
The afternoon sun continued its relentless descent, baking the cobblestone streets in a hazy heat. The group sat in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the distant city symphony and the occasional clink of their mugs. 

Suddenly, a group of students from a rival academy, Huin Academy, strolled into view, their blue badges gleaming proudly on their chests.

Marlowe, was the first to notice. 

"Hmm...?" she murmured, raising an eyebrow. "Don't those guys look like they're from Huin Academy?"

The boys, followed her gaze. 

"Yeah," one of them confirmed, his voice tight. 

"They're definitely from Huin, judging by their badges. And those blue codes..." he trailed off, his eyes widening slightly. 

"Seems like some strong contenders."

The Huin students stopped, their initial unawareness giving way to a steely awareness. Their gazes locked with the group at the cafe, a tense standoff unfolding in the dusty street.