
June's face paled, her earlier confidence replaced by a flicker of fear. "Darn it…" she muttered under her breath. Seven hungry dogs – it was too much, even for her growing telekinetic abilities.

But then, a glint of determination steeled her eyes. Defeat wasn't an option. 

Taking a deep breath, she channeled every ounce of her remaining telekinetic energy. This was a gamble, a desperate maneuver that could leave her drained and vulnerable. But it was her only chance.

Focusing with laser-like intensity, she didn't try to create a single, large forcefield. Instead, she targeted each dog individually. With a series of mental pushes and pulls, she manipulated the air around them, creating invisible tethers of telekinetic force. The dogs, momentarily thrown off balance, yelped in confusion.

Then, with a final burst of power, June launched into action.