Resting Days III

As the Malinois vanished, a collective sigh of relief rippled through the blessed students. 

The room, once filled with bravado, now held a newfound respect for the Zuberk students. Sweat beaded on their foreheads, a testament to the raw power they'd witnessed emanating from Alex's Sumatran tiger.

The blue-haired student, with a disarming smile aimed at Alex and Yunus, offered a placating gesture. "Sorry about that, seems he isn't too fond of foreigners."

Alex and Yunus, their nerves still thrumming, managed hesitant nods.

Extending his hand, the blue-haired student continued, "My name's Bima. These are…" he trailed off, gesturing towards his companions, who avoided eye contact, their earlier bravado replaced by a sheepish awkwardness. "Well, you'll get to know them during the spar. For now, just call me Bima."