Chapter V: Visit to Pope Borgia, a Dream Come True

"What the h-"

"Antonio! I'm tired of your behavior!"

Saying that, suddenly he pounced on me, like a lion on its prey.

"Cesare, let go of me!" I said, struggling.

"Antonio! Do you think I'm not capable of hurting you? Do you think that here, at the Vatican, a stranger like you could be taken seriously?"

"Wait, what?"

"Exactly! Not even the cardinal's secretary would take notice of you if you didn't know someone here. So, I'm your savior! Don't you realize that?"

"Let go of me! It hurts, you pervert!"

"Am I that? I've never done anything to you directly, and you've always insulted me and spoken to me coldly, even after I canceled my plans yesterday to be with you! Plus, I look like this because I heard about body heat being more helpful..."

"I didn't ask you to do that...Anyway, in two weeks we'll be strangers. I don't want to get attached to you just to be separated so abruptly..."

"No need to...Plus, where is that dedicated priest you were talking about? Were you talking about someone else? You don't know what I've been through, and finally, when I'm not alone anymore, I'm considered a pervert and looked at with coldness!"

"I-I'm sorry! I-I didn't know..."

"Of course, you didn't...I didn't want to burden you with my own problems. That's why, from now on, for two weeks, I'll be in town...I can't stand your coldness anymore!"


I grabbed Cesare's hand as he tried to leave, and he fell on top of me. Finally, our eyes met. Now I could see his wonderful eyes up close. But I knew those eyes were full of sadness, more than anger. The red and blue in his eyes seemed to merge, and he looked at me sadly. Plus, I could finally see him in his true splendor. Oh God, I think I'm getting weaker and weaker. I just think it will be weird. I think...This guy has abs. I've seen different models on the internet, but he surpasses them all. Plus, he's well-endowed down there...

"Wait, don't go! I'm sorry for everything...Let me explain..."

"Now you wake up? After how cold you've been to me, you still want something from me?"

"Listen to me...I know what it's like to be alone...Until the age of 19, I was alone. Only my mother and grandmother were there for me...I hid among books and ended up adoring books more than people. But you, here at the Vatican, you can talk to anyone you want, and because of that..."

"That's exactly why I'm so alone! Nobody has been there for me since I was born...Dad forced me to become a priest, Mom loved my sister more, and the others looked at me with fear. But you're different...Or so I thought!"

I can't believe I'm the reason those wonderful eyes of Cesare are filled with tears. I can never forgive myself! Forgive me, Lord, but if I have to break my vows, I will!


I couldn't help it and I rested his head on my chest...I think it was a pretty bad idea, because my heart started beating faster. I just hope he doesn't notice...He started crying again, and I stroked his head. I can't believe such a perfect exterior can hide such great pain.

"It's okay, I'm here," I tried to reassure him.

"Antonio, promise me you'll stay with me forever!"

"I don't think I can promise that... I have to go back! The cardinal won't accept me staying longer... Don't you think I want to?"

"We'll make him agree, and then everything will be over!"

"I-I can't... You don't understand!"

"What's there to understand? Then, I'll come with you!"

"You can't! You can't give up the privilege of being in the eternal city, Rome, to come to a forgotten country!"

"Then, just calm down a bit!"

Silence. How much we need it. Now, more than ever. I feel like I'm caught between heaven and earth. I need to get up there, but I can't. I can't do it alone!

"I was actually thinking of taking you somewhere," Cesare interrupted the silence.


"To meet the Pope, where else?"

"Excuse me?!"

Me? Meet Pope Borgia? I can't believe it's true. I think my mind is playing tricks on me, or Cesare is saying things without sense. I couldn't believe something like that.

"I can't believe something like that... You can't possibly arrange something like that," I said skeptically.

"Where do you think I was all day yesterday? We just got the response last night that the pope wants to see us today, so let's go!"

"Go where?"

"Where? I told you we're going to the tailor for clothes... I can't let you wear that cassock in front of the Pope..."

Well, it's morning, so we're off to the tailor. The meeting with His Holiness is in 7 hours, at 2:00 p.m. Although I'm very scared and excited, I hope it goes well.

We arrived at the tailor, who was a rather young woman. She takes my measurements, which annoyed Cesare. It's the first time I've seen him so changed.

"Cesare, they're just measurements!" I tried to calm him down.

"I don't care, let her do them and be done with it!"

"If you keep staring at her like that, she won't be able to do it!"

"Fine... I'll wait outside to calm down a bit!"

After 10 minutes, I also went outside. Cesare was leaning against the wall of the tailor's shop, talking to himself...

Cesare POV:

It seems he doesn't hate me that much after all. But I'm still afraid of losing him. Why? Why does it hurt so much when someone is close to him? I guess it was a bad idea to let him come to the tailor's shop. I could have talked to Sister Catherine to take his measurements, couldn't I? She wouldn't have done anything weird because she admires him... The thing with the angel and others.

Antonio POV:

How strange... I've never seen him so pensive. Maybe he's thinking about how to make me stay with him, but I can't. Maybe I would like to stay at the Vatican, with him and Sister Catherine, close to the Pope and others... But-

"Antonio, is it over?" Cesare interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes... It wasn't anything special, but she said it will be ready in 3-4 hours. I was just thinking, why so fast?"

"Maybe because you have the perfect body and they were inspired?"

"Mm, I'm sure it's not that!"

"I have to tell you something... It's a mandatory thing when you enter in front of the Pope. You know, you have to kiss his ring and right foot. I know you might not-"

"I already knew that, although... Thanks!"

The thing about kissing rings and similar gestures is quite outdated, but in the 15th century, it was commonplace. In the 21st century, such things are no longer encountered, remaining only in the tradition of the pre-20th century.

Suddenly, I saw something from a distance that caught my attention. A woman holding her child's hand was begging for alms from passersby. My warm heart couldn't see that without saying anything.

"Cesare, cancel the order!" I said with sadness.

"Excuse me? But how will you present yourself-"

"That doesn't matter! What's important is that we need to help the needy around us... A cassock is not more important than the poor!"

"Antonio! That's my gift for you. Let the Church take care of the poor, not us."

"Cesare, we are the Church! I can't agree with expensive gifts when people around me are dying of hunger! That's why I was mocked by my own bishop... If you want to do it, go ahead, but..."

"Come with me!"

Together with Cesare, we approached the woman with the child who was begging. When she saw us, the child started crying.

"Mom, mom, bad people!" the child said, breaking my heart into pieces.

"Leave us alone! The Church has done so much harm to the people around us that we don't trust you anymore. Do you think you can hide your sins like this?"

I was stunned. I had heard of priests who were hated by people because of their immoral activities, but it's not right to generalize. I'm different!

"Ma'am, can we talk for a moment?" I tried to engage in the conversation.

"With you, the Church? So immoral? Never!"

"Antonio, let's go!"

"No... I won't leave anyone behind! Cesare, please step away for a moment!"


After making sure he was far enough, I started talking to the woman.

"Ma'am, not all priests are like that! Maybe many will be, but you have to trust people, even if many of them are bad!"

"Father, you won't understand what the poor are going through... Priests always have palaces, apartments full of jewelry, and we... What do we have?"

"You have each other... You have families! You have the power to change something through your way of being!"

"We? Change something? It's like telling us to commit suicide! We can only endure, that's all!"

"Don't forget one thing... I'm here for you!" I tried to encourage the woman.

"As if that makes us not hungry anymore! It's no use giving us words if we're starving!"

"Look, it's not much, but it's all I have! Take it all. Buy some food and live on! Maybe things will change for the better for you!"

"F-Father... This helps us for two months for food. You're different from the other priests here... You're an angel!"

"No, I'm not... I'm a priest!"

"May the Lord help you! Thank you very much! Say "Thank you", son!"

"T-Thank you!"

"What's your name, son?"

"M-Marcus!" the woman's son answered shyly.

"Father, we won't forget you! We'll pray for you!"

"I hope the Lord hears you!"

Now, after being left penniless, I don't have money to return home. If I remain bankrupt, I will beg, and maybe someone will take pity on me. Maybe. Until then, let's go to the Pope!

I just got out of the tailor's shop with my new cassock. It fits me perfectly!

"Cesare, I don't know how to thank you!" I expressed my gratitude for the new gift.

"Well, maybe if..."

"And you're starting with advances again?"

"No, let's go!"

We set off for the Pope with my new cassock and Cesare. The streets were crowded with people. Cobblestone streets, full of stalls. Different buildings tastefully adorned the city center. Also, people were very surprised to see us, which made me feel embarrassed.

We arrived at the meeting place with the Pope. An old cardinal invited us to accompany him, Cesare shaking hands with him, and when I wanted to show my respect to him, the cardinal shook hands with me too. Excuse me? It doesn't matter.

We reached the door. A large door adorned with various mosaics was in front of us.

"Are you ready, Antonio?" Cesare said.

"I-I'm ready!"

We entered. I would have expected a golden chair adorned with precious stones, and the pope dressed in gold with some crown on his head. But, no! It was a rather spacious and simple room, which amazed me. The Pope himself was a tall man, with gray hair and dressed in a white cassock. I was almost overwhelmed by emotion. The Pope was reading a book, which seemed impressive to me.

"Come in!" the Pope's voice was heard.

The Pope invited us to enter, which we did. We stood in front of him, and Cesare gestured for me to bow to show my respect. However, to my surprise, the pope grabbed my shoulders and stopped me. He looked at me with joy and seeing me emotional, he stroked my head.

"It seems that you are Antonio, right?" my idol, Pope Borgia, said.

"Y-Yes! I'm just a simple priest, anyway! I'm not someone whose name should be remembered..."

"Come, have a seat!"

"I-I will stand-"

"Antonio! Do as His Holiness says," Cesare stopped me.


I'm amazed. The Pope is in front of me, and I'm sitting next to him!

"So, I've heard a lot about you from Cesare..." the Pope started the conversation.

"Your Holiness, don't pay attention to him... We are two priests-"

"Antonio, why do you speak ill of me in front of His Holiness?"

"Hm... I have a question. What studies have you done?" Pope Alexander asked me.

"I have a doctorate in Canon Law and I'm a professor at the seminary in the country I come from, but that doesn't matter!"

"Oh, wonderful! I really needed some intellectuals here!"

"N-Not... I came just because..."

"Cesare, what do you think?" the Pope addressed Cesare.

"Your Holiness... I would have a request!"

"Oh, tell me! I'm listening."

"Yes, grant me the blessing to be together with Antonio!"
