locket, placing it back on the bedside table. The weight of the secret heavy in his hand. He needed time to process this, to understand what it meant for him, for Amelia, and for the bizarre situation he now found himself in.

"Hmm..." Amelia mumbled, stirring awake. She stretched languidly, the sheet slipping down her body and revealing a glimpse of smooth skin before she instinctively pulled it back up. Her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the morning light filtering through the curtains.

A moment passed before she registered the figure sitting beside her on the bed. Alex froze, his heart hammering against his ribs. He hadn't meant to wake her so abruptly, and the sudden intimacy of the situation sent a flush creeping up his neck.

Sh*t, she's awake

Alex turned around to face Amelia, his gaze lingering on her face for a split second before he averted his eyes.

A moment of silence stretched between them, thick with unspoken tension. Then, a slow, smirk spread across Amelia's face.

"How's last night, Alex?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of amusement that sent shivers down his spine.

Alex felt a tremor run through him. He couldn't erase the memory of the previous night, the unexpected intimacy, the lingering warmth of her body next to his. His cheeks burned with a mixture of embarrassment and a strange, unfamiliar thrill.

"Uh... it was... good," he stammered, his voice barely a whisper.

Amelia's smirk widened, her eyes twinkling with playful curiosity. "Good, is it?" she echoed, leaning back against the headboard. "Just good?"

Alex felt the heat rise in his neck, his stammer intensifying. He desperately wished he could rewind time, erase the awkward intimacy of the night before. But the truth was etched in his memory, a constant reminder of the secret he held.

"Just… good," he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper. He couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze, the weight of her amusement was pressing down on him.

Amelia's smile softened slightly, a hint of understanding replacing the playful teasing. "Perhaps a little more than just good, wouldn't you say?" she said, her voice a low murmur that sent a shiver down his spine.

Alex swallowed hard, his mind racing. He couldn't deny the undeniable warmth of her body next to his, the lingering scent of her perfume, the way his heart had hammered against his ribs in the darkness. But admitting to anything felt like a betrayal, both to himself and to the shocking truth he now knew about her parents.

He forced himself to look up, meeting her gaze for a fleeting moment before dropping his eyes again. "Maybe," he conceded, his voice barely taking a breath.

Amelia chuckled softly, the sound warm and inviting. "Maybe," she echoed, her eyes sparkling with a mix of amusement and something deeper, something Alex couldn't quite decipher. "Yawn… I think I need to take a shower."

She rose from the bed, the sheet falling gracefully to her hips, leaving her momentarily exposed. Alex's breath hitched, his cheeks burning with a mixture of fluster and nervous excitement.

Amelia saw his reaction and stopped, a playful glint in her eyes. "Wanna come take a shower with me?" she asked, her voice laced with a suggestive lilt.

"H-Huh!?" Alex stammered, his brain short-circuiting. The invitation, so unexpected and intimate, sent a jolt through him. "No, I'll pass…" he choked out, his voice barely a whisper.

Amelia raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in her eyes. "Suit yourself," she said, her voice teasing. She walked towards the bathroom, her bare back disappearing through the doorway.

Left alone on the bed, Alex let out a shaky breath. His heart hammered against his ribs, a conflicting mix of relief and disappointment swirling within him. He knew he couldn't accept her invitation, not with the weight of his secret hanging over him. But the lingering warmth of her presence, the unspoken tension that crackled between them, left him both flustered and strangely intrigued.


The morning sun cast long shadows as Alex and Amelia rode side-by-side towards the distant glint of the soldier kingdom's encampment. The air buzzed with activity, soldiers in gleaming armor patrolling the perimeter, their watchful eyes scanning the horizon.

Alex, still grappling with the revelation about Amelia's parents, felt a strange mix of apprehension and anticipation. He knew his presence in this world, his connection to the Great Desert quest, were dangerous secrets. Yet, a part of him couldn't shake the growing attraction towards Amelia, a pull that felt both forbidden and strangely inevitable.

Amelia, clad in her usual leather armor, rode with a confident grace. Her eyes, usually sharp and focused, held a hint of amusement as she stole glances at Alex, clearly enjoying the flustered state he seemed to be in perpetually.

"So," she finally said, her voice breaking the comfortable silence, "tell me, young traveler, what actually brought you here to Elera? I didn't ask yesterday, caught up in the moment as we were."

Alex cleared his throat, attempting to gather his thoughts. "Just call me Alex, I think we're around the same age, aren't we?"

He says that because he remembered Desert Quest with Amelia's parents. "you look like my daughter's age." That's why he thinks they are same age

Amelia raised an eyebrow, a playful smile on her lips. "Really? Are you twenty-seven?"

Alex's jaw dropped. Twenty-seven? In his world, he was barely out of his teenage years. The age difference, if it existed in this world, was staggering. He stammered, trying to recover from his shock.

Oh, shit... I just realized her parents said that to me because I use this character's age... 30 years old!

He grasped at a solution, realizing that claiming to be 17—his actual age—would likely raise suspicion. With a forced note of confidence, he replied, "Actually, I am thirty. Time seems to move differently when you travel as much as I do."

Amelia's surprise was evident. Her eyes widened slightly, a flicker of disbelief dancing in their depths. She studied Alex's face, the youthful features that seemed at odds with the age he claimed. There was a hint of weariness in his eyes, a weight that is often etched upon a person's face, a stark contrast to the smooth skin and youthful features that belied his supposed age of thirty.

"Thirty, huh?" she repeated, her voice laced with a hint of amusement. "Interesting. You certainly don't look it, Alex."

Her words held a playful edge, but there was an underlying curiosity in her gaze. The revelation that he was older than her, significantly so, seemed to shift the dynamic between them ever so slightly.

As they approached the bustling soldier encampment, the activity intensified. Tents lined the perimeter, soldiers in gleaming armor moved with purpose, and the air thrummed with a low murmur of activity.

Amelia, her expression unreadable, guided Alex towards a particular section of the camp. There, amidst the sea of soldiers, stood a group of four figures, their familiar forms instantly recognizable to Alex.

It was Amelia's team—Gregor, Lyra, Gareth, and Garath.

Their gazes snapped towards Amelia and Alex as they approached. Their faces briefly flashed with surprise before quickly changing to a mixture of curiosity and circumspect evaluation.

"Morning Amelia," Gregor greeted, his voice a low rumble. "We weren't expecting you so soon... and you with Alex? How surprising. You rarely get close with new people."

A playful smirk tugged at Amelia's lips. "Oh, be quiet, Gregor," she countered, her voice laced with amusement. "We simply had some... interesting company last night."

Her words hung in the air, leaving the others to speculate on the nature of their encounter. The playful jab at Gregor effectively deflected his initial observation, leaving Alex's presence less immediately conspicuous.

Lyra, stepped forward. "Master Eldrin told us they have an A-class rank for us," she announced, her eyes scanning the group. "Details will be discussed later, but for now, we need to report our findings and prepare for the mission."

Her words cut through the lingering tension, refocusing the group's attention on the task at hand. The A-class rank was a significant development and a clear indication of the importance placed on their mission.

Amelia nodded curtly. "Excellent. Let's head to the command tent and debrief. Alex, you're welcome to join us if you wish."

She threw Alex a quick glance, her eyes unreadable. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of his place in this group of seasoned warriors. But the weight of the secret he held tied him to Amelia, and an inexplicable curiosity about this world and its dangers urged him forward.

With a nod, he fell into step beside Amelia, the four members of her team flanking them as they navigated the bustling encampment towards the command tent. The weight of their gazes, filled with a mix of curiosity and cautious assessment, sent a shiver down his spine. He was an outsider, a stranger in their midst, yet somehow, he was also inexplicably bound to their fate.

They exited the bustling soldier camp, the rhythmic clang of sword practice echoing in the air. Knights in gleaming armor drilled in open fields, their movements precise and deadly. The sight was both awe-inspiring and intimidating to Alex, a stark contrast to the peaceful life he once knew.

As they walked, Lyra leaned closer to Gregor, her voice barely a whisper. "Amelia seems to be close with that guy, Alex. Not like her usual behavior at all."

Gregor grunted, his gaze lingering on Alex's retreating figure. "Indeed. It's unusual for her to warm up to someone so quickly. We should keep an eye on him."

Their hushed conversation reached Alex's ears, sending a prickle of unease down his spine. He knew his presence was unexpected, and his connection to Amelia was a mystery he couldn't fully explain. The weight of their scrutiny was a constant reminder of the precariousness of his situation.

The group continued their walk, leaving the training grounds behind and heading towards the bustling heart of the city. The streets were alive with activity—merchants hawking their wares, children playing, and citizens going about their daily lives. It was a world far removed from the one Alex knew—a world filled with magic, danger, and the constant threat of war.

As they navigated the throngs of people, Amelia glanced back at Alex, a faint smile playing on her lips. There was a glint of amusement in her eyes—a hint of something deeper that Alex couldn't quite decipher.

The rhythmic clang of hammers on steel filled the air as they passed a blacksmith's forge. The heat emanating from the open furnace shimmered in the morning light, and the acrid scent of molten metal hung heavy in the air. Alex paused, a sudden thought striking him.

"Wait," he said, turning to Amelia. "I need to ask Baldor about my weapon."

Amelia halted, her brow raised slightly. The rest of the group followed suit, their gazes shifting between Alex and the blacksmith's workshop. A silent understanding passed between them—a recognition of the peculiarity of this seemingly ordinary request.

Alex approached the forge, the heat intensifying as he drew closer. 

"Baldor, is it me, Alex," he greeted the blacksmith, his voice ringing with an urgency he couldn't quite explain. "Did the sage weapon get created?"

The blacksmith, Baldor, grunted, his gaze flickering from Alex to the rest of the group with a hint of suspicion. "Aye, it's near completion. You could come back tomorrow, or maybe this evening, a couple hours more, and it'll be ready."

Alex nodded, a wave of relief washing over him. He knew the importance of this weapon, a tangible link to his past life and a potential tool in navigating the mysteries of this new world.

He rejoined Amelia and the others, the weight of their curious stares a constant reminder of his outsider status.

Amelia's brow furrowed, a flicker of surprise crossing her face. "Why a Sage weapon?" she inquired, her voice laced with curiosity. "You seem more suited to the blade and armor, a warrior or knight perhaps."

Alex stumbled slightly, caught off guard by her question. He hadn't anticipated needing to explain his choice, especially not so soon. His fingers tightened around the locket hidden beneath his shirt, the weight of his secret pressing down on him.

"W-Well..." he stammered, searching for an explanation that wouldn't reveal the truth. "It's because I'm a Sage."

Amelia's eyes narrowed, a flicker of suspicion replacing her initial surprise. "A Sage," she repeated, the word carrying a weight that hung heavy in the air. Sages were rare and revered figures in Elara, individuals who possessed extraordinary knowledge and wielded potent magic that transcended the physical realm.

The revelation sent a ripple of unease through the group. Gregor, Lyra, Gareth, and Garath exchanged wary glances, their gazes lingering on Alex with newfound scrutiny.

"And what kind of Sage are you, Alex?" Amelia pressed, her voice low and measured.

Alex felt the weight of their combined stares, a suffocating pressure building in his chest. He knew he couldn't simply fabricate a non-existent Sage class. The lie would unravel too easily in this world steeped in magic and knowledge.

He took a deep breath, his voice barely a whisper. "A... Battle Sage," he finally admitted, the words tasting like ash on his tongue.

The term "Battle Sage" was a desperate gamble, a category he vaguely recalled from his time in the Great Desert Quest. It was a risky choice, for true Battle Sages were legendary figures, warriors who wielded both physical prowess and arcane might in equal measure.

Amelia's lips pursed into a thin line. "Battle Sages are warriors of unparalleled skill and knowledge," she stated, her voice devoid of emotion. "Their weapons are often imbued with potent enchantments, capable of channeling the very fabric of reality."

The silence that followed was thick with tension. Alex could feel the skepticism radiating from the group, their doubt had a tangible presence. He knew he had a monumental task ahead – not only to prove his claim but also to navigate the dangerous world of magic and intrigue that now lay before him.

"It's rare for a human to possess Sage powers, you know," Amelia stated, her voice laced with a hint of skepticism.

Alex swallowed hard, the weight of their scrutiny pressing down on him. "Y-Yeah, I know," he stammered, "I guess I'm just... blessed with it."

Lyra, ever the pragmatist, interjected, "Elves are typically the ones known for wielding Sage magic. Are you sure you're fully human, Alex? We wouldn't doubt you based on race, of course."

"A Battle Sage…" Gregor muttered, more to himself than to the group. His brow furrowed in deep thought, as if searching his memory for something specific.

Gareth and Garath, the twins, exchanged a surprised look, their voices echoing in unison, "A Battle Sage?"

The tension in the air was palpable. Alex knew he had their full attention, and the weight of his fabricated identity pressed down on him with renewed intensity. He had to tread carefully, his every word and action scrutinized by these seasoned warriors.

Well, I don't know shit!

Alex screamed in his own mind, frustration boiling over. The game – The Old Quest had simply bestowed this power upon him, leaving him clueless about the intricacies of being a Battle Sage, let alone navigating the social complexities of this world. He felt like a fraud, a complete impostor thrown into a situation he barely understood.

Panic gnawed at the edges of his composure. He had stumbled into a world where his fabricated identity could have dire consequences. He couldn't afford to be exposed as a clueless outsider, not with the secret of Amelia's parents hanging heavy in the air.

Taking a deep breath, he forced a semblance of calm onto his face. He knew he couldn't simply confess his ignorance. He had to buy himself time, to learn, to adapt.

"I understand your skepticism," he began, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. "Being a human Battle Sage is… uncommon, to say the least. Perhaps my lineage is more diverse than I initially realized. My… family history is a bit… complicated," he lied, the words leaving a bitter taste in his mouth.

He didn't even know his own character's family, not even the one he'd created in the game. Back then, he hadn't anticipated needing a fabricated past, a web of lies to navigate this new reality.

Amelia turned, her voice cutting through the tension. "Come on, Master Eldrin waits for us," she called over her shoulder.

Alex, the weight of his fabricated identity heavy on his shoulders, hurried after her. The rest of the group fell into step behind him, their gazes still lingering on him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

He knew he had a monumental task ahead of him. Not only did he have to learn the ways of a Battle Sage, a role he barely understood, but he also had to navigate the treacherous social landscape of this world, all while keeping the secret of Amelia's parents locked away.

As he walked, his gaze darted around the bustling city, taking in the sights and sounds with a newfound urgency. He needed information, knowledge about the Battle Sages, their powers, and their place in this world. He had to learn fast, for his fabricated identity was a fragile house of cards, and the slightest misstep could bring it all crashing down.

Their path led them through the bustling heart of the city, past bustling markets filled with merchants hawking their wares and children playing in the streets. The rhythmic clang of metal echoed from blacksmith workshops, and the air thrummed with the energy of a city alive with commerce and activity.

As they approached the imposing structure of the Adventurer's Guild, a sense of anticipation settled over Alex. This was a place where information flowed freely, a hub for adventurers and those who sought knowledge and employment. Perhaps within its walls, he could find the answers he desperately needed.

He entered the guild alongside Amelia and the others, the weight of their gazes a constant reminder of the charade he was playing.

The guildmaster's office was a stark contrast to the bustling activity outside. Sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the polished wooden floor. A large map of the surrounding lands dominated one wall, dotted with pins and markings that hinted at ongoing conflicts and hidden dangers.

Behind a sturdy oak desk sat Master Eldrin, he looked up from his work as Amelia and her team entered, a flicker of surprise crossing his features at the sight of Alex.

Amelia," he greeted, his voice a low rumble that resonated with authority. "And Alex… good morning."

His gaze lingered on Alex for a moment longer, a hint of curiosity glinting in his aged eyes. The presence of a Alex alongside Amelia.

Lyra, wasted no time in getting down to business. "What mission have we been assigned, Master Eldrin?" she inquired, her voice sharp and direct.

Master Eldrin leaned back in his chair, his gaze sweeping over the group before settling on Amelia. "Indeed," he said, his voice a low rumble. "We have received an urgent request from the King himself. A new dungeon has been discovered in the eastern reaches of the kingdom, just yesterday, by a lone lumberjack."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the room. The discovery of a new dungeon was a significant event, especially one so close to the kingdom's borders. Dungeons were notorious for the dangers they held, but they also offered the potential for rare treasures and powerful artifacts.

"Yesterday…?" Alex thought to himself, a spark of unease igniting within him. The timing of the dungeon's discovery coincided suspiciously with his arrival in this world. Could there be some connection?

"The King is eager to learn more about this new dungeon," Master Eldrin continued. "He has tasked you, Amelia, with leading a team to explore it and gather information. This is an A-class mission, indicating its potential importance and the inherent risks involved."


< Chapter 5 > Fin.