Spar Day VI

A smattering of applause broke out, hesitant and uncertain. It wasn't the thunderous ovation Rhino might have expected for a victory. Many in the crowd, their initial excitement replaced by a sense of unease, simply stared at the scene unfolding before them.

Rhino himself stood frozen, his wooden sword hanging limply at his side. 

A wave of murmuring swept through the crowd as the announcer's words echoed. 

"I didn't know he's that strong..."

Marco, rolled his eyes. "Buddy, you say that about every person you see," he said, a hint of boredom in his voice. He knew Alex had a tendency to overreact, especially when it came to displays of power.

"But this is different, Marco!" Alex countered, his voice rising slightly. "He sliced through the air with his sword! That wasn't just strength, that was pure mana!"