Here it comes...

Lyra, was the first to react. The moment the Titan revealed itself, a primal scream ripped through her throat: "Run!"

Without hesitation, she turned and sprinted down the passage, her nimble form weaving through the goblins. The others, their initial shock giving way to a surge of desperate adrenaline, followed suit.

The Titan's immense size filled the passage, its every movement sending tremors through the earth. Panic clawed at their throats, their breaths ragged gasps as they fled for their lives.

The air was thick with the stench of ancient power and the metallic tang of fear. The Titan, its red eyes burning, lumbered after them, its every step shaking the very foundations of the dungeon.

I want to go home!

The adventurers, their hearts pounding a frantic rhythm against their ribs, pushed their bodies to the limit, their lungs burning with the exertion.

They sprinted through twisting corridors, their desperate flight echoing through the cavernous depths. The Titan's powerful hands trampled on or swatted aside goblins caught in the crossfire, drowning out their high-pitched shrieks in the din of their escape.

Hope dwindled with every passing moment. The Titan, though slow, was relentless, its sheer size and power an insurmountable obstacle. The adventurers, their bodies screaming in protest, knew they couldn't outrun it forever. But they had no choice. This wasn't about glory or conquest; it was about survival. They had stumbled upon a power far beyond their capabilities, and their only hope lay in retreat.

"I don't want to die here! My son just birth a time ago!" Scream Gregor

As they rounded a bend, a glimmer of light pierced the darkness ahead. It was the entrance, the way back to the surface, their only chance at escape. With a final burst of energy, they surged forward, the Titan's deafening roar echoing behind them. Bursting out into the night air, they stumbled back, gulping in the cool, fresh air that tasted like freedom.

They had escaped the Titan, but the memory of its immense power and chilling intelligence would forever be etched into their minds. This wasn't a victory; it was a desperate retreat, a stark reminder of the true dangers that lurked within the depths of the A-Class dungeon. They had faced their limits, and they had lived. But the question lingered, heavy in the air: would they ever be strong enough to face such a creature head-on?

Suddenly, a figure materialized from around the bend, sprinting towards them with surprising speed. "Sorry, I'm late!" he exclaimed, his voice barely a breathless shout as he zipped past the bewildered adventurers. He didn't stop, his determined gaze fixed solely on the colossal Titan lumbering out of the dungeon entrance.

The adventurers, their momentum halted by this unexpected arrival, watched in stunned silence as the lone figure charged towards the monstrous being, his silhouette dwarfed by the Titan's immense form. It was a sight that defied logic—a single individual facing a creature of unimaginable power. Yet, the man ran on, his unwavering determination a stark contrast to their own desperate flight.

A glimmer of recognition sparked in the young mage's eyes. "Sebastian!" she cried out, a wave of relief washing over her.

Sebastian, the S-Rank Adventurer, was a legend among adventurers. He was one of the top seven strongest individuals in the world, his name was whispered with awe and respect. His arrival on the scene, unexpected and undeniably timely, offered a beacon of hope amidst the crushing despair.

He charged his massive sword, the blade crackling with an otherworldly heat. With a roar that echoed through the valley, he unleashed his attack.

With the light that created heat, with the fire that makes everyone hate, Phoenix!

[Skill Actived: Sword of Phoenix]

Sebastian jumped into the air and flew toward the titan's enormous form. The adventurers watched in awe as he became a blur of fire and steel, his sword trailing a searing comet's tail of incandescent light.

He struck the Titan with the force of a meteor, his flaming blade cleaving deep into its obsidian flesh. A geyser of molten rock erupted from the wound, showering the surrounding area with molten debris. The Titan roared in pain, a sound that shook the very earth, but it did not falter.

Despite the seemingly impossible feat, the adventurers knew this wasn't a clean kill. A Titan, a creature of legend, wouldn't fall so easily. But Sebastian's attack had bought them precious time. They watched, their hearts pounding, as the legendary S-Rank adventurer danced around the enraged Titan, his movements a whirlwind of fire and fury. Each blow, though seemingly insignificant against the Titan's immense size, left searing wounds that glowed with an unnatural heat.

The battle raged on, the earth trembling with every clash. The adventurers, caught between awe and terror, could only stare as Sebastian, the lone warrior, faced a creature of unimaginable power. He was a beacon of defiance, a testament to the pinnacle of human strength, yet even his might seemed dwarfed by the Titan's overwhelming presence.

"T-That is… the savior of the Zurbek Kingdom…?" Amelia stammered, her voice barely a whisper amidst the earth-shaking battle.

A wide smile bloomed on the young mage's face. "Yes! He's… he's also my party partner!" she declared, her voice filled with a mixture of pride and relief.

The revelation washed over the adventurers, their awe deepening into a newfound respect. Sebastian, the legendary warrior, wasn't just a powerful figure; he was one of their own. He was a comrade, a fellow adventurer who had chosen to stand beside them in their moment of greatest peril.

The knowledge instilled a surge of hope within them. If Sebastian, a human like themselves, could face a Titan, then perhaps they too had a role to play in this seemingly impossible struggle. They may not be able to match his strength, but they could offer support, a distraction, or anything to tip the scales in this desperate fight.

Sebastian landed amidst the bewildered adventurers, his massive sword still crackling with residual heat. He wiped a bead of sweat from his brow, a carefree grin splitting his face. "Well, what's up? Let's continue!"

His casual demeanor, a stark contrast to the earth-shattering battle he'd just fought, left the adventurers speechless. Amelia, still grappling with the revelation of his identity, couldn't help but compare him to other heroes she'd encountered. They were typically stoic figures, their faces etched with the weight of responsibility and the burden of their power. Sebastian, however, seemed to exude an almost infectious joy, a genuine enthusiasm that seemed at odds with his legendary status.

"You… you seem different," Amelia finally managed to stammer, her voice laced with a mixture of awe and curiosity.

Sebastian chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Different? How so?"

"Other heroes… they're usually… well, cold," Amelia admitted, her cheeks flushing slightly under his gaze. "They don't… smile like you do."

A thoughtful expression crossed Sebastian's face. "Ah, I see," he said, his voice turning serious for a moment. "Perhaps it's because I don't see myself as a hero. I'm just an adventurer, the same as you. We all have our strengths, and sometimes, a smile can be just as powerful as a sword."

His words resonated with the young mage, who nodded in agreement. The image of the stoic, emotionless hero began to crumble, replaced by the understanding that even the most powerful individuals were still humans, capable of warmth and camaraderie. The realization filled Amelia with a newfound sense of kinship with the legendary S-Rank adventurer, a feeling that transcended the vast difference in their power levels.

"Alright, let's get back to it," Sebastian declared, his grin returning. "We've got a dungeon to conquer, and I wouldn't want to miss all the fun."

With renewed determination, the adventurers rallied behind their unexpected savior. Sebastian, the beacon of warmth and unwavering courage, had not only saved them from the Titan but had also instilled within them a newfound perspective on heroism. They were no longer just a ragtag group facing insurmountable odds; they were comrades, united in their pursuit of adventure, with a legendary warrior leading the charge. And as they ventured deeper into the A-Class dungeon, the memory of Sebastian's words echoed in their hearts: sometimes, a smile could be just as powerful as a sword.

"Lily!" Sebastian called out, his voice booming through the cavernous space.

Lily, the young mage, turned towards him, a questioning look in her eyes. "Yes, Sebastian?" she replied, her voice laced with a hint of awe.

"Tell me about this dungeon," Sebastian instructed, his gaze sweeping over the passage they had just emerged from. "Anything you can glean from the architecture, the monsters we encountered, or the puzzles."

Lily nodded, her mind already racing. "From what I've observed," she began, "this seems to be an ancient dwarven structure. The craftsmanship is meticulous, and the mechanisms are intricate. The goblins we fought could be remnants of a guardian force, perhaps corrupted or enslaved by some unknown power."

"And the Titan?" Sebastian interjected, his brow furrowed in thought.

"It appears that the Titan was… well, a significant obstacle," Lily admitted, a slight blush creeping onto her cheeks. "Perhaps not the final boss, but certainly a mini boss."

A chuckle escaped Sebastian's lips. "A mini-boss? That thing was practically a mountain! Haha, I guess we shouldn't underestimate the dwarves' security measures."

His attempt at humor was lighthearted, a way to ease the tension after their harrowing encounter. Despite his casual demeanor, he knew the Titan was no laughing matter. It was a powerful entity, and its presence served as a stark reminder of the dangers that lurked within the depths of the dungeon.

Emerging from the passage, the adventurers found themselves standing before a sight that took their breath away. The cavernous space before them was immense, its ceiling soaring high above, seemingly lost in the darkness. The sheer scale of the chamber spoke of the dwarven craftsmanship that had built it, a testament to a bygone era of unparalleled engineering.

In the center of the room stood a colossal structure, a perfect square rising from the ground with sides that stretched as far as the eye could see. Its surface was intricately carved with dwarven runes that pulsed with a faint magical glow. Three smaller doorways, each large enough to accommodate a giant, were positioned equidistantly around the base of the structure, their imposing forms hinting at the challenges that might lie beyond.

But the most captivating element of the room was the massive door that dominated the far wall. It dwarfed everything else in the chamber, its height reaching towards the unseen ceiling, its width seemingly capable of swallowing whole buildings. Carved from a single slab of obsidian, its surface was etched with intricate symbols that hummed with a latent power.

A hush fell over the adventurers as they took in the awe-inspiring sight. The encounter with the Titan had left them shaken, but it had also instilled in them a sense of determination. This was the heart of the dungeon, the place they had been striving to reach. And now, with Sebastian leading the way, they were ready to face whatever secrets lay beyond those imposing doors.

"So… this is when you guys found the Titan?" Sebastian asked, his gaze sweeping across the colossal structure before them.

"Correct!" Lily confirmed, her voice echoing slightly in the vast chamber. "When we opened the wall with the key, the Titan was just standing right here," she added, pointing towards the narrow gap that still partially obscured the central square.

Amelia, still shaken by the encounter, stepped forward and continued, "It was… terrifying. We weren't prepared for something of that magnitude."

Sebastian nodded grimly, understanding the weight of her words. He had seen the aftermath of the battle, the Titan's rage etched into the very fabric of the dungeon. "But you managed to escape," he stated, a hint of admiration lacing his voice. "That in itself is a testament to your courage and resourcefulness."

The adventurers exchanged glances, a mixture of relief and apprehension washing over them. They had survived the Titan, but the true challenge likely lay within the colossal structure before them. The three imposing doorways and the massive obsidian door at the far end loomed large, each a potential gateway to untold dangers and untold rewards.

"So," Sebastian said, his voice breaking the tense silence, "which door do we tackle first?"

The adventurers stood before the three imposing doorways, each a potential gateway into the unknown. The silence that hung in the air was thick with anticipation and a healthy dose of trepidation. Each door held the promise of adventure, but also the potential for danger.

Lily, ever the strategist, stepped forward, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Perhaps," she began, "we should consider the layout. The central square seems like the heart of this structure, and the three smaller doors likely lead to separate areas. The massive door at the far end might be the ultimate objective, but reaching it could require solving puzzles or overcoming challenges within these smaller chambers."

Amelia, still shaken by the Titan encounter, voiced her concern. "But what if one of the smaller doors leads to another Titan? We barely escaped the first one."

Sebastian, his gaze fixed on the colossal structure, offered a reassuring smile. "True, we now know what we're up against, and with careful planning and teamwork, we can overcome any obstacle."

His words instilled a renewed sense of determination in the group. They had faced a Titan and survived, and that feat had forged a bond of trust and resilience amongst them. Now, they were a team, and they would approach each door with caution and a unified strategy.

After a brief discussion, they decided to explore the three smaller doorways first. Each door presented a unique challenge:

[The first door, adorned with intricate carvings depicting scenes of dwarven craftsmanship, might lead to a chamber filled with traps and guardians, testing their agility and reflexes.]

[The second door, emblazoned with a swirling rune that pulsed with arcane energy, could hold magical challenges, requiring the young mage's expertise to decipher and overcome.]

[The third door, etched with the image of a snarling beast, might unleash a horde of ferocious creatures, demanding their combat prowess and teamwork to subdue.]

The choice was difficult, with each path promising its own set of rewards and dangers. But as they stood before the colossal structure, the adventurers knew that their journey had just begun. With Sebastian leading the way, they were ready to delve deeper into the secrets of the A-Class dungeon, one door at a time.

A low rumble suddenly echoed through the room, then there was a tremor that shook the ground beneath their feet. The adventurers watched in astonishment as the three smaller doorways began to shift and grind. With a series of mechanical clicks and groans, the individual doors seamlessly merged into a single, colossal doorway, dwarfing even the massive obsidian door at the far end of the room.


The once distinct entrances had vanished, and in their place stood a lone portal of imposing size. The intricate carvings and symbols that adorned the individual doors now formed a unified design on the newly formed monolith, its surface radiating an otherworldly glow.

A stunned silence descended upon the adventurers. The unexpected transformation of the doorways left them speechless, a sense of awe and trepidation warring within them. This wasn't just a change in access; it was a shift in the very nature of their challenge. There was no longer the three distinct paths they had considered; instead, there was a single, imposing gateway that held the promise of even greater dangers and, perhaps, even greater rewards.

With a mixture of apprehension and newfound determination, the adventurers turned their gaze towards the colossal doorway. They had come this far, facing Titans and overcoming unforeseen obstacles. Now, they stood before a unified challenge, a gateway that demanded their combined strength and ingenuity. With Sebastian at their head, they would venture into the unknown, ready to face whatever secrets lay beyond the newly formed door, the ultimate gateway within the heart of the A-Class dungeon.

Sebastian, his voice ringing with unwavering determination, addressed the adventurers. "Let's go, everyone, let's face whatever lies beyond this door. Remember, if any of you are below A-Rank, stay back. This is where I take the lead. I won't let anything harm you."

His words, laced with both confidence and protectiveness, resonated with the group. They knew Sebastian's strength, having witnessed his battle against the Titan. While some might have felt a pang of pride at the prospect of showcasing their own abilities, they also understood the wisdom in his caution. This was uncharted territory, and the potential dangers were unknown.

Amelia, her voice firm despite the lingering fear, stepped forward. "We'll have your back, Sebastian. We'll support you in any way we can."

Lily, her eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and trepidation, nodded in agreement. "Your magical prowess will be invaluable, Sebastian. We'll rely on your expertise to navigate any magical challenges that may arise."

The other adventurers, their faces etched with a mixture of apprehension and resolve, voiced their own words of support. They were a team, and they would face this challenge together, with Sebastian leading the charge.

With a final, deep breath, Sebastian placed a hand on the colossal door. The intricate carvings pulsed with renewed energy as he touched them, and the massive portal began to grind open with a low, ominous groan. A wave of anticipation washed over the group as they peered into the darkness beyond, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and exhilaration.

The unknown awaited them, shrouded in the depths of the colossal doorway. But with Sebastian at their side, they were ready to face whatever dangers lurked within, their bond of trust and their combined skills their only weapons against the secrets the A-Class dungeon held within its heart. As they stepped through the portal, the adventurers knew that this was just the beginning of their most perilous, and potentially most rewarding, adventure yet.


< Chapter 10 > Fin.