Chapter XLIII: Am I Still Worthy to Be a Judge?  

All's well that ends well, isn't it? Marcus has finally reunited with his first love, the two scoundrels have been caught and are about to be condemned, and I have regained my stigmata, the divine signs that saved me from a cruel fate. However, not everything remains the same.

"Antonio, what do you mean by 'former secretary'? Don't you want Marcus to be your secretary anymore?" Cesare asked after recovering from the shock.

"Cesare, we must leave things as they were before. Love will never lose. True love will always prevail, even if sometimes it takes longer."

We successfully completed the ceremony and all headed to the episcopal palace to change out of our celebratory attire. The only thing I regret is that my clothes were stained with blood and I doubt I'll ever be able to wear them again.

"Father Antonio, why do you look upset?" Benjamin interrupted.