What is your real intention here…?

Then, Frey turned and walked resolutely towards a side chamber, stopping only for a moment to look back at Alex. "If you are truly Master," she said, her voice unwavering, "what is your dungeon password?"

Silence hung heavy in the air for a tense ten minutes before Alex, clutching the console to his chest, finally spoke. "The password is… *******************."

Frey nodded curtly. "You are indeed the master, I know. Let me retrieve some suitable attire for you. Clothes befitting a royal on their way to a grand revel."

"W-Well! It's not my fault!" Alex stammered, a blush creeping up his neck.

Frey, her brow etched with a furrow of concern, gestured towards a side chamber that led deeper into the collapsing dungeon. "Follow me, Master," she said, her voice a steady counterpoint to the tremors that shook the cavern.

Alex, his mind still reeling from the implications of his actions, trailed after her. They navigated a passage choked with a mountain of coins, bronze, silver, gold, and even the rarest diamond pieces glittering amidst the chaos. Upon reaching a doorway, Frey's fingers danced with a practiced ease, manipulating the coins with a slight shift, creating a temporary passage through the shimmering mass.

With a creak that echoed through the cavern like a mournful groan, Frey pushed open the door, revealing a chamber that could only be described as a treasure trove. Walls adorned with countless displays of costumes and armors, each shimmering with an otherworldly sheen, stretched as far as the eye could see. The sheer quantity was overwhelming, a veritable ocean of potential attire.

But Alex had no time to admire the opulent collection. His gaze darted through the endless rows, a singular desire burning within him. He had to find it—the Meteorite Armor, his prized possession from his past life.

With a surge of frantic energy, he sprinted through the chamber, pushing past the countless displays in a desperate search. Ten thousand, twenty thousand, the numbers blurred as he raced onward, his heart pounding a frantic rhythm against his ribs.

"I hope the armor is still there!" he muttered, a desperate plea escaping his lips.

Finally, he reached the end of the chamber, his breath ragged. But where the Meteorite Armor should have been, there was only a gaping emptiness. A cold dread settled in his stomach, a chilling echo of the loss he had already suffered.

He remembered. After his arrival in this strange world, his character's armor had inexplicably changed to leather, courtesy of a mysterious NPC who had brought him here – Kiara. Now, it was gone, vanished without a trace. A torrent of curses erupted from his lips, a desperate release of the frustration and anger that gnawed at his soul.

"Damn it all! F**k!"

Frey approached him cautiously, her voice laced with concern. "Why are you coursing, Master...?"

"My Meteorite Armor! It's gone!" Alex choked out, his words laced with despair.

"What?! How could this be possible!?" Frey exclaimed, her eyes widening in disbelief.

He recalled with a bitter pang the enigmatic NPC who had ushered him into this strange reality. "It looks like you're starting from scratch, God of Grinding," she had declared with a chilling amusement. "No more overpowered gear, no more maxed-out skills. It's a new game, Alex, and this time, it's for real." And here he was, stripped bare of his former power.

"That is most unfortunate, Master," Frey remarked, a hint of sympathy tinging her voice. "It seems the grind begins anew."

Alex sighed, the weight of his loss heavy on him. "Can you provide me with some substantial armor, something with decent defensive capabilities? And perhaps the most recent costume apparel, the one that resembled a bloodied adventurer?"

"Bloodied adventurer?" Frey echoed, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"The one with a cape, but it's riddled with holes, and the costume itself seems perpetually stained, like it hasn't been changed in years."

Frey furrowed her brow in thought, processing his request. "Ah, yes, that one. Very well, Master. Please wait here." Her form dissolved into a swirl of shimmering particles, leaving Alex alone amidst the opulent chaos of the chamber. He paced restlessly, the echoes of his loss still ringing in his ears. The Meteorite Armor, a symbol of his past prowess, was gone, vanished into the unknown. He was starting anew, a blank slate in a world that was no longer a game.

He sank onto the cool stone floor, a wave of despondency washing over him. He opened his inventory, a meager collection compared to the arsenal he once possessed. Nothing. He then turned his attention to the quest log, a single entry glaring back at him: [Quest Updated: Elera's Savior (Incomplete)]. He delved deeper into the details, the note a stark reminder of his purpose: "Gain more trust to the Elera people and create a religion in there (Hint: you are a god)."

"Wait… that means the quest actually already done," he confused. "…a god, huh?" he muttered, recalling the strange window that had offered him the reward of a god race back in Baldor the blacksmith. Perhaps that held the key to finished the quest.

A soft hum resonated through the chamber, and Frey reappeared, her hands laden with the requested items. The armor, though far from the legendary meteorite, possessed a solid heft, promising a degree of protection. The costume, though worn and stained, held a certain grim charm, a testament to the trials and tribulations of a seasoned adventurer.

A soft hum resonated through the chamber, and Frey reappeared, her hands laden with the requested items. The armor, though far from the legendary Meteorite, possessed a solid heft, promising a enchancment V level. The costume, though worn and stained, held a certain grim charm, a testament to the trials and tribulations of a seasoned adventurer.

"Here you are, Master," Frey said, her voice laced with a hint of hope. "May this new attire serve you well in your endeavors."

Alex nodded curtly. With a thought, he delved into his inventory, the familiar interface appearing before him. He focused on the worn leather clothes adorning his form, selecting the "unequip" option. In a puff of shimmering light, his attire vanished, leaving him bare except for the faint remnants of a tattoo that pulsed with an otherworldly energy—a mark of his new existence.

He then retrieved the armor, the cool metal pleasantly reassuring against his skin. With practiced ease, he donned the protective gear, the familiar weight bringing a modicum of comfort. Finally, he turned his attention to the costume. Unlike the armor, this piece had no physical form. Instead, as he focused on it within his inventory, a strange sensation washed over him. The tattered, bloodstained adventurer's attire seemed to merge with his being, becoming an invisible layer over his armor. He looked no different, yet he felt a subtle shift, a change in his very presence.

He was no longer just Alex, the God of Grinding. He was the Bloodied Adventurer, a symbol of resilience and perseverance, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. He was a blank slate, yes, but a slate upon which he would write his own legend, one bloody battle and one fervent prayer at a time. He had a new path laid before him, a path paved not with coins and experience bars, but with the faith and trust of a people. And perhaps, just perhaps, the power of a true god.

As Alex finished equipping the costume, a faint blush crept across Frey's cheeks, though her gaze remained unwavering. She had seen his bare form several times now, yet a flicker of heat still danced across her skin whenever it happened. Perhaps it was the inherent vulnerability of witnessing her master exposed, or perhaps it was something more, a nascent curiosity about the man beneath the title. Regardless, she quickly averted her thoughts, focusing solely on her duty.

"Hey Frey," Alex called out, his voice echoing in the vast chamber.

Frey, the faint blush still clinging to her cheeks, turned to face him. "Yes, Master?" she replied, her voice a touch softer than usual.

Alex tossed two items towards her: gleaming steel armor, its surface shimmering with an enchantment of the V level, and the Heirloom Costume, its worn fabric imbued with. Both landed at her feet with a soft thud.

"Put it with the collection," he instructed, his gaze already turning towards the distant mountains of coins.

"Yes, sir," Frey responded, her voice laced with a hint of curiosity as she scooped up the armor and costume. The weight of the enchanted metal felt reassuring in her hands, and the Heirloom Costume held a strange allure, whispering tales of past heroes and forgotten victories. As she turned to walk away, a flicker of amusement danced in her eyes. Despite his gruff demeanor, her master still held a surprising thoughtfulness, ensuring even his discarded equipment found its proper place.

"Also..." Alex paused, his brow furrowed in thought.

"Hmm?" Frey inquired, her blush fading slightly as she awaited his next request.

"Can you give me the sage, warrior weapon?"

Frey's eyes widened a fraction. "The strongest one we have in the room?" she clarified, a hint of surprise tingling in her voice.

"Yes," Alex confirmed, his gaze unwavering.

Frey nodded solemnly. This was a significant request. The strongest sage-warrior weapon wouldn't be easy to part with, but she understood the weight of Alex's determination. Turning towards the chamber's depths, she disappeared amidst the shimmering mountains of coins.

Alex, meanwhile, couldn't wait idly. He strode towards the towering piles of coins, his eyes gleaming with a newfound purpose. With practiced ease, he began scooping up handfuls of bronze, silver, and gold, the metallic clinking echoing through the cavern. Every coin that found its way into his inventory felt like a step forward, a tangible reminder of his renewed journey.

As his inventory filled with the fruits of his labor, the numbers shifted dramatically: [20,000 Bronze] gained, his total wealth now a staggering [17,253,194 Gold]. The once-empty inventory was slowly but surely transforming into a treasure trove, a testament to his relentless pursuit of power.

He continued his relentless harvesting, his movements driven by a primal urge to gather, to accumulate, to fuel his ascent in this strange new world. The coins, once symbols of his past digital conquests, now represented something far more profound—the foundation of his future as a god amongst men.

"Master," a voice called out, interrupting his relentless gathering.

He paused, his back aching slightly from the constant bending. Glancing around, he saw Frey emerging from the depths of the chamber, a determined glint in her eyes. In her hands, she held a magnificent weapon, its polished surface radiating an otherworldly aura. It was a sage-warrior weapon, no doubt, its power thrumming with an almost palpable energy.

"Here you are, Master," Frey said, her voice filled with awe as she presented the weapon. "This is the strongest one we possess."

Alex's eyes widened as he recognized the weapon. It was a sword-meteorite, the very weapon he had wielded in his past life! A wave of relief washed over him, momentarily pushing aside the sting of loss he had felt earlier.

"Oh, I just remembered," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. "I have the sword-meteorite as well. Is it V level enchanted?"

"Yes, master," Frey confirmed.

He reached out and grasped the hilt of the sword-meteorite. The familiar weight and balance sent a surge of comfort through him. It wasn't just any weapon; it was an extension of himself, forged through countless battles and victories in his past life. While the loss of the Meteorite Armor still rankled, the presence of his signature sword offered a comforting sense of continuity. He wasn't completely stripped bare after all.

In its place, the golden glow of the sage-warrior weapon pulsed with renewed intensity, its power blending seamlessly with the aura of the sword-meteorite. He now held a weapon befitting a god amongst men, a potent symbol of his past and a promise of his future.

"Thanks," he said, a genuine smile gracing his lips for the first time since arriving in this strange new world.

A soft chime resonated through the chamber as the system acknowledged the change.

[Success! Sword-Meteorite added to inventory!]

Frey, ever curious, tilted her head slightly. "What do you plan to do now, Master?"

Alex hesitated, the glint of his newfound purpose momentarily dimming. "Um... I don't know," he admitted.

Frey's lips curved into a knowing smirk. "Oh, I thought perhaps you had something grand in mind, like waiting upon your throne, your powerful weapon at your side, for your friends to arrive and witness your majesty."

Alex's eyes widened. "That's a good idea..." he mused, a playful glint returning to his gaze. The image of him, the Bloodied Adventurer, sitting upon a makeshift throne amidst a chamber overflowing with wealth, his legendary sword at his side, held a certain undeniable appeal. It was a powerful image, one that could potentially inspire awe and respect in the Elera people.

With newfound determination, he retrieved the console he had discarded earlier and reactivated the monster summoning program. A mischievous grin spread across his face. Perhaps a grand entrance was exactly what he needed to kickstart his journey as a god amongst men.

"What you gonna do about it?" Frey asked, her brow furrowed in concern as the ominous hum of the monster summoning program filled the chamber.

Instead of answering directly, Alex's eyes narrowed in thought. "If I remember correctly, we have an AFK exp farm below this room, right?"

"Yeah? What about it?" Frey replied, still unsure of his intentions.

"Take me there," Alex declared, a hint of determination in his voice. "I want to level up, at least until level 58."

Frey nodded, understanding dawning on her face. While the monster summoning could potentially serve as a dramatic entrance, immediate power was paramount. A higher level would make a far greater impact, solidifying his image as a formidable being.

"Alright, Master," she said, leading the way out of the opulent chamber and down a winding passage that led deeper into the basement stairst. The air grew cooler as they descended, the sounds of the chamber fading into a distant echo.

Finally, they arrived at a hidden chamber, its walls pulsating with a faint magical aura. This was the AFK exp farm, a place specifically designed for rapid experience gain.

This AFK exp farm was essentially a cleverly designed monster grinder. Deep within the dungeon, a powerful summoning spell constantly conjured weak monsters, such as goblins and orcs. These creatures, programmed to be docile and drawn towards a specific location within the chamber, were essentially trapped.

A series of strategically placed magical runes channeled the experience points gained from defeating these monsters directly towards Alex, even if he wasn't the one delivering the final blow. This allowed him to passively accumulate experience while actively attacking the monsters that materialized within the designated "kill zone."

Without further ado, Alex settled into the designated spot, his eyes closed and the sword-meteorite resting comfortably within his grasp. Frey activated the farm, and the chamber hummed to life. Monsters, weak but plentiful, began to materialize and fall before Alex in a relentless wave. Each defeated creature contributed a small amount of experience, slowly but surely pushing him closer to his desired level.

Swung! Swung! Alex swung his sword with practiced ease, dispatching the monsters that fell into the exp trap. The rhythmic clang of steel against flesh echoed through the chamber, a testament to his relentless pursuit of power.

As the hours passed, Alex remained focused, his mind a blank slate except for the rhythmic slaughter unfolding around him. Level by level, he climbed, his power steadily increasing. The initial frustration of his stripped-down state began to fade, replaced by a cold determination to rebuild his strength. He was the God of Grinding, after all, and this was simply another grind, albeit a slightly unorthodox one.

Finally, with a soft chime, the system announced:

[Level Up! You are now Level 58!]

A satisfied grin spread across Alex's face. He had reached his initial goal, a solid foundation upon which to build his power further. Now, it was time to return to the chamber and make his grand entrance, a powerful god amongst men, ready to face whatever challenges awaited him.

Frey, meanwhile, watched him from a distance, her gaze unwavering. The rhythmic dance of his blade, the focused intensity etched on his face, it all held a strange allure. There was a raw power in his movements, a controlled ferocity that sent a shiver down her spine. It was both terrifying and captivating.

Master… you rarely come home, and when you do, you almost forget me… what am I to you…

A pang of loneliness tugged at her heart. Here she was, his loyal servant, yet he seemed so distant, consumed by his own goals and ambitions. Did he even consider her anything more than a tool, a means to an end? The thought brought a sting of unshed tears to her eyes, quickly blinked away.

No, she wouldn't allow herself to dwell on such negativity. Her duty was to serve him, to support him in his endeavors. Perhaps, in time, he would see her not just as a servant, but as a companion, a confidante. Perhaps, just perhaps, a flicker of warmth would ignite within his heart, a recognition of the unwavering loyalty that resided within her. Until then, she would remain by his side, a silent observer, a guardian angel in the shadows, her heart forever tethered to the enigmatic being she called Master.

Then, something extraordinary happened. As Alex reached level 58, a surge of energy ripped through him, visible even from a distance. His body began to emit a faint golden glow, and his muscles rippled as if infused with newfound power. In a matter of minutes, he grew several inches taller, his frame broadening and hardening. The raw power radiating from him intensified, sending shivers down Frey's spine.

It was an Awakening, a sudden and dramatic increase in power that marked a significant step in a being's evolution. It was a rare phenomenon, usually taking months or even years of dedicated training, yet Alex had achieved it in mere hours. This was a testament to his unique nature, the potential that simmered beneath the surface, waiting to be unleashed.

As the golden glow subsided, Alex opened his eyes, a newfound confidence radiating from his being. He had not only reached his immediate goal but had also taken an unexpected leap forward on his path to godhood. He turned towards Frey, a hint of surprise flickering in his gaze. He hadn't realized she had been observing him the entire time.

"Frey," he said, his voice deeper and more powerful than before. "It seems I have…evolved."

Frey nodded, a familiar sight despite having witnessed countless Awakenings during her time as his servant. "Well done, Master," she said, her voice laced with genuine pride.

Alex smiled, a genuine one this time, the first Frey had seen since his arrival. He could feel it now, the power coursing through his veins, not just the power of his character, but the power within him, the power of him! This wasn't just some game anymore; this was him, Alex, evolving into something far greater.

"What you gonna do now, Master…?" Frey inquired, her curiosity piqued by his newfound power and the glint in his eyes.

Alex smirked, a hint of mischief dancing on his lips. He had a plan brewing, a plan that would solidify his presence in this strange new world and perhaps even send a tremor through the hearts of the Elera people.


< Chapter 8 > Fin.