Find Adika II

With a curious glance at Alex, she excused herself and headed towards the living room. Alex, unable to resist his own curiosity, followed close behind.

As Linda entered the living room, Alex saw a tall, slender elf standing there. He had flowing green hair, with a single, distinctive white streak running through it. His eyes widened in surprise as he saw his mother.

"Mother!? I thought you wouldn't be back for another 200 years!"

Linda chuckled sheepishly. "Surprise! Actually, I came back a bit early. And…" she trailed off, glancing towards Alex, who was standing in the doorway. "I brought a friend… well, not exactly a friend…"

A flustered blush crept up her cheeks as she realized how strange it must sound to introduce a god as just a friend to her elven son.

The young elf turned his gaze towards Alex, who offered a friendly smile and a small wave.