Divine Weapon II

The weight of her words settled heavily on Alex. Destined for something greater? He was just a guy with system who lost in this world. The idea of wielding such a powerful weapon, of living up to its legacy, filled him with a thrilling mix of excitement and terror.

"I...I don't know what to say, Anya. This is all so sudden..."

A mischievous glint sparked in Alex's eyes as a daring idea took root in his mind. 

He reached into the infinite depths of his inventory, a feature entirely unknown to Anya, and retrieved a duplicate Divine Hammer an item from his past grinding days in "The Old Quest." 

Well i already have one by get it with 1% chance… back i was still a gamer.

With a smile, he presented the hammer to Anya. "It's yours, and always will be. This one just… called to me too, I suppose."