The Kingdom

The rhythmic clip-clop of hooves finally faded as the carriages rolled to a halt before a massive gate pierced the mountainside. 

A sense of awe washed over Alex, Eve, and June as they stepped out, their eyes wide with wonder. This wasn't just any kingdom; this was the Kingdom of Knowledge.

The air crackled with a vibrant energy, a stark contrast to the quiet serenity of their own homeland. Here, magic wasn't a mere whisper; it was a living, breathing force woven into the very fabric of society. Floating metal boxes, powered by arcane runes, zipped past, carrying passengers with a futuristic hum. These weren't carriages; they were enchanted vehicles, a testament to Kingdom of Knowledge advanced magical technology.

A gasp escaped Alex's lips. "Is that… a car?" he stammered, pointing towards a sleek, horseless carriage gliding effortlessly down a designated lane.