Spar Day II

A hush fell over the crowd as the two girls walked side by side towards the center of the coliseum, a palpable energy crackled in the air.

In the center of the colosseum, a circular arena demarcated by a faint magical barrier pulsed with anticipation. Towering over them both was Rafael. Beside him, a group of student council members observed the scene with watchful eyes.

"Alright, you two know the drill. This is a fight to the finish. No backing down unless you're truly surrender. And… they scrapped the safety limitations. Go all out, within reason, of course."

Brittany, her brow furrowed in surprise, tilted her head towards Rafael. "But what about the point system? Didn't they say it was limited for safety?"

"Oh, that little detail? It seems they changed their minds. Today, you fight with your full power. Let's see what you're truly made of."