The Spar Continue III

"The winner is Duny from Zuberk Kingdom!" The announcer boomed, the official verdict ringing through the coliseum.

Marco, seated next to Alex, nudged him with a sly grin. "Looks like Duny can figure out his own copy, but you…"

Alex, still reeling from the events of the fight and the sudden scrutiny of his friends, turned towards Marco.

Yunus, June, and Eve all leaned in, their faces etched with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Hey, what actually happened? I was still in the restroom when things went crazy," Yunus asked, his voice laced with worry

June, piped up. "Well, from what I saw, your clone went nuts, then some kind of… angel? There was a giant portal, a big hand creature, and a leg from the sky…"

Eve, interjected before June could finish. "And you, Alex, also killed your own copy, don't you remember?".

The others all turned towards Eve, their eyes widening in surprise.