Revelation of Outer people II

A wave of understanding rippled through the room. Kings who had been bewildered moments ago now nod in acknowledgment. 

"Hey, can you tell me about anyone else who's come here from another world? Like me, I mean."

Aseira, pursed her lips. "As far as we know, there's only one other person from another world still alive among us. He's… rather peculiar. He seems unaffected by the passage of time, never aging or dying. His name is Adika, but his whereabouts are currently unknown. We haven't been able to locate him."

Alex frowned, a strange feeling of familiarity washing over him. "Adika," he murmured, the name echoing in his mind. "That sounds kind of familiar…"

"Maybe it's a friend from back home, huh?" Akiko teased.

Alex shook his head, a sliver of unease gnawing at him. "I don't know," he admitted, the name resonating with a strange sense of recognition he couldn't quite place.